
【Taishan woody plant science】——Xiang Mao Yang

author:Taishan Mountain Area
【Taishan woody plant science】——Xiang Mao Yang
【Taishan woody plant science】——Xiang Mao Yang

Family: Salicaceae Salicaceae Popurus L.

【Taishan woody plant science】——Xiang Mao Yang

Morphological characteristics: arborvitae. The bark is off-white, smooth, cracking at the base of the old stem; Twigs purple-brown, smooth; The buds are ovate, sharply pointed at the apex, resin-rich, yellow-brown, hairy or only marginal hairs. Single-leaf, alternate; The leaves are ovate to long-ovate, and the underside and petiole are densely covered with white villi; The short-branched leaves are oval, up to 9 cm long, smooth, with neatly wavy coarse teeth and shallow fine serrations at the edges, sharply pointed at the apex, and heart-shaped at the base; There are usually 2 distinct glands at the apex of the petiole.

【Taishan woody plant science】——Xiang Mao Yang

Habitat distribution: produced in the arboretum of Shandong Agricultural University. It is distributed in Shanxi and Henan.

【Taishan woody plant science】——Xiang Mao Yang

Economic use: Wood can be used for construction, furniture, etc.

Contributed by: Forest Defense Station

Editor: Scenic Rong Media Center Wang Ping

Review: Scenic Rong Media Center Fan Hongliang

【Taishan woody plant science】——Xiang Mao Yang
【Taishan woody plant science】——Xiang Mao Yang

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