
Narrated by the film Togo, based on true events

author:Biao Ge watched the play
Narrated by the film Togo, based on true events

Figure 1

At minus thirty degrees,

In the environment of strong winds above level 7,

A team of sleds is riding through a blizzard,

But the snowstorm is thick,

Completely unable to see the way down the hill,

They don't know that ahead of them is a cliff,

Narrated by the film Togo, based on true events

Figure 2

One look at the situation is not right,

As the lead dog of the sled,

It immediately took the lead in braking with its feet,

At the most critical moment,

The bobsleigh team successfully braked,

It is conceivable that in the environment of evil,

How important is a good sledding lead dog.

It is based on true events,

It tells the story of the Alaskan dog keeper Lao Wang,

And his dog Togo,

The average temperature is minus thirty-four degrees Celsius,

The minimum temperature is -60 degrees Celsius,

In a blizzard with wind speeds above seven levels,

Four hundred and twenty-six kilometers by sleigh,

delivering diphtheria serum to patients,

Thus saving the heroic deeds of the hometown,

Arras in 1925,

The professional sleigh man Lao Wang rushed home before the blizzard came,

Suddenly a herd of reindeer appeared in front of them,

Lao Wang was a little worried and shouted at the dog to ignore it,

Chasing reindeer is an instinct engraved in the genes of these sled dogs,

But the leading Togo this time is unusual,

Without too much nostalgia, but straight over,

This anomaly can only prove one problem,

That is, there is another huge amount of energy,

In forcing it against nature,

Lao Wang knows his girlfriend very well,

He knew it was going to be an unusual snowstorm.

The town is closed,

The phenomenon of the Mencolo Finch foreshadows that

Something unusual must have happened,

It turns out that diphtheria has been raging here for a week,

A lot of people are infected,

And five children have died,

If there is no serum,

The mortality rate is very high,

Managers and sledders all come together,

Narrated by the film Togo, based on true events

Figure 3

They're talking about how to do it.

Transporting viral serums out of the city,

It has been proposed that an airplane could be used,

So is this solution feasible?

But the air freight method was immediately refuted.

After all, the water-cooled convertible wants to be in the wind and snow weather of minus tens of degrees,

Safe flight is impossible,

But some people think that the weather may not be so bad,

So they asked Lao Wang, who had just returned from outside.

Lao Wang said that in the twelve years of Togo,

Not once without chasing reindeer,

But this time he was terrified.

Instead, he ran straight home.

An unprecedented snowstorm is coming.

The mayor asked, "If you say that in this kind of weather, how long does it take to go back and forth?"

"It's not a matter of time, it's about whether you can come back alive",

The crowd panicked,

The people placed their last hopes on the old king,

But I didn't expect to be rejected by Lao Wang,

The old king who just escaped the snowstorm,

Nature does not want to risk one's life,

It's almost indistinguishable from going straight to the execution ground.

But when he saw the dying children in the hospital,

His compassion gradually became ignorant,

After returning home,

Lao Wang began to wax the sleigh,

After the wife saw it, she immediately understood Lao Wang's intentions,

Even Lao Wang did not say,

But in the face of those children who struggle and live and die,

He also understands that there are some things driven by a sense of morality.

I can't shirk myself,

The wife knows not to persuade lao wang,

He also hopes that this time the way is not Togo,

Togo is twelve years old,

Completely into the state of old age,

It is not suitable for work that is too long at all,

And Lao Wang himself did not realize,

He was too dependent on Togo,

This will most likely make this loyal dog,

Desperately trying to cooperate with the master to achieve the goal,

The wife knows very well,

If this happens,

Then the husband will surely blame himself,

Because Lao Wang must not be able to accept this kind of emotional regurgitation,

And she loves this leading dog too much,

Thinking that this is likely to be,

Spend the last hours with Togo yourself,

Her heart is like a knife,

But Lao Wang said that if it is in this kind of weather,

I don't bring Togo's words,

Then this will be the last few hours you spend with me.

Narrated by the film Togo, based on true events

Figure 4

That's it,

Despite the burning fears,

But in order to make the husband's mind as usual,

The wife pressed against the great sorrow,

Laughing with Lao Wang, he said,

Maybe we can go for a picnic in this weather.

But the outward strength is actually,

Hidden within the flow of the heart,

After all, this is likely to be her last farewell to her husband.

The people of the town also spontaneously looked at the distance,

Because this man carries the hope of the whole village,

In this contest of life and death with the god of death,

If Lao Wang is the core force,

So many brothers are the left arm and right arm of this power,

But the position of the lead dog,

It's not easy to get, either.

Togo used to have a lot of bumps on this road,

Togo, who was a cub twelve years ago,

I'm going through a pain,

Lao Wang's wife couldn't bear to put it in the dog farm,

So let it recuperate in the bedroom,

But this is clearly broken,

The domestication rules for dogs not to enter the bedroom,

In Lao Wang's view,

Alaska is such a desperate place,

Never pity the weak,

And this puppy not only has a defect on its head,

Physical fitness is not strong,

So survival of the fittest,

Weak people like this should be eliminated,

And even if Togo survives,

Its genes will not contribute anything to this breed,

But the wife has its opinion,

She said that at least Togo has a strong will to live,

I can't resist my wife's insistence,

Lao Wang had to reluctantly keep it,

After recovering from his illness, Togo returned to his former madness,

The dog farm can't shut it down at all.

Because it can dig holes and escape anyway,

The old king was disgusted,

In the eyes of a professional sleigh man,

Togo's mind is not all strong,

And not trained at all,

All of this violates the chance to become a qualified sled dog,

So it is useless to stay,

Lao Wang decided to risk displeasing his wife,

Send this demon away,

In his eyes,

These animals are not pets,

Nor are they friends.

Not even family,

They're just tools of labor.

But the wife's view is clearly the opposite,

But if you can predict the prophet,

The wife does not have to feel unhappy about it,

It didn't take long,

Friends are disgusted,

Sent this demon back,

As for why,

He said only three words, "Not worth it",

Now Togo has long since become a calm,

Determined lead dog,

In this windy and snowy weather,

It's easy to misjudge the road,

Even the experienced Lao Wang can't completely avoid it,

Narrated by the film Togo, based on true events

Figure 5

If you can't brake in time,

Then what awaits them is the endless abyss ahead,

Fortunately, Togo sensed the danger ahead in time,

And the emergency stop this made Lao Wang a warning,

And took measures to stop the team at the feet of death,

A good lead dog,

is to be able to overcome one's own fears,

And the rest of the team members are panicked,

those who are still determined to carry out orders,

Obviously Togo is worthy of this title,

But the price of survival in this danger is its leg injury,

will make it not run as fast as it wants,

In fact, Togo is alert-minded,

and the character of perseverance,

It has been revealed since childhood,

After Togo was sent back,

Lao Wang for his own peace,

He spent a few days,

Sealed all around the dog farm with stones,

But he clearly underestimated Togo's hands-on ability,

and a heart that yearns for freedom,

It began to dig holes according to past experience,

This also caused other friends to compete for defense,

But these friends who are only three minutes enthusiastic,

After a while, I felt very bored and sleepy,

And Togo, in the process of trial and error,

Found that there are no stones away from the iron cage,

It proves once again that some dogs can't be shut down.

One of Togo's favorite projects is to interrupt the sleigh drill,

Maybe it's just mischievous,

Maybe it also wants to be a member of the sled dogs,

Lao Wang was really angry and couldn't do anything with it,

But this is far from the level of destruction in Togo,

A herd of reindeer in the distance has aroused its energy,

Small is small but not good,

Its fast chase is fast and the pace is crooked,

They enjoy the thrill of hunting,

But this is bitter to the old king,

After all, as a driver,

But the steering wheel is not in his own hands,

This must have made him miserable,

Togo also taught his master a lesson,

This swimming lesson also really made Lao Wang,

Changed the way of thinking,

So Togo was taken from the dog farm,

Transferred to the tool room,

Although in prison,

But it is not in a hurry,

The key to escape the room is three steps,

One is careful observation,

The second is to look for clues,

The third is to solve the mystery and escape the day,

Narrated by the film Togo, based on true events

Figure 6

Obviously, Togo, who has a strong desire to survive, knows the way,

No wonder the old king would call it a devil,

There is no way lao wang found one,

A noblewoman far from home,

Give Togo to her as a pet,

Before departing, the old king repeatedly instructed the noblewoman,

This guy is not a good troublemaker.

The lady was well prepared in advance,

Put the home Togo can wear over,

All the gaps are plugged,

But I didn't expect Togo to go out,

I actually smashed the glass,

No one knows how long Togo has been running wildly.

But it finally found it.

The place it thinks is called home,

Man can be ruthless without grass and trees,

Lao Wang was really touched by it this time,

Blood stains after a long run,

It also made him feel unbearable,

But Togo strongly refused,

The kindness of the master to treat himself as a wounded man,

Thin and small, it has a heart that bears the burden of many,

Also many brothers from beginning to end disturbing behavior,

All in order to force the master,

Agree that it becomes a sled dog,

In order to calm things down as soon as possible,

The old king decided for the first time in the world,

Let Togo truly experience it,

But put it in the last row,

On the one hand, I want to try it two pounds,

On the other hand, I didn't have much hope for it.

There is a strict hierarchy inside the sled dog,

Eliza to Togo is,

Grinning at the attacking posture,

This also shows that the newcomer is not welcomed at all,

But Togo's ultimate dog licking,

But soon Eliza lost her temper,

Togo has always been stubborn and unoptimistic,

The moment the leash hangs on the body,

And it suddenly became serious,

Although it is the first time to run with it,

But it's much faster than Eliza,

And it can travel very firmly along the original path,

There is no sign of deviation,

Fledgling but eye-catching,

This made Lao Wang very surprised,

If the results are good, they will be adjusted to the front,

So Togo changed the middle position,

Maybe its speed and mind are born for the sledman,

It still keeps up with the rhythm,

And for the master's steering instructions,

It is more agile than the lead dog,

In the end, it proved to Lao Wang with practical actions,

I am not a waste of firewood,

It's about having a natural talent for leadership,

Back to the present to see that Togo's front foot has been injured,

Lao Wang decided to postpone the trip,

First go to the caravanserai along the way for togo treatment,

After a brief break,

Lao Wang continued on his journey,

To save time,

He didn't choose to go the big way,

Instead, he walked up to the ice that he couldn't see.

Narrated by the film Togo, based on true events

Figure 7

Sleds drive on it,

From time to time, there is the sound of ice cracking,

The cracking sound struck Lao Wang's trembling heart,

Although cracks appear from time to time,

But the sleigh squad cannot hesitate,

They can only make a desperate bet,

Run forward,

At this time, the blizzard is getting stronger,

The temperature is already approaching minus fifty degrees Celsius,

Winds as high as eighty miles per hour,

The mayor told the newspaper about what had happened in the town,

As soon as the newspaper reported,

Braking time spread throughout the United States,

Everybody is watching this race of life.

Therefore, in order to reduce the pressure on Lao Wang, the mayor of the town,

Temporary adjustments were made to the rescue,

They sent out twenty sleigh teams,

Intended to be in the form of a relay race,

Help Lao Wang complete his task,

But they underestimated Lao Wang's courage and determination,

They couldn't think of anyone.

It will be in a snowstorm,

Venture through fragile straits,

So Lao Wang's speed far exceeded their estimates,

If the relay team and Lao Wang cannot successfully dock,

The old king ran away in vain this trip,

The serum can not be sent in time,

At this time, Lao Wang, who travels day and night, has not closed his eyes for 24 hours,

He completely lost his ability to judge,

Can only rely on the impression of Togo,

Carry them on,

At this time, the relay team just lost his hand,

Despite desperately chasing and shouting in the back,

Narrated by the film Togo, based on true events

Figure 8

But it turns out that

This is just that he is unilaterally doing useless work,

He lay desperately on the snow,

People's sensory abilities are limited,

Togo is very talented,

As a lead dog,

Although the master did not give the order to stop,

But after skimming over Henry's line,

It may smell some sort of contact rule in the human world.

So it stopped on its own and woke up its sleepy master,

They hugged each other tightly,

Because they know such a rendezvous,

How hard-won,

The serum has been successfully transferred,

Then Lao Wang only needs to fight back home,

But the weather has already gotten worse,

And Togo, in order to cooperate with the master, rushed forward,

This time Lao Wang still chose to cross the dangerous strait,

In order to send the serum back as soon as possible,

This time, however, the ice is more sinister.

Human beings will become helpless in this dangerous situation.

Not to mention animals that are more sensitive to the forces of nature,

The reason why Togo can be praised by all the sleigh people,

It is because in the special moment of danger,

Not only can it overcome the instinctive fear of animals,

And you can also make your own judgment on how to choose,

Kill a way to live in a better way,

Finally come to the other side where you can survive,

But the gap between the ice floes and the shore has split a gap between life and death.

They were only thirty-two kilometers from the next station.

The next road is also relatively easy,

Taking into account the physical condition of Togo,

The old king decided to unload his burden,

But Togo insisted on continuing to lead,

After so many crises,

Its persistence may be true,

Just worried that other teammates can't put the master,

Safely bring back a warm home,

The bad weather that the wind and snow have been raging for a hundred years has finally arrived,

In this visibility,

Human visual ability is close to zero,

Want to go through the last part of the road,

Lao Wang can no longer play any role,

So he said to Togo,

Sorry I can't see it.

You take us to the next station,

I know you can do it,

From the beginning of this team to the present,

They are constantly challenging the limits of survival,

Even the best sledders,

Nor can I escape the physical sleepiness,

Lao Wang eventually fell tired on the sleigh,

Their lives and deaths have now all been handed over to Togo,

Narrated by the film Togo, based on true events

Figure 9

Awaken to the silence of heaven and earth,

Lao Wang's children also lay motionless on the snow,

If you stop now,

Then they will all be buried here,

He told Togo, almost pleadingly,

If we don't move on,

We're all going to die.

But Togo is unusually calm,

Maybe it's too tired,

Or maybe it's done with its mission.

A light behind it finally proves,

Togo gave this team the right to live,

Since then, Lao Wang and other bobsleigh players,

Finally successfully completed the relay,

After relay after relay,

but it has been successfully transported to the town,

But the newspaper only focused on it.

The last sledding team to relay,

For a time he and his dog became the local star,

But people know in their hearts,

Who are the real heroes,

They all gave the same thing to the old king,

Sent blessings and goods,

Togo's front foot was badly injured,

Can no longer take on the responsibility of sled dogs,

Lao Wang hopes that Togo can rest,

But it is clear that Togo's original intention has not changed,

Still the restless Erha,

Narrated by the film Togo, based on true events

Figure 10

Since then,

Wherever Lao Wang goes,

He'll take Togo with him,

Two years later Togo rose to fatherhood,

And its descendants are scrambled by the locals.

Narrated by the film Togo, based on true events

Figure 11

This issue of the story ends here, there are different views welcome to discuss it in the comment area, thank you for your support and attention.

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