
Mandala Punch Card [Heart] Day 99 [Heart] Today I followed Sharon to clean up the relationship with my mother, drawing for 60 minutes. [Bi Xin] cleans up the relationship with the mother, and reconciliation with the mother can be improved

author:Love and warmth Lin XVII

Mandala Punch Card [Heart] Day 99

[Heart] cleaned up the relationship with his mother with Sharon today, and carefully drew 60 minutes.

[Bi Xin] clean up the relationship with the mother, and reconciliation with the mother can improve the relationship with the people around you, and you can also improve the relationship with yourself, so it is very important. You can see the reaction of the people in the salon and take a short cut.

[Bi Xin] My fine paintings finally carried a hint of pyrotechnics, before, I was very cold and unsociable, no joy, no love to associate with people, but now from the mandala you can see the joy and the gradual love for red dust.

[Prayer] Thanksgiving mandala for every day's company, let me get better and better in all aspects [heart] @ love and warmth Lin Seventeen #什么是幸福的人生 #

Mandala Punch Card [Heart] Day 99 [Heart] Today I followed Sharon to clean up the relationship with my mother, drawing for 60 minutes. [Bi Xin] cleans up the relationship with the mother, and reconciliation with the mother can be improved
Mandala Punch Card [Heart] Day 99 [Heart] Today I followed Sharon to clean up the relationship with my mother, drawing for 60 minutes. [Bi Xin] cleans up the relationship with the mother, and reconciliation with the mother can be improved
Mandala Punch Card [Heart] Day 99 [Heart] Today I followed Sharon to clean up the relationship with my mother, drawing for 60 minutes. [Bi Xin] cleans up the relationship with the mother, and reconciliation with the mother can be improved
Mandala Punch Card [Heart] Day 99 [Heart] Today I followed Sharon to clean up the relationship with my mother, drawing for 60 minutes. [Bi Xin] cleans up the relationship with the mother, and reconciliation with the mother can be improved

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