
#人人能科普, there is a new knowledge # animal kingdom of chronic brown-throated sloth, also known as brown-throated three-toed sloth or Bolivian tree otter, is a three-toed sloth in Central and South America. Brown-throated sloth

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#人人能科普, there are new knowledge # chronic sub-animal kingdoms everywhere

The brown-throated sloth, also known as the brown-throated three-toed sloth or Bolivian grogger, is a three-toed sloth in Central and South America. The brown-throated sloth is the most widely distributed sloth , found in a variety of different environments , including evergreen and arid forests and undeveloped areas , and eats mostly leaves. Brown-throated sloths have a gentle temperament and like to move alone, but they are very lazy and spend their lives in a slow rhythm.

It is very snoozing, about 17-18 hours a day and night, during the day often picks a leafy treetop, hooks the branches on the head with its forelimbs, leans its body against the trunk, bends its head to the chest, and does not move for several hours so it is difficult to be found. It is usually slow, appearing to be weak, three claws firmly grasp the trunk, each step takes about 12 seconds, the fastest movement per minute can only move 1.8-2.4 meters, is the world's slowest mammal, even slower than the reptile turtle #sloth #

#人人能科普, there is a new knowledge # animal kingdom of chronic brown-throated sloth, also known as brown-throated three-toed sloth or Bolivian tree otter, is a three-toed sloth in Central and South America. Brown-throated sloth
#人人能科普, there is a new knowledge # animal kingdom of chronic brown-throated sloth, also known as brown-throated three-toed sloth or Bolivian tree otter, is a three-toed sloth in Central and South America. Brown-throated sloth
#人人能科普, there is a new knowledge # animal kingdom of chronic brown-throated sloth, also known as brown-throated three-toed sloth or Bolivian tree otter, is a three-toed sloth in Central and South America. Brown-throated sloth
#人人能科普, there is a new knowledge # animal kingdom of chronic brown-throated sloth, also known as brown-throated three-toed sloth or Bolivian tree otter, is a three-toed sloth in Central and South America. Brown-throated sloth
#人人能科普, there is a new knowledge # animal kingdom of chronic brown-throated sloth, also known as brown-throated three-toed sloth or Bolivian tree otter, is a three-toed sloth in Central and South America. Brown-throated sloth
#人人能科普, there is a new knowledge # animal kingdom of chronic brown-throated sloth, also known as brown-throated three-toed sloth or Bolivian tree otter, is a three-toed sloth in Central and South America. Brown-throated sloth
#人人能科普, there is a new knowledge # animal kingdom of chronic brown-throated sloth, also known as brown-throated three-toed sloth or Bolivian tree otter, is a three-toed sloth in Central and South America. Brown-throated sloth
#人人能科普, there is a new knowledge # animal kingdom of chronic brown-throated sloth, also known as brown-throated three-toed sloth or Bolivian tree otter, is a three-toed sloth in Central and South America. Brown-throated sloth
#人人能科普, there is a new knowledge # animal kingdom of chronic brown-throated sloth, also known as brown-throated three-toed sloth or Bolivian tree otter, is a three-toed sloth in Central and South America. Brown-throated sloth

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