
Chapter 32531: The Samaritans; there is an ancient species in this world that has lasted for more than 3,000 years

author:Huang Jianbo chased the shadow

[Huang's Ancient Architecture] No. 32531: The Samaritans;

There is an ancient race in this world that has lasted for more than three thousand years, and they now have only seven hundred people left.

There is a people in this world who can move freely between Israel and the Palestinian territories.

The Samaritans were a very ancient people, descendants of a tribe that migrated to the north of the Empire of Israel more than three thousand years ago. Half of the remaining Some 700 Samaritans live in villages left behind by their ancestors on Mount Kilixin in Nablus, celebrating Passover like the Jews, but they also speak Arabic and have both Israeli and Palestinian citizenship.

The great powers of Asia are relatively indifferent, and since ancient times, they believe that "everyone sweeps the snow in front of the door, regardless of the frost on the tiles of others", sneering at the disasters of others, standing by, I call on the Orientals to learn from the Samaritans who help others!

The "Good Samaritan" derives from the parable of Jesus Christ in the New Testament 'Luke' Gospel: a Jew was robbed by robbers, seriously wounded, and lying on the side of the road. There were priests and Levites passing by but ignoring them. Only one Samaritan passed by, took good care of him despite the sectarian divide, and sent the Jews to the inn at his own expense.

In Jesus' day, the Jews despised the Samaritans as mixed-race aliens. The Samaritans have their own temple on Mount Kiripo (about 50 km north of Jerusalem). Jesus used this parable to illustrate that the criterion for identifying man is the human heart and not his identity. The Jews' own priests and Levites, though clergy, could not be saved, but their enemies became saviors.

What did the Samaritans have to pay to help the wounded Jew? First, he has to put aside his own affairs and set aside time to take care of this person. He poured oil and wine on the man's wounds, wrapped him in it, and helped him ride on his own cattle. His help did not end there, he also took the man to an inn so that he could recuperate. There are very few people who can give up their lives in this way. Previously, a sociology student did an experiment in which he pretended to fall at a busy subway station to see if anyone would come to his aid. As a result, he waited for a whole hour and no one paid attention, because everyone was concerned about their own business and did not have time to take care of others.

The Beliefs of the Samaritans were similar to those of the Israelites: Jehovah was the one true God; Moses was the chief messenger sent by God; the Book of the Law was the message of revelation; Moses instructed Joshua to build an altar on Mount Kilith as a center of worship and sacrifice, believing that Taheb was coming at the end of the day, giving them new birth, and believing that Taheb was Moses.

([Huang Jianbo Collects Wind and Shadows] #Jumboheritagelist #皇氏古建築大全 #Jumbo Huang )

Chapter 32531: The Samaritans; there is an ancient species in this world that has lasted for more than 3,000 years
Chapter 32531: The Samaritans; there is an ancient species in this world that has lasted for more than 3,000 years
Chapter 32531: The Samaritans; there is an ancient species in this world that has lasted for more than 3,000 years
Chapter 32531: The Samaritans; there is an ancient species in this world that has lasted for more than 3,000 years

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