
AnthuriumandraeanumLinden: Is a perennial evergreen herb of the genus Aspendium in the family Ascotyledonidae. Stem nodes

author:The light of the Buddha shines on me1

Anthurium andraeanum Linden: Is a perennial evergreen herb of the genus Aspendium in the family Ascotyledonaceae. The stems are short; the leaves emerge from the base, green, leathery, full margin, oblong or oval heart. The petioles are slender, the buds are flattened, leathery and waxy, orange-red or scarlet, and the fleshy spikes are yellow and can bloom continuously all year round.

Chinese name

Flower candles


Red goose paw, flamingo flower, Anzu flower, red palm

AnthuriumandraeanumLinden: Is a perennial evergreen herb of the genus Aspendium in the family Ascotyledonidae. Stem nodes
AnthuriumandraeanumLinden: Is a perennial evergreen herb of the genus Aspendium in the family Ascotyledonidae. Stem nodes
AnthuriumandraeanumLinden: Is a perennial evergreen herb of the genus Aspendium in the family Ascotyledonidae. Stem nodes
AnthuriumandraeanumLinden: Is a perennial evergreen herb of the genus Aspendium in the family Ascotyledonidae. Stem nodes
AnthuriumandraeanumLinden: Is a perennial evergreen herb of the genus Aspendium in the family Ascotyledonidae. Stem nodes
AnthuriumandraeanumLinden: Is a perennial evergreen herb of the genus Aspendium in the family Ascotyledonidae. Stem nodes
AnthuriumandraeanumLinden: Is a perennial evergreen herb of the genus Aspendium in the family Ascotyledonidae. Stem nodes
AnthuriumandraeanumLinden: Is a perennial evergreen herb of the genus Aspendium in the family Ascotyledonidae. Stem nodes
AnthuriumandraeanumLinden: Is a perennial evergreen herb of the genus Aspendium in the family Ascotyledonidae. Stem nodes

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