
"The Second Largest King Penguin Habitat, Salisbury Plain, Follow the Headlines to the South Pole (60)" #Travel ##Travel ##Antarctica ##Expedition ##Antarctic Travel # with Stonehenge

author:Dajiang talks about Latin America

"The Second Largest King Penguin Habitat, Salisbury Plain, Follow the Headlines to the South Pole (60)" #Travel # #Travel # #Antarctic # #Adventure # #Antarctic Travel #

Named after Stonehenge, salisbury Plain (latitude 54.05°S, longitude 37.35°W) ð

Mention salisbury plain (Salisbury Plain), not everyone may have a concept, but when it comes to Stonehenge in England, even if it does not necessarily have an accurate and complete picture but believe it is very familiar, Stonehenge is located in Waltershire, England, the area with trees belongs to the Cretaceous, prehistoric monuments abound. South Georgia is a British overseas territory, so it's no surprise that the use of British place names to reinforce sovereignty is located here on the northern coast of South Georgia, a large coastal plain formed by the grace glacier that was discovered during the second voyage of British Naval Colonel James Cook from 1772 to 1775.

South Georgia's second largest king penguin habitat ð§

Salisbury Plains offers spectacular wildlife experiences, including habitats for large king penguins and elephant seals. Official estimates are that 250,000 king penguins nest here during the moulting season, making it the second largest king penguin in South Georgia and one of the largest penguin colonies in the world, highlighting south Georgia and sub-Antarctic tours. Skuas can be seen around the king penguin colony, which will steal penguin eggs and even snatch smaller chicks unattended. Climb the grassy hillside, with noisy animal habitats in the near distance and bays lined with islands in the distance. Elephant seals and fur seals twist their bodies on the beach, breeding, calving and moulting.

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"The Second Largest King Penguin Habitat, Salisbury Plain, Follow the Headlines to the South Pole (60)" #Travel ##Travel ##Antarctica ##Expedition ##Antarctic Travel # with Stonehenge
"The Second Largest King Penguin Habitat, Salisbury Plain, Follow the Headlines to the South Pole (60)" #Travel ##Travel ##Antarctica ##Expedition ##Antarctic Travel # with Stonehenge
"The Second Largest King Penguin Habitat, Salisbury Plain, Follow the Headlines to the South Pole (60)" #Travel ##Travel ##Antarctica ##Expedition ##Antarctic Travel # with Stonehenge
"The Second Largest King Penguin Habitat, Salisbury Plain, Follow the Headlines to the South Pole (60)" #Travel ##Travel ##Antarctica ##Expedition ##Antarctic Travel # with Stonehenge
"The Second Largest King Penguin Habitat, Salisbury Plain, Follow the Headlines to the South Pole (60)" #Travel ##Travel ##Antarctica ##Expedition ##Antarctic Travel # with Stonehenge
"The Second Largest King Penguin Habitat, Salisbury Plain, Follow the Headlines to the South Pole (60)" #Travel ##Travel ##Antarctica ##Expedition ##Antarctic Travel # with Stonehenge
"The Second Largest King Penguin Habitat, Salisbury Plain, Follow the Headlines to the South Pole (60)" #Travel ##Travel ##Antarctica ##Expedition ##Antarctic Travel # with Stonehenge
"The Second Largest King Penguin Habitat, Salisbury Plain, Follow the Headlines to the South Pole (60)" #Travel ##Travel ##Antarctica ##Expedition ##Antarctic Travel # with Stonehenge
"The Second Largest King Penguin Habitat, Salisbury Plain, Follow the Headlines to the South Pole (60)" #Travel ##Travel ##Antarctica ##Expedition ##Antarctic Travel # with Stonehenge

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