
Qin Hao, Zhang Songwen ate the dividend fire of the suspense drama, because "The Hidden Corner", "White Night Pursuit" is very brain-burning, and the next suspense drama that follows the trend is a bit of a plot or special effects"

author:Little sister-in-law gossip

Qin Hao and Zhang Songwen ate the dividend fire of suspense dramas, because "The Hidden Corner" and "White Night Pursuit" are very brain-burning, and the suspense dramas that follow the trend are a bit "weak- and "idiot" in terms of plot and special effects.

The hit drama "The Gate of Rebirth" is starred by Zhang Yi Wang Junkai, Zhang Yi is the emperor of the film, Wang Junkai has traffic and strength, it is such a TV series that belongs to the suspense drama is a bit funny.

At the same time, I was still watching the classic eighty-six version of "Journey to the West", but I found that the special effects of Journey to the West actually exceeded thirty-six years later, and the dedication and serious effect of doing things came out of the judgment.

Suspense dramas are brain-burning for people to watch, and childish dramas are not used to spit that the suspense dramas are loved by everyone, but the high-quality suspense makes everyone want to stop # Screenwriter Yu Fei Talks about why suspense dramas are getting hotter # #影视畅聊季 #

Qin Hao, Zhang Songwen ate the dividend fire of the suspense drama, because "The Hidden Corner", "White Night Pursuit" is very brain-burning, and the next suspense drama that follows the trend is a bit of a plot or special effects"
Qin Hao, Zhang Songwen ate the dividend fire of the suspense drama, because "The Hidden Corner", "White Night Pursuit" is very brain-burning, and the next suspense drama that follows the trend is a bit of a plot or special effects"
Qin Hao, Zhang Songwen ate the dividend fire of the suspense drama, because "The Hidden Corner", "White Night Pursuit" is very brain-burning, and the next suspense drama that follows the trend is a bit of a plot or special effects"
Qin Hao, Zhang Songwen ate the dividend fire of the suspense drama, because "The Hidden Corner", "White Night Pursuit" is very brain-burning, and the next suspense drama that follows the trend is a bit of a plot or special effects"
Qin Hao, Zhang Songwen ate the dividend fire of the suspense drama, because "The Hidden Corner", "White Night Pursuit" is very brain-burning, and the next suspense drama that follows the trend is a bit of a plot or special effects"
Qin Hao, Zhang Songwen ate the dividend fire of the suspense drama, because "The Hidden Corner", "White Night Pursuit" is very brain-burning, and the next suspense drama that follows the trend is a bit of a plot or special effects"

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