
What if you find that jasmine has bugs? One. Spraying agents: Spray oxidized fruit or imidacloprid once a week. Two. Biological control: Natural enemies of pests such as ladybirds and thrips are released around the seedlings

author:Sincere elegance peacock zw

What if you find that jasmine has bugs?

One. Spraying agents:

Spray once a week with oxidized fruit or imidacloprid.

Two. Biocontrol:

Natural enemies of ladybirds, thrips and other pests are released around the seedlings.

Three. Wipe off pests:

Jasmine flowers have insects, so use a paper towel to wipe the pests off the leaves.

Four. Trim treatment:

Cut off the severely infected branches of jasmine flowers to avoid contagion.

Diligent prevention and diligent treatment, in order to be beautiful and colorful!

What if you find that jasmine has bugs? One. Spraying agents: Spray oxidized fruit or imidacloprid once a week. Two. Biological control: Natural enemies of pests such as ladybirds and thrips are released around the seedlings
What if you find that jasmine has bugs? One. Spraying agents: Spray oxidized fruit or imidacloprid once a week. Two. Biological control: Natural enemies of pests such as ladybirds and thrips are released around the seedlings
What if you find that jasmine has bugs? One. Spraying agents: Spray oxidized fruit or imidacloprid once a week. Two. Biological control: Natural enemies of pests such as ladybirds and thrips are released around the seedlings
What if you find that jasmine has bugs? One. Spraying agents: Spray oxidized fruit or imidacloprid once a week. Two. Biological control: Natural enemies of pests such as ladybirds and thrips are released around the seedlings
What if you find that jasmine has bugs? One. Spraying agents: Spray oxidized fruit or imidacloprid once a week. Two. Biological control: Natural enemies of pests such as ladybirds and thrips are released around the seedlings
What if you find that jasmine has bugs? One. Spraying agents: Spray oxidized fruit or imidacloprid once a week. Two. Biological control: Natural enemies of pests such as ladybirds and thrips are released around the seedlings

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