
【Autonomous Play】How can teachers guide children to play in self-play?

【Autonomous Play】How can teachers guide children to play in self-play?

Play is the self-expression of the child's inner activity, the product of the purest and most sacred spiritual activity of the child. Autonomous play is a positive and active activity process in which young children freely choose, develop independently and communicate spontaneously according to their own interests and needs in a certain play environment, with the purpose of happiness and satisfaction. This process is also a process in which children's interests need to be satisfied, their nature is freely expressed, and their enthusiasm, initiative, creativity are fully utilized and their personalities are sound.

As a teacher, the correct way to look at the spontaneous play behavior of young children, to see children, to understand children, and to appropriately take certain strategies to encourage and support children's spontaneous play behavior, is the real respect for children, care for nature, is the embodiment of the real children's position. Next, let's learn the teacher's guidance strategy in the children's self-directed game with The Garden.

【Autonomous Play】How can teachers guide children to play in self-play?

Educator Maslow believes that "early childhood is the most effective period for laying the foundation for intellectual development, and the process of play is the extraordinary process of intellectual occurrence, which is where play plays." The Outline also points out that "kindergartens should take play as a basic activity". This formulation fully shows the status of play in kindergarten work, play is the most important activity of young children, is one of the important means of education for the comprehensive development of young children. Children's independent play should take young children as the main body, respect the child's wishes, according to the child's wishes, teachers should provide appropriate materials, space, time and give implicit guidance, but can not interfere too much, nor can they be laissez-faire, so that independent games can be better carried out, which is conducive to promoting the overall development of children.

The importance of autonomous play

For the health of young children

and lay the foundation for the development of the movement

Children's motor development is divided into two categories: one refers to the large muscle movements, the development of walking, running, jumping, climbing, climbing and other basic movements, the development of movements is reflected in the coordination of movements, balance, strength, sensitivity, etc., children in large sports equipment spontaneous physical exercise, can promote the development of this aspect of the action.

Another type of action development refers to small muscle movements, the development of operational skills, such as some puzzles, piles and other desktop independent games and spontaneous sand games, which can play an important role in children's hand-eye coordination ability and the dexterity of movements.

Language for young children

and cognitive development escort

Self-directed play is the least stressful activity for young children, so self-play is a favorable driving force to ensure the cognitive development of young children. Problems that occur in autonomous play scenarios are more likely to stimulate children's positive thinking, take the initiative to find more ways to solve problems, and gain a variety of different experiences in play.

Teaching activities can only provide children with specific knowledge and skills, and autonomous play can enable children to obtain cognitive ability and thinking flexibility, creativity, due to the urgent need for children to communicate with each other in independent play, children's language will be rapidly developed.

Autonomous play can also attract the attention of young children, so that they can get attention and perseverance training. In the autonomous game, young children begin to reason, in the cognitive activity game, the relationship between numbers and some knowledge about the natural world and the direction of science and technology are discovered, so the innate development of children's language and cognitive development is very much needed.

Pave the way for young children's future social development

Because children freely choose playmates, so each child in the game as a member of a small group, must learn to abide by certain rules, gradually learn how to interact with peers, how to cooperate, mutual assistance, the results of disputes and contradictions between playmates during the game will give children a deepest interpersonal experience, which lays a preliminary foundation for future social cooperation.

When young children interact with their peers in autonomous play, they constantly experience the feeling of success and failure, because autonomous play is the least stressful activity, so in the game, young children experience a sense of success and victory, which is very necessary for their mental health development.

【Autonomous Play】How can teachers guide children to play in self-play?

Teacher-guided strategies in autonomous games

Autonomous play is a form of expression in children's play, and young children continue to try, discover and learn in independent play. However, teachers often attach great importance to the results of the game, and often interfere too much in the independent play of young children, and there are some misunderstandings in the process of guiding the independent play of young children. In this regard, the author has conducted in-depth thinking and analysis of the current situation, and tried some effective improvement strategies and gained some results.

Children do the master of autonomous games,

Teachers doing autonomous games as bystanders (supporters)

When children are looking for play materials and creating game themes, teachers should be silent, and silence is a kind of support. You should never take the initiative to make suggestions, but believe in the creative potential of children and give them plenty of time and space to consider. Because, in the hearts of children, the teacher is always right, the teacher's words should always be listened to, and the teacher's speech will interrupt the children's play ideas and stifle the children's creative inspiration.

【Autonomous Play】How can teachers guide children to play in self-play?

No matter how naïve the children come up with games or how blind the choice of game themes is, teachers should let go, let children experience happiness, experience failure, and teachers should be bystanders and supporters of children's independent games.

When children are free to find a partner, it can also be a game of one person, it can be a game of groups. Teachers should also not make any suggestions to give young children full freedom of choice.

In the process of play, the teacher, as a bystander, can more realistically and deeply observe the various phenomena of children's play, such as: which kind of games children prefer: which of the children have the ability to lead the game; which toys can arouse children's interest in the game; whether the time and space of the game are appropriate; whether there is a problem with the delivery of materials; what aspects of the children's cognitive experience and social level have improved, and what problems exist.

Bystandering provides a basis for teachers' education and teaching, provides clues for teachers to provide what kind of materials to young children, and what kind of knowledge and experience to prepare, so that teachers can better be supporters of children's games.

【Autonomous Play】How can teachers guide children to play in self-play?

Teachers observe carefully and pay attention to implicit guidance

The timely intervention of teachers can promote the development of games to a higher level, thereby improving the quality of games and promoting the social development of young children. For example:

"Clever words" guide

When guiding the game, the teacher uses body language such as movements, expressions, and eyes to intervene in the children's play behavior to guide. For example, the creative behavior of young children in the game, teachers should use nods, praiseful eyes, happy expressions, and even claps of hands to express affirmation, and for young children who do not abide by the rules of the game, or some behaviors that need to be stopped, teachers can use gestures, shake their heads or facial expressions to express negation.

"Role" implies

In the toddler game, we should try to give the toddler full freedom and really let them establish their own "free kingdom". This requires teachers and parents to participate in the game rather than directly direct the game. Because direct instruction will make adults as outsiders, become an authority figure, thus affecting the free movement of young children, and participation in play is more appropriate. Studies abroad have found that when adults and children play together, the game can last longer. Of course, this kind of participatory play is not simply for adults to participate in toddler games, but to transform adult characters into "players" in the eyes of young children. But don't pretend to be another toddler either – teachers and parents are just acting as "adult gamers" to help and inspire young children when necessary. Such as: playing checkers with young children, playing hide-and-seek with young children, etc., in the common game with role play, teachers as game participants can play a suitable role to guide children to gain more knowledge and experience, and harvest greater development.

Teacher timely evaluation,

Embody the power of role models and improve the quality of the game

In the middle and end of the autonomous game, the teacher should give timely, moderate, positive and positive affirmation and praise to the places where the children perform well in the autonomous games, such as imagination, persistence, the places where they can get along well with their peers during the game, as well as the ability to help their peers and take the initiative to use polite language in the independent games, so that the children's interest in participating in the independent games is higher and the enthusiasm is better. According to the psychological characteristics of young children who are easy to imitate, it will inevitably produce positive effects and make the virtuous circle repeated, which can improve the quality of autonomous games.

For example, when a toddler was playing a doll's house game, the barbecue stalls of two young children were covered with plasticine for barbecue and the stove was full of bamboo sticks, which were disorganized. The other child's stall was clean, the strings were neatly arranged, and the teacher carefully observed the child's stall around and on the ground, and there was not a little plasticine.

So the teacher said to the toddler, "Yo, your barbecue is really neatly arranged, your kitchen is really clean, and even the floor is clean, I really want you to come here as a guest, can I?" At this time, the other two children heard, quickly crouched down to pick up the plasticine on the ground, after picking up, and then cleaned up the items around the barbecue station, after a while, they cleaned up, changed the messy scene, so that the game can go on smoothly.

Children's independent play is the embodiment of life experience, what children are exposed to in life, what is possible to play in the game. Then, when some incorrect behavior occurs, teachers should intervene appropriately and use exemplary models to infiltrate them with positive attitudes and contents of life.

The guidance method of this parallel game adopted by the teacher can convey the attitude of adults to the attention of young children's play, reduce the negative effects of independent play, and the behavior of adults itself has become a model or model for young children to refer to, so that children can master the game skills.

Teachers attach importance to post-activity comments

At the end of the game, it is also crucial for the teacher to give a fair evaluation, which can guide the children to communicate spontaneously, and can also reward the children who follow the rules and have good persistence in the game in a timely manner.

Throw the problems that should be solved to the children, let the whole class discuss and communicate together, so that the children know the problem, at the same time, the teacher should also guide the children to evaluate each other, encourage the children to freely express their wishes, and share their ideas with the teachers and peers, so as to enhance the ability of children to play independently.

【Autonomous Play】How can teachers guide children to play in self-play?

Mr. Tao Xingzhi once said: Play is a way for young children to understand the world and is one of the means to educate young children. He attaches great importance to the role of life education and regards life education as the only way to transform China's education and society.

Autonomous play allows young children to have fun in play, learn while playing, and reproduce their lives through play. Autonomous play can satisfy children's desire to grow up and do some things that adults can do. In the game, children can choose the game activities that suit them according to their own interests and abilities, and find the best way for them to learn in an equal, free, relaxed and pleasant learning environment.

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