
"Speak Well": Su Jingjing's simplicity cannot nourish her love for Luo Xiu's moth-like fire

Love needs to be nourished, just as crops in the field need nutrients to grow.

The nourishment that can nourish love is hidden in your own quality character. Everyone's quality and personality are different, and the nutrients needed for each love are also different, so we will see that some loves can be healed over the years and still be happy, and some loves can be scaled all over the body or even die halfway.

Those love that is scaled or halfway through, you don't have enough nutrients to nourish it. When I saw that Luo Xiu had once again lost his temper with Su Jingjing because his photos were not selected, I was even more convinced of this.

"Speak Well": Su Jingjing's simplicity cannot nourish her love for Luo Xiu's moth-like fire

Moths fighting fire like love.

I have always felt that Su Jingjing's love for Luo Xiu is the love of a moth to a fire.

There are two reasons for this:

First of all, Su Jingjing felt that she was in love with Luo Xiu just because of some preconceived impressions, but in fact, she was just admiring Luo Xiu's talent, and as for Luo Xiu's character, she didn't know anything. This kind of love is blind, and it also hides many hidden dangers.

Secondly, after working with Luo Xiu, Su Jingjing had seen Luo Xiu's temper and emotional loss many times, and when Luo Xiu lost her temper, she also showed great fear, but she still loved him with all her heart and wanted to be with him.

"Speak Well": Su Jingjing's simplicity cannot nourish her love for Luo Xiu's moth-like fire

In order to get close to the light they yearn for, the moth will not hesitate to burn itself and turn it into ashes. Su Jingjing obviously saw Luo Xiu's shortcomings, and she was obviously afraid of that Kind of Luo Xiu, but she still couldn't help but get close to him, just to insist on her blind love. How similar are the two!

Moths put out fires, and many people say that as long as the moths themselves feel worthwhile, it is enough. But in fact, whether the moth feels worthwhile, no one knows, and it is likely that even it does not know. Because the moment it pounces on the fire, it has lost the opportunity to think about this problem.

And the love of a moth like Su Jingjing, who fights fire, has a chance to think. Unfortunately, many people don't know how to think about this problem before they are all wounded.

"Speak Well": Su Jingjing's simplicity cannot nourish her love for Luo Xiu's moth-like fire

Is such love worth it?

We often have such a misunderstanding, think that love is a very subjective thing, so there is no standard for whether the value is worth it, the key is to see what the parties think.

But in fact, the more subjective this kind of thing is, the more you should try to look at and think about it objectively and rationally. Otherwise, just follow the feelings, and once your feelings are wrong, your thoughts are wrong, you're going to go all the way to black.

Therefore, when judging whether a love is worthwhile, we can refer to two criteria: one is that happiness must be more than pain; the other is not to let the mind or body be repeatedly hurt.

Love that violates these two criteria can be judged to be unworthy.

"Speak Well": Su Jingjing's simplicity cannot nourish her love for Luo Xiu's moth-like fire

Luo Xiu's personality is the kind of person who is particularly self-righteous, especially arrogant and arrogant. Such a person, it is good to have real talent, if the talent does not match his heart, it is easy to go to extremes. In the current plot, Rosie did not show enough talent to match his heart.

He once again lost his temper with Su Jingjing because his submission was rejected, which also proved this point.

What's the problem with that? He is likely to have a long way to go in the future, repeatedly frustrated, repeatedly lose his temper, and repeatedly hurt the people who love him.

"Speak Well": Su Jingjing's simplicity cannot nourish her love for Luo Xiu's moth-like fire

And we also see that Su Jingjing is afraid of Luo Xiu's tantrums, which shows that she does not have any effective way to appease or stop Luo Xiu's irritability, then she only has the share of repeated injuries, and this process will also make her full of pain, for her, such love is not worth it.

How should girls love?

In fact, Su Jingjing is not the kind of girl who is confused and confused, on the contrary, from her words of persuasion to Yang Guang, we can see that she has her own sobriety and transparency in terms of feelings. She believes that she should actively pursue her own happiness and love the people she wants to love, which is essentially not wrong.

The point is, she doesn't know how to love someone.

"Speak Well": Su Jingjing's simplicity cannot nourish her love for Luo Xiu's moth-like fire

Loving a person, it is not that you see a certain flash of his, disregard the others, plunge into it, hit the south wall and do not look back. Instead, you should understand him as comprehensively as possible, and after you have enough confidence in his character, cultivation, character, and ideas, you should try to communicate.

The shortcomings of Rossio as a person are obvious, his irritability and emotional instability, to a lesser extent, are immature, and at the largest, they are personality defects. Such a man, you have to be with him, unless you yourself have a strong enough heart to continuously output nutrients to supply the relationship, otherwise, you will eventually be exhausted and scarred.

And Su Jingjing is not the kind of girl with a strong heart at all, she is too simple, simply thinking that loving someone can not consider anything, as long as she is with him, even if it is hurt, even if the man has a very terrible side, she has no remorse.

"Speak Well": Su Jingjing's simplicity cannot nourish her love for Luo Xiu's moth-like fire

To put it bluntly, she is actually a wayward little girl, who has never thought about the true appearance of this love, and is not mentally prepared to accept such a love.

Her innocence really couldn't nourish her love for Rosie. She couldn't heal Luo Xiu in a short period of time, nor did she have enough strength to resolve the pain and hurt that Luo Xiu had brought her, she was just blindly bearing the hidden tolerance. When this feeling exhausted her patience and courage, all she had left was despair and trauma.

Write at the end:

In fact, we can foresee that the ending of the TV series should be beautiful, because it must satisfy our yearning and expectations for love. However, I would like to say that in life, if a girl meets a man like Rosie, you really should not blindly invest in this love.

"Speak Well": Su Jingjing's simplicity cannot nourish her love for Luo Xiu's moth-like fire

It is not that you absolutely cannot love, but you must fully consider whether you have the ability to heal the other party, and whether you have enough internal nutrients for this love to consume, such as enough tolerance, warmth, the ability to soothe the other party, and the ability to digest the negative emotions absorbed from the other party.

If you can do that, you can try it. If you are like Su Jingjing, just a girl who simply wants to enjoy sweet love, then I advise you to stay away as soon as possible. Because you can't nourish that kind of consumption, and eventually you will only become a moth to the fire.

About the author: Meet and miss, a woman who likes to read and write, focusing on the creation of articles in the emotional field and the analysis and answer of emotional questions, I hope that my words can accompany you warmly forward.

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