
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Trivia: You can blow up metal chests with cannonballs

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is a console game launched by Nintendo in 2017 and has been on the market for more than five years! The sequel that fans are eagerly awaiting is still in active development and is not expected to be officially launched until 2023, which gives Zelda Legend players more time to discover various new gadgets in the old product. I have to say, maybe it was the developers' intentions, or maybe it was just some negligence and accident, there are really many interesting details in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild!

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Trivia: You can blow up metal chests with cannonballs

In July 2021, the doctor shared an article with everyone entitled "What's in that classic BUG chest?" " introduces a treasure chest located in the northwest corner of The Shores of Araiso, Clari Beach, which is itself a bug that spawns when the player approaches and then falls and disappears in a very short time! The player "Kleric" racked his brains and managed to open the treasure chest, which was said to be the "most impossible to obtain", and found that there was only one amber in it, which seemed to be the product of the developer's random configuration and Debug testing.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Trivia: You can blow up metal chests with cannonballs

It's still about chests, but recently in the Zelda Legends: Breath of the Wilds player community, someone discovered a new way to open Metallic Treasure Chests, which became a hot topic. We know that there are many chests in the game, some of which can be opened directly, and some of which require specific things to be unlocked. Generally speaking, we don't have to use violence to destroy metal chests and then get the rewards inside.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Trivia: You can blow up metal chests with cannonballs

However, a player channel called "Gaming Reinvented" shared their new findings, according to the video's information, the seemingly indestructible metal chests in the game can actually be destroyed using so-called bugs, but doing so may cause Link to lose access to the items in the chest. Anyway, the current developers basically don't care about the bugs in Zelda Legends: Breath of the Wild, so these vulnerabilities are currently part of the game's content, and the doctor calls it "cold knowledge" is no problem.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Trivia: You can blow up metal chests with cannonballs

As for the method of violently destroying metal treasure chests, it is not complicated, we only need to use cannons near the volcanic area. First, we determine the trajectory of the cannonball, then manipulate Link to place the metal chest on the path with the Magnesis rune, and finally fire the cannon! When a cannonball hits the chest, it will destroy it directly, and the contents of the chest will scatter out.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Trivia: You can blow up metal chests with cannonballs

Interestingly, treasure chests drop treasures that are key items that shouldn't exist in the game's open world, and Link can't interact with them in any way. In addition, the physical rules in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild seem to have no effect on these treasures, they will float directly in mid-air, which can be viewed from a distance and cannot be played.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Trivia: You can blow up metal chests with cannonballs

In The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, we can blast metal chests with cannonballs, but we don't get any benefits, so this bug doesn't seem very useful. However, most of the bugs in the game don't actually give Link any advantages, such as the bug chest that the doctor mentioned at the beginning, which only contains a worthless amber. However, the fun of players is obviously not about getting any results, but about the process of discovery and exploration!

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