
LOL mobile game: The same is one of the "three musketeers" of the end game, why is the appearance rate of the barbarians not as good as the other two?

Hello, hello everyone, I am the "Summoner who will not know anything", the "three musketeers" hero in the League of Legends, I believe that everyone is very familiar, respectively, "Zhao Xin, Sword Saint, Barbarian", all have high outbreak continuous damage, in the "League of Legends" end game, whether it is high-end or low-end game is very common, but in the LOL mobile game "barbarians" can rarely see, why is this? The following is to explain to you why barbarians are not common in LOL mobile games.

LOL mobile game: The same is one of the "three musketeers" of the end game, why is the appearance rate of the barbarians not as good as the other two?

First and foremost, the first and most important one: burst damage is not ideal, and the attack range is low

In the LOL mobile game, the outbreak of sustained damage in the middle of the barbarian is not prominent, even if it is out of 2-3 pieces of critical hit equipment, it will not be like the end game knife critical hit, the end game critical hit damage is very high, and in the mobile game is very low, the strength of the two tigers is close to the opponent's C position, slashing two knives to find that the opponent is not much blood, the opponent a flash directly pulls away from the distance, and then outputs the barbarian, after all, the barbarian has a short hand, the fight can not hit the opponent, can only be flown by the opponent until it is killed.

LOL mobile game: The same is one of the "three musketeers" of the end game, why is the appearance rate of the barbarians not as good as the other two?

Second point: The hero is bulky

First of all, the "attack distance" of the barbarian is very short, the usual single hero attack distance is longer than the barbarian, which shows that the barbarian in the mobile game on the single position is not welcomed, but also easy to be hit by the opponent, compared to the early damage is particularly low, E skills in the past can not beat people, and even has used the only displacement skill, and then found that the opponent can not be beaten, resulting in running can not run.

LOL mobile game: The same is one of the "three musketeers" of the end game, why is the appearance rate of the barbarians not as good as the other two?

Third point: eat very much gear

In the end game, as long as the endless and electric knife equipment, the damage can be described as brainless, E used to stand directly with the opponent, but this is not the case in the mobile game, even if it is out of the endless and electric knife, E used to also be unable to beat the opponent, after all, the hero itself has a very low early damage conversion rate, and it is concluded that 4-5 pieces of equipment damage is only a little high.

LOL mobile game: The same is one of the "three musketeers" of the end game, why is the appearance rate of the barbarians not as good as the other two?

Think of it also, in the LOL mobile game, many operations and damage conversion rate are not the same as the end game, in the end game needs mouse and operation to achieve the effect of the master player, and in the mobile game does not need so many operations, mobile only need to slide the roulette wheel with the finger, the skill can also be automated to align the opponent, walk A is also very simple, simply put, the mobile game is simplistic compared to the end game operation.

LOL mobile game: The same is one of the "three musketeers" of the end game, why is the appearance rate of the barbarians not as good as the other two?

Barbarian this kind of hero who has only one displacement skill, is really very unpopular in the hand, the hero attack distance is short and easy to be kite-flying, not to mention, the outbreak of sustained damage is still very low, the development period is long, and 4-5 pieces of equipment are obtained, but at that time the game has been divided into victories and losses, even if there is no end to the game, just by virtue of you A humble hero can have any threat to the other C position, which also leads to the barbarian in the mobile game There are no players to play. One of the "Three Musketeers" in the end game, he became a "very unpopular" hero in the mobile game.

LOL mobile game: The same is one of the "three musketeers" of the end game, why is the appearance rate of the barbarians not as good as the other two?

Summary: The attack distance of the barbarian is short, the burst of continuous damage is not ideal, it is easy to be kitened by the opponent, you can only steal the tower and brush the wild silently, the single-line ability is not as good as other heroes, and the team battle has no team effect, and can only secretly brush the wild development or steal the tower secretly. After all, if you come to an opponent, the barbarian will have to retreat, and I think this is one of the reasons why no player likes to use the barbarian.

That's all there is to it, what do you think about it? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area, thank you!

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