
Not a copywriter of serious illnesses that are not human

1. Play LOL in an Internet café,

The cleaning aunt came to me and said: This water bottle.

Me: Don't drink it, auntie, take it.

Auntie: No, I mean you're pretty good at this level

2. Only when you step out of your comfort zone,

You'll know,

Just how comfortable the comfort zone really is.

3. Breakfast must be eaten,

And learn to be grateful,

Health issues aside,

You will find:

It's the cheapest of three meals a day!

Not a copywriter of serious illnesses that are not human

4. Today there are 5 visitors to the QQ space blocked,

I guess there's one guy who is you.

But it costs 10 yuan to open a yellow diamond,

I can't afford to bet on this love.

5. Every time you talk to you you you go to the shower,

How, chatting with me is dirty to you isn't it?

6. Getting up early can really do a lot of things,

Like what:

Get some sleep.

Not a copywriter of serious illnesses that are not human

7. Every day, many people come to me and say: Come on

Give me back the money,

I love working at the gas station so much!

8. I accompany you to eat chicken, accompany you to fight the alliance, accompany you to the king, accompany you to fight the landlord, accompany you to the rhythm master,

Even mine sweeping I am willing to accompany you,

Don't you understand?

I really like to play games.

9. Do you need to buy from France?

The people who chased me lined up from me in France,

I can ask you if you need it.

10. Someone said to me:

There is nothing more complicated in the world than love.

I threw a high-number book in his face.

Not a copywriter of serious illnesses that are not human

11. Suddenly there was a power outage at home,

I just kept going through the door.

With frequent shining appearances,

Solve lighting problems.

12. Doctor: "Don't be nervous Yang Ming, this is just a small operation." ”

Patient: "Huh? Doctor, my name is not Yang Ming. ”

Doctor: "I know, my name is Yang Ming."

13. The baby next to you is crying when you eat with your friends,

It annoys me.

My friend said let me be considerate and learn to think differently.

Now I'm sitting in the stroller,

Still annoyed.

14. Someone showed off their wealth in front of me today,

I laughed,

He slapped my Lamborghini in the face

As a result, two Nanfu batteries popped up.

Not a copywriter of serious illnesses that are not human

15. Give the choice to the coin.

Front: Go eat spicy hot.

The opposite: Go drink a little.

Standing: Lie down and sleep.

Broken: Go out for a run.

16. I am a very disciplined person,

Since I said I want to lose weight,

That's what you have to say all the time.

17. Exercise is a kind of enjoyment,

But I don't exercise,

Because I'm not the kind of person who craves enjoyment.

Not a copywriter of serious illnesses that are not human

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