
LOL mobile game: Why do low-end players refuse to surrender, while high-end innings are easy to vote?

Hello, hello audience friends, I am not a summoner who will not be anything, I believe that many players often encounter such a situation in the game, that is, in the low-end game, these players will not point surrender regardless of their strengths or weaknesses or "0-10-0" record, obviously they can't really fight, but they don't surrender, they are very engaged in their own mentality.

LOL mobile game: Why do low-end players refuse to surrender, while high-end innings are easy to vote?

But this is also limited to the low-end innings, on the contrary, in the high-end innings it is very easy to surrender, why is this? Here's a look at "Why high-segment players like to surrender."

First of all, let's objectively talk about the reasons why we like not to surrender in the low-end game

The first reason: meet teammates who like to gamble, engage in mentality, and don't want to play

This reason seems very ridiculous, but it is really happening, remember once the author played the game, because the teammates are more dishes, and the opponent sent is very fat, communication how to say not listen, and even developed to have been sending heads and insulting teammates, just when I point to surrender, there is actually no one to point, when the author is wondering what is going on, he said a sentence "We are three rows, will not point to surrender, is disgusting you two", encounter this situation is also very helpless, can not vote, the opposite side also pushed slowly, It is a special waste of time, but it can only slowly wait for the opponent to push their own base.

LOL mobile game: Why do low-end players refuse to surrender, while high-end innings are easy to vote?

The second reason: there is no big picture view

I believe that this situation is often encountered in the low-end game, obviously from the situation has been lost, but the teammates are not shooting, in an effort to resist the pressure, speaking of this, there must be many players who will say "can't fight but shoot, you deserve to play LOL mobile game?" In fact, the author does not refute this sentence, but the fact is this, first of all, the lineup is not good, all choose crispy heroes have not yet controlled, and secondly, you play your own, rely on yourself to brush all the time, do not help your teammates to get the advantage, can this still be turned over?

LOL mobile game: Why do low-end players refuse to surrender, while high-end innings are easy to vote?

I think this may be the reason why many low-segment players "refuse to surrender" in the game, after all, the situation view is relatively poor.

But in the high-end game, it is very easy to surrender, what is going on? Let's talk about why "high-end players like to vote".

The first point: high situation view, compared to low segment players, high segment players are much higher than them in all aspects, after all, one is a fish pond bureau and one is a upper sub-bureau, of course, it is not the same, but in the high-segment game, whether it can play is a glance, when the high segment players feel that this round can not be beaten will be shot, it can be seen that 7-8 minutes have a result.

LOL mobile game: Why do low-end players refuse to surrender, while high-end innings are easy to vote?

After all, the players in the high-end game are not vegetarians, are technical players, the lineup is not good and still think about the headwind, this is impossible, take the line, as long as you have a little mistake, you will face the ability to be suppressed, play wild tower, speed up the rhythm and so on, the other side snowball ability, the online disadvantage has already lost half, when the small-scale encounter can not be played, it already represents the loss, so this is also the reason why many high-end players surrender quickly, after all, do not want to waste time, and the low-end game is not the same, Low-end game players only want to entertain, high-end game players want to score, since they can't fight, why not hurry up and surrender to start the next one?

LOL mobile game: Why do low-end players refuse to surrender, while high-end innings are easy to vote?

That's all there is to it, what do you think about it? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area!

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