
Children who like to go crazy outside have more advantages in 3 aspects, and the older they are, the stronger the advantages

Children who often play outside and stay at home all day long, after 10 years, will form a huge gap!

Children who like to go crazy outside have more advantages in 3 aspects, and the older they are, the stronger the advantages

Jojo's mother attaches great importance to the child's learning, Jojo is in the third grade this year, starting from kindergarten, as soon as the weekend comes, Jojo will run in various cram class interest classes, drowning in the sea of questions.

In the same community for so many years, it is rare to see Jojo go downstairs to play, Jojo's mother often says, "Children play old, they play stupid, we must seize the time to learn more, is the serious thing." ”

Of course, Jojo is also very competitive, his grades have always been outstanding, and he is the bully in the class.

However, since Jojo entered the second semester of the second semester of junior high school, Jojo's mother began to frown.

Children who like to go crazy outside have more advantages in 3 aspects, and the older they are, the stronger the advantages

The sports score of the middle school entrance examination is getting higher and higher, but Jojo is a "sports scum", his mother gave him a sports one-on-one tutoring, the results can not be improved, more importantly, jojo entered puberty, the personality became particularly grumpy. I like to screw with my mother in everything, and even have a sense of boredom, and I skipped class twice and ran out to play.

Joe Joe's mother was so upset that she even went to see a psychologist, who told Joe Joe's mother that one of the reasons for the child's problem was that she played too little from childhood!

The lack of exercise leads to the child's introverted silence, especially after entering puberty, the child's anxiety can not be vented, and the heart is always holding a momentum.

Children who like to go crazy outside have more advantages in 3 aspects, and the older they are, the stronger the advantages

Does exercising and not exercising really have such a big impact on children?

Children who like to go crazy outside have more advantages in 3 aspects, and the older they are, the stronger the advantages

Many parents think that playing is a waste of time, but they don't know that any child who likes to go crazy outside will generally have an advantage in 3 aspects! The older you get, the stronger the advantage!

Crazy kids on the outside, smarter

When children enter the fifth or sixth grade of primary school, children who love sports and children who do not love sports, the eyes begin to differ.

Children who exercise regularly have flexible eyes, full of spirit, and always exude a sense of cleverness; and those children who stay in the house all day and night to do problems are often sluggish, mentally weak, and look at people's eyes are straight.

Children who like to go crazy outside have more advantages in 3 aspects, and the older they are, the stronger the advantages

The book "Exercise Transforms the Brain" clearly states that people learn vocabulary 20% faster after exercise than before exercise.

The survey results also show that 34 of the 63 champions in the country counted in 2016 like sports; of the 42 champions surveyed in 2017, 24 people like sports.

Harvard University, Yale University, the University of California and Cornell University have jointly done a "human brain project" study, and finally found that insisting on exercise can significantly increase the number of brain nerve fibers, dendrites, synapses, promote brain development, and improve memory.

Children who like to go crazy outside have more advantages in 3 aspects, and the older they are, the stronger the advantages

Exercise brings children more than just relaxing nervous nerves and bringing a pleasant mood. More importantly, children are constantly strengthening the growth of the brain during exercise, inducing neurological regeneration, prompting the production of new brain cells in the hippocampus, and changing the prefrontal cortex of people, thereby improving children's memory and concentration.

We often say that children who like to play and are mischievous are smarter, and this is true

Children who like to go crazy outside have more advantages in 3 aspects, and the older they are, the stronger the advantages

Crazy kids on the outside, physically stronger

Wang Dengfeng, director of the Department of Physical Education, Health and Art Education of the Ministry of Education, once pointed out:

"Our children have reached a very serious situation in terms of poor vision. In addition, the physical health, running lung capacity, obesity and other problems are becoming more and more serious. The decline in physical health is an urgent problem, and various measures need to be taken to further strengthen the school system to ensure the physical and mental health of children. ”

Myopia is getting younger and younger, more and more obese children, and the physical fitness of children has become a big problem that cannot be ignored.

Physical education, should be the child's best subject, but now the child runs a few steps on the breathless, the fourth and fifth grades of the jump rope is not up to 100, sprinting has no explosive power, long-distance running can not persist, and even leave the child outside, the child does not know what they should play, how to play.

Playing has become the child's oldest difficulty; sports has become the child's most worrying difficulty, is this a joke?

Children who like to go crazy outside have more advantages in 3 aspects, and the older they are, the stronger the advantages

Crazy kids on the outside, more tough

The Center for Motion Business Research of Nanjing University of Science and Technology once published an article called "Students Commit Suicide Frequently, But Physical Education Students Are an Exception.". The article pointed out that sports for students themselves is a kind of frustration education, not only can exercise students' bodies, but more importantly, it is the exercise of people's will and spirit.

Exercise allows the brain to secrete neurochemicals such as dopamine, which quickly eliminates fatigue, relieves stress, and makes people feel happy. The Games allow you to get rid of negative emotions and become positive and optimistic.

Children will experience persistence, overcome pain and failure, feel progress, and achieve success in sports, which is a process that constantly improves children's ability to resist setbacks and improves children's self-confidence.

Children who like to go crazy outside have more advantages in 3 aspects, and the older they are, the stronger the advantages
Children who like to go crazy outside have more advantages in 3 aspects, and the older they are, the stronger the advantages

Writer Haruki Murakami said: It is the decades of long-distance running that have shaped me now. What is produced in motion that is vital to us cannot be seen by the naked eye, but can be felt by the mind.

Exercise, like reading, does not have an immediate effect. Those children who like to run crazy and love to play since childhood, after 10 years, will have obvious changes in their brains, physical fitness, and soul, and throw off other children!

In the "National Physical Fitness Measurement Standards" formulated by the State General Administration of Sports, it is pointed out that the physical fitness indicators of 6-year-old children should meet:

10m turnaround run: Male

Standing long jump: 127cm for men> 116cm for women>

Tennis throw: 12m for men> 8m for women>

Jump on both feet: Male

Seated body flexion: 14.4 cm for men>; 16.7 cm for women >

Walking balance beam: Male

Don't focus only on the child's academic performance, but to take a long-term view, to see the child's state after 10 years, or even 20 years later, sports must be promoted to the child's growth, let the child play!

Children who like to go crazy outside have more advantages in 3 aspects, and the older they are, the stronger the advantages

Before the age of 3

At this stage of the child, the body development is not yet mature, limb coordination is still very poor, do not rush to let the child start to do complex exercises, but can take the child to do walking, running, jumping, up and down the steps, playing sand, kicking, throwing balls and other sports, so that children can experience the movement of various parts of the body.

3-6 years old

Sports such as running, shooting balls, jumping rope, etc. can be played. Some children can also learn to swim, dance, etc., so that the hands, eyes, brain, limbs, muscles, nerves, and psychology can be fully balanced and coordinated development.

Children who like to go crazy outside have more advantages in 3 aspects, and the older they are, the stronger the advantages

After the age of 6

After the age of 6, the child has entered the stage of "special motor function development", his athletic ability, balance ability, imitation ability, perception ability have made leaps and bounds, and the child can learn basketball, football, jump rope and other sports.

However, it should be noted that we should try to avoid unilateral force movement, avoid unbalanced physical development of children, high and low shoulders and other problems.

At the same time, because of the sharp increase in children's athletic ability at this stage, it is easy to lead to physical injury, and parents must pay attention to protection.

Children who like to go crazy outside have more advantages in 3 aspects, and the older they are, the stronger the advantages

All athletes have a high IQ, keen awareness, and rapid cognitive ability, which they have accumulated in long-term exercise.

Don't take play as boring, waste of time, the more elementary school stage, the more to drive the child out of the crazy play, play thoroughly, the benefits of sports will make the child in the junior high school outbreak to help!

Children who like to go crazy outside have more advantages in 3 aspects, and the older they are, the stronger the advantages

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