
Jame was interviewed and there was a problem with the VP team! Jame wasn't happy with major stickers!

Recently VP captain Jame spoke about his Personal Sticker about his Major and also praised his own team's performance in the PGL Antwerp Major Qualifiers. Jame also told everyone about Valve's rejection of the version of the signature he had earlier submitted. Jame also gave the most explanations as to why Valve vetoed his player's signature, the most important of which was because he drew a sniper rifle and wrote a James Time on the signature.

Jame was interviewed and there was a problem with the VP team! Jame wasn't happy with major stickers!

Later, Jame chose to submit a sticker that looked like a relatively simple player's signature, and the only words on it were his simple signature James. If it is more accurate, in fact, in the back, James submitted many versions of the player's signatures, but unfortunately only one of them passed their review, so Jame has no choice. Although the design signature didn't look particularly ugly, for James, he still didn't feel amazing enough.

Jame was interviewed and there was a problem with the VP team! Jame wasn't happy with major stickers!

Jame also said something about the inside of the team, according to him there are still some problems in the VP team that was first in the team, and these team problems may affect the quality of the game later. So Jame hopes that before the start of this Major game, the VP team will try to solve and correct these problems, and successfully bring good form into the game, according to the current VP game situation, the team's level is still in a relatively good state.

Jame was interviewed and there was a problem with the VP team! Jame wasn't happy with major stickers!

If you participate in the game again, if the VP loses, they should discuss and think about how to improve themselves, in the scope of CSGO in the world, VP or other teams have a certain gap, Jame for their own team VP after observing, feel that their reality is not as good as imagined. In the major competition, VP needs to compete with players from various regions, and in the past month and a half, Jame has spent a lot of time practicing various props and marksmanship.

Jame was interviewed and there was a problem with the VP team! Jame wasn't happy with major stickers!

Jame said that because of the current situation in Russia and Ukraine, it has greatly affected almost all Eastern European teams, including VP. Jame believes that the current state of the game is not his best form, the turbulent situation here is very unstable, which has adversely affected each of them, which may be one of the most important reasons for their decline in form. VP finished eighth in The RMR A group in Europe, which also earned them a seat in a competitive group in Major.

Jame was interviewed and there was a problem with the VP team! Jame wasn't happy with major stickers!

For m0nesy, Jame has his own opinion, Jame feels that although Monesy is younger, he is a very powerful sniper star, his game status has always been very good, Jame is looking forward to Menesy can bring him a surprise, hope to be able to have a wonderful showdown with Monesy, if you can, Jame also wants to compete with Rising up to 1.5 NiKo. What about the rising star that has just been lit? Jame has also always been in opposition to ZywOo, S1mple, Sh1ro and other powerful star players, and now Jame said that she has been completely immune to star players.

Jame was interviewed and there was a problem with the VP team! Jame wasn't happy with major stickers!

About Spodek Arena, Jame also responded, because he rarely played in front of the audience offline, they have been waiting for all this for a long time, the last offline game was on BLAST in Moscow, but for Jame he is inclined to Spodek Arena. He also joked that they may not have much support from fans at that time, but not necessarily, for them Poland still has a certain amount of fans, but for the 1.5rating NIKO they are still a little insignificant.

Jame was interviewed and there was a problem with the VP team! Jame wasn't happy with major stickers!

Jame is the most VP captain, of course, hope that his team can shine in this major competition, since the team has problems hope that the VP can have a better adjustment before this competition, in this small editor also sincerely hope that the VP can adjust the state of the game, but also believe that Jame can lead the VP to achieve a better position in the next major competition.

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