
Don't be too optimistic about moving babies may be potential stocks

Guo Guo's mother has had a special headache recently, because her family has become particularly active, even if she goes to an unfamiliar environment, she will not be as quiet as someone else's well-behaved baby. It was as if the baby had an engine installed, and he couldn't stop it.

"So active, what should I do when I go to school later?" Will it become very poor? Is there any way to guide your baby so that he can sit quietly for at least 10 minutes! ”

In fact, many people have misunderstandings about the baby's activeness, often equating hyperactivity with hyperactivity and lack of concentration. These two really aren't the same concept!

Don't be too optimistic about moving babies may be potential stocks

Image source: Visual China

Active = Poor concentration? Don't get the baby wrong!

First of all, we need to know that ADHD is a common name for "childhood attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder", and there are three main types, namely attention deficit type, hyperactivity type and mixed type.

The main form of attention deficit is mainly manifested as inattention, not necessarily hyperactivity, no obvious fidgeting, but the attention is very distracted and difficult to concentrate.

Hyperactivity is mainly manifested as fidgeting and small movements continuously.

The hybrid type combines the above two manifestations.

Why do so many parents think their baby has "ADHD"?

On the one hand, the baby is indeed lively and active, quiet; on the other hand, because many parents are worried that their children are losing at the starting line, ignoring the characteristics of children's cognitive development, children who should be lively and jumping are suspected of ADHD because they cannot sit quietly.

Don't be too optimistic about moving babies may be potential stocks

Image source: Visual China

Active baby, may be a little explorer!

The reason why babies are active is that on the one hand, their motor function is relatively good and energetic, on the other hand, it may also be that they learn through movement.

For example, when the baby enters the sensitive period of the mouth, he will like to use his mouth to explore, and if he catches any curious thing, he will want to stuff it into his mouth; when the baby enters the space sensitive period, the activity ability is also greatly improved, not only learned to look up, turn over, sit upright, crawl, with the increase of the exploration space, he will like to make trouble everywhere, and naturally become a good baby in the eyes of the mother.

In fact, the active baby really explores the surroundings, and when exposed to new things, he often leaves the things he hears, sees and feels in his mind, and gradually forms an independent thinking ability. For young babies, the more active and exploratory they are, the more opportunities for brain activity.

Active baby, how to improve concentration?

Some parents think that their babies' concentration is too poor to focus on one thing for a long time.

In fact, is there a misunderstanding among most parents about their baby's concentration? Imagine that it is too demanding to have a 1-year-old baby focus on something for 10 minutes?

Children's concentration will continue to improve with age, and the time spent focusing will continue to increase. Generally speaking, at the age of 0 to 1, the baby's concentration time is not more than 1 minute, if there is a new stimulus, the child's attention is also easy to be diverted; when 1 to 3 years old, the concentration time is 2 to 8 minutes; 3 to 4 years old, the concentration time can reach 5 to 8 minutes.

Each child has individual differences, as long as the baby can meet the above standards, it is not active, but it shows that he has a certain concentration.

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