
Big Joe Double Joy Pro Door, Blue Legend Beauty Cry, Zhao Yun Gentian Poster Optimization? You have good news

Big Joe is one of the most popular heroes in the auxiliary, but now the heroine in the auxiliary is only Big Joe without legend skin, which makes Big Joe players have some anxiety. However, the hero Big Joe is said to have a new skin next month, that is, 520 skins. In addition to the 520 skin, it is said that Big Joe has another new skin, and netizens also broke the image of this skin.

Big Joe Double Joy Pro Door, Blue Legend Beauty Cry, Zhao Yun Gentian Poster Optimization? You have good news

In addition, some netizens broke the news that Zhao Yun's gentian skin would be optimized, and netizens also broke the image after optimization. Finally, there is the limited skin passion of the hero Daji, who should return soon. What is going on, let's take a look at it together.

Big Joe double happy at the door

Among the auxiliary heroes of the glory of the king, only the three heroes of Big Qiao, Yao and Cai Wenji are female heroes, and among these three heroes, Cai Wenji and Yao have already had legendary skins, and only Big Qiao has no legendary skins. And this year, it is said that Big Joe and Sun Ce will have couple skins, of which Big Joe's skin quality is legendary, and these two skins will be online on the 20th of next month. The two skins are said to be fairy tale style, designed with the theme of the fairy tale of the shepherd and the chimney man.

Big Joe Double Joy Pro Door, Blue Legend Beauty Cry, Zhao Yun Gentian Poster Optimization? You have good news

The reason why I say this is because in Irene's New Skin Adventure Dance Chapter, the two roles of shepherd and chimney man are mentioned, so the probability of Sun Ce and Big Joe coming out of the shepherd girl and chimney man skin is very large. In addition to these two skins, Big Joe also has news of new skins, as shown in the figure below, netizens broke the news that Big Joe will produce a skin with this image.

Big Joe Double Joy Pro Door, Blue Legend Beauty Cry, Zhao Yun Gentian Poster Optimization? You have good news

Judging from the pictures exposed by netizens, the shape of this skin is indeed very exquisite, with white hair, a lantern in hand, and a blue long skirt, which is very good-looking. However, the true or false news of netizens has yet to be confirmed, whether it is true or not is still uncertain, let's take it seriously, don't take it too seriously.

Zhao Yun gentian poster optimization

Recently, some netizens broke the news that Zhao Yun's gentian skin will usher in optimization, and the effect after optimization is shown in the following right figure. The news that netizens broke the news can not be completely wrong, the picture on the right is indeed Zhao Yun's skin, it can also be said that it is the skin of gentian, but it is not after optimization, but before.

Big Joe Double Joy Pro Door, Blue Legend Beauty Cry, Zhao Yun Gentian Poster Optimization? You have good news

At the beginning, the skins of the Five Tiger Admiral series were ready to be made into mecha skins. Among them, Zhao Yun's skin is the image in the picture on the right. Later, due to the resources of the skin leaked in advance, the official cancellation of the mecha skin plan was cancelled, and there was the Five Tiger General series skins that we see now.

You have good news

Recently, the glory of the king and the burger king linked, this linkage may have to link the skin, there are five heroes involved in this linkage. Among these five heroes, the hero of Daji is impressively listed, and the hero of Daji has indeed not produced a high-quality new skin for a long time, and this linkage with Burger King may be possible to give Daji a linkage skin.

Big Joe Double Joy Pro Door, Blue Legend Beauty Cry, Zhao Yun Gentian Poster Optimization? You have good news

Of course, this is purely the guess of the player, and whether it will be linked to the skin remains to be confirmed. However, the hero of Daji does have good news in the near future, that is, her limited skin has a high probability of returning, and this limited skin is the enthusiastic samba. According to the news of netizens, enthusiastic samba will usher in the return of the May 5th Black Festival.

Big Joe Double Joy Pro Door, Blue Legend Beauty Cry, Zhao Yun Gentian Poster Optimization? You have good news

The credibility of this news is very high, the five-five black festival itself will return to the skin, and the skin that returns to the scene will generally not be particularly low in popularity, but it will not be particularly popular, and the enthusiasm samba is just right. And enthusiastic samba has indeed not returned for a long time, and it should be returned.

Kerr has something to say

Big Joe, the hero, has new skins this year is certain, of which the probability of 520 skins is naturally the largest, and the credibility of the blue skin that netizens broke the news is not very high. In addition, Dai Ji's enthusiastic Samba and Zhuge Liang's Wuling Immortal Jun are all skins with a very high probability of returning to the field in the May 5th Black Festival, and players who are ready to start can prepare in advance.

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