
How do trout mate?

author:Marvel Universe second

The trout is one of the most feared animals in the sea. If the blood basin has a large mouth, sharp teeth and fins, and small, non-glossy eyes are not scary enough, the ability to trap prey with a small lantern glowing above its head is enough to turn the trout into a nightmare.

How do trout mate?

In 1833, an almost spherical fish was washed up off the coast of Greenland and brought to the Danish zoologist Johannes Berger. ChristopherHagemannReinhardt。 This fish—later known as the soccer fish and the scientific name Himantolophusgroenlandicus—was the first salmon encountered in the scientific community.

There are currently 12 families of deep-sea sturgeon known in the world, about 170 species, and there are "huge differences" between families and families. They come in a variety of shapes, from short and round (Joel's black-horned trout) to flat and large snouts (dream fish) and filaments (Joe's golden horned trout). Although they are found all over the world, they are elusive and like to be alone, but they are also normal for fish that live in the deep sea of 300 to 5000 meters. As a result, we can still find new varieties of trout, each of which looks stranger than the previous. But, regardless of appearance, the deep sea of any kind is a nightmare for small deep-sea creatures.

How do trout mate?

The breeding strategy of many deep-sea squids is the strangest on Earth. Males are parasites – we're not talking about it.

Many deep-sea sturgeons are males who are only one-tenth the size of females and have no function other than reproductive function. They use highly evolved olfactory organs to catch traces of females. When they spot a target, they bite the female. Some male sturgeon grow distinctive hook-shaped teeth in front of their mouths to increase grip. Their bodies then release an enzyme that dissolves the skin around their mouths and merges with the female's body. Male monk fish are cultured entirely for food, fed entirely by females, their circulatory systems fused together to share the same blood, and essentially, male monk fish have become a pair of living testicles.

Meeting in the vast sea of people is like catching a needle in the sea, so once you meet the other half, you will hang upside down and die, and raw fish will take full advantage of this.

Females do not stop "collecting stamps" when one male participates, and the current record is 12 males versus 1 female.

How do trout mate?

This fusion is similar to organ transplantation, as the male essentially becomes part of the female's body. A 2020 study published in the journal Science uncovered the secret: Squid themselves lack the genes that produce most molecules that resist foreign tissue — and besides, they have few T cells and antibodies ( if any. A lack of immune system can kill humans, but it is the key to the trout parasite.

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