
How many sensitive periods are there at the age of 0-6

How many sensitive periods do children from 0 to 6 years old have? What should be done to correctly these critical sensitive periods? Once the sensitive period is missed, it will be difficult to make up for it in the future. New mothers today to give you an inventory of eight easy to be ignored, misunderstood, so that parents should deal with the wrong sensitive period of 0 to 6-year-old children must be collected.

First, the first sensitive period ushered in after birth is the visual sensitivity period

The child begins to be interested in light and dark things, and at this time you can show the child black and white cards. After watching for a while, change to a colored card.

Second, about half a year old, the sensitive period of the mouth begins to bite

If you put your hand on the child's mouth, he will keep rubbing it, enough for your hand to lick and bite, and the child is using his mouth to perceive objects and explore the environment. Some parents think that their children are dirty biting things indiscriminately, so they coat the things that cannot be bitten with peppers. The sensitive period of the child's mouth does not develop well, does not get enough exploration, is not satisfied, and at the age of two or even older, he will like to bite people and use the way of biting to make up for the sensitive period of his mouth.

It is recommended that parents can buy some soft glue for their children to bite to satisfy him, or make some soft and moderate food for their children to grind their teeth.

How many sensitive periods are there at the age of 0-6

Third, the sensitive period of the hand

After the child's hand has the ability to grasp, he prefers to use his hand to put everything he can reach in his mouth and bite. At the same time, eight or nine-month-old children like to grasp soft objects, grab something to pick up and put down, insert a pen into a hat, twist the bottle cap, and so on. These are some of the smart activities of children, the more you do, the smarter you are, you can do more. If parents deprive their children of the right to use their hands, they deprive their children of the opportunity to understand the world.

What parents have to do is wash their child's hands and the things he might put in his mouth after he takes them with his hands.

Fourth, the space sensitive period.

Around eight months, the child begins to learn to climb and is able to pan to grasp and move objects. If you are a little longer, you can climb high, climb the sofa, climb the stairs, and climb to the destination and start doing bad things. Throwing shoes on the shoe rack, things on the table, clothes in the closet, any place where they go will not be missed, these movements children are exploring the space, can be a good way to promote the child's sensory system, promote the development of vestibular perception.

What parents have to do is to give their children a safe space to explore, to ensure that dangerous things, such as hot water is not in the place where the child can reach, the child likes to throw things, the exploration space can buy some throwing toys, throw enough with him, the child will be very satisfied.

Fifth, the sensitive period for small things

Produced between the ages of one and a half and two, the child begins to be interested in small things such as melon seed shells, small stones, and small beads on the ground. There was a kid before, he was four years old and loved little stuff. One day he took down the small table on the toy and put it in his ear, and the father was furious when he found out, and ordered the child to kneel down and admit his mistake. Next time you dare. Dad's worries are understandable, but in fact, it is obvious that this child should have passed this sensitive period before the age of two, but he did not develop well and lagged behind. Dad doesn't understand that his actions cause some harm to the child, the child is ignorant, he doesn't know what he did wrong.

At this time, parents can do some competitive action games for their children, such as rice and red beans together, so that children can pick out the red beans inside and put them alone, which can well meet the child's sensitivity to small things.

How many sensitive periods are there at the age of 0-6

Sixth, the sensitive period of order

The order that conforms to the child's vision will bring a sense of security to the child. When the troublesome two-year-old comes, the child begins to have some strange requirements, such as having to wear pants before getting dressed. Someone knocks on the door, he must drive first, if this order is destroyed, the child will fall into uneasiness and chaos. When the child cries for the sake of order, parents should not think that the child is unreasonable, and it will be okay to help the child to restore order.

Seventh, the sensitive period of self-awareness

The mantra of the child in this period is "no", eat? "No", come out? "No" nothing is no no, no, don't don't, everything in the family is mine, Daddy is mine, Mommy is also mine, Mommy can't be Daddy's wife, it's my Mom, my wife. Children in this period still like to hit people, but not the attack we understand, the child is just expressing that I don't like it, I don't agree, my idea is mine, you have to be the same as me, different I will hit you.

Parents should use some methods and means to deal with their children during this period, such as using limited choices. Whether you imagine a duck croaking and jumping over, or crawling over like a turtle to take a shower, your child will be happy to make a choice.

Eighth, the sensitive period of stubbornness

Produced around the age of three. When the child has a prescribed order in his heart and his self-awareness develops strongly, it is easy to develop into a period of stubbornness. They will look willful and even unreasonable. Every time he entered the elevator, he had to press the floor, and if dad pressed, he would be very sad and cry. Why press my elevator, the ice cream fell to the ground, obviously you can still buy a child without drying up, you will fall on the ground, what to do? Are you going to scold him? To no avail, adults should slow down to listen to the child's understanding and empathy. Allow him to cry. During this period, adults will feel that the child is simply a hard nonsense, and they must punish him, otherwise they will grow up and be bad, no, they will not get used to it. Picking up the child at this time will make him feel safe. If this period is not good, blindly punished, or blindly satisfied, the child grows up, it is easy to be self-centered, and it will soon be good to stick to it for a period of time.

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