
Lich King's Wrath Nostalgia Costume announced the launch time of "World of Warcraft" Death Knight returned to the peak

I don't know how many people still remember Northend, when I first set foot on this land, I was conquered by the scenery here, whether it is the Dragon Sleep Shrine and the huge skeleton of the former Galakon, or the magnificent wonders of the Crystal Song Forest and the Ice Crown Fortress, which still impress me to this day, and now I still appreciate it every time I go to brush Invincible.

Lich King's Wrath Nostalgia Costume announced the launch time of "World of Warcraft" Death Knight returned to the peak

This time the press conference Blizzard announced this major news, did not expect that there was really a chance to play WLK again, recalling the scene of the original desolation of the Lich King, it is still unforgettable, until the new version has not been able to pass, which is a regret of many guilds.

Lich King's Wrath Nostalgia Costume announced the launch time of "World of Warcraft" Death Knight returned to the peak

In addition to announcing that WLK will be launched within the year, the conference also launched five epic changes to the fun, the first is to remove all the restrictions on creating a Death Knight, now you can create freely, there is no restriction that must have a level 58 character with the server, and there is no restriction that a server can only create a Death Knight, I have to say that this change is really good, you can play Death Knight.

Lich King's Wrath Nostalgia Costume announced the launch time of "World of Warcraft" Death Knight returned to the peak

The second change is to launch a new barber shop in WLK, the rules of use are not the same as that year, made an upgrade, you can change your foreign trade in the way of gold coins, do not need to pay to buy, that is to say, we can use gold coins to change anytime and anywhere, very convenient.

Lich King's Wrath Nostalgia Costume announced the launch time of "World of Warcraft" Death Knight returned to the peak

The third important change is to cancel the arena team and change it to a personal PVP level, that is, our score will not be emptied because the arena team is disbanded, more humane and more flexible, and we can choose at will when participating in the arena activities in the future, and our enthusiasm for playing the arena will also increase a lot.

Lich King's Wrath Nostalgia Costume announced the launch time of "World of Warcraft" Death Knight returned to the peak

I remember Ghost Crab saying that The Dungeon Finder was probably one of his biggest design mistakes, and many players said that this ruined our previous social relationships, and the Dungeon Finder was installed in the WLK version. So this time Blizzard decided to cancel this system, still using the original team way, which can be said to be very good, like giving us a chance to re-choose, to see what direction we will develop without this system, I personally think it is still quite good, now want to play the group to have some stable and familiar friends, which can indeed promote social interaction.

Lich King's Wrath Nostalgia Costume announced the launch time of "World of Warcraft" Death Knight returned to the peak

The last change is that WLK will add a 70-level helicopter package, so that people who have just started playing this version will avoid the trouble of upgrading, and can directly experience the content of this version, this time I must play, in addition to making up for some of the original regrets, I also think this version is indeed changed very well.

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