
Glory of kings: It's strange, after the great strengthening of the Lessons of form, why is no one out

Text/Jing Haijun

Judging from the pre-season adjustments, the new season's shape should be one of the most popular auxiliary outfits, but after the season has been carried out for several days, many friends were surprised to find that the appearance rate of the shape show was not significantly changed.

This is very strange, the obvious knowledge has been strengthened so much, why is there still no one willing to give it out?

The specific content of the new is learned from the past, and the concrete content of the lessons of the evidence is strengthened

Why did everyone think that the shape of the lesson would be popular in the new season? The fundamental reason is that it has been strengthened so much.

Adjustment of the shadow crystal

Glory of kings: It's strange, after the great strengthening of the Lessons of form, why is no one out

Guerrilla passive and gift passive, these two attributes that everyone has adjusted, I will not talk about, let's talk about several other ones that belong to the shadow crystal:

First: Base health adjustment, increased from 400 to 500, increased by 100.

Second: the price adjustment, from 1200g to 1100 gold, reduced by 100 gold.

Third: See the shadow active adjustment, the skill range is increased to 1200 yards, and the new skill cd time return effect (as long as there is no hit, it will return 40% cd time).

For a primary auxiliary outfit, not only has the basic attributes been greatly improved, but even the shadow initiative has two enhancements (skill range and skill return effect), which shows that the synthesis path of the shape of the zhao zhi jian has also been greatly optimized.

Adjustment of the shape of the lesson

Glory of kings: It's strange, after the great strengthening of the Lessons of form, why is no one out

After watching the shadow crystal, let's take a look at the adjustment of the shape of the lesson:

Maximum health adjustment: increased directly by 400 points from 8001200.

Price adjustment: From 2100g to 1900g, the price is reduced by 200g.

Synthesis Pathway Optimization:


Shadow Crystal + Red Agate Shadow Crystal + Red Agate + Red Onyx.

See the shadow



Adjustment: The release range is increased, and the proportion of skill returns without hits is 70%.

Compared with the shadow crystal, the enhancement of the shape is more direct, with the enhancement of the basic attributes, the reduction of the price, the optimization of the synthesis path (double optimization), and the active improvement of the shadow (return 70% cd).

brief summary

Judging from the content of the adjustment, whether it is the shadow crystal or the shape of the zhao, their attributes are greatly enhanced. But the strange thing is that here, the attributes of the obvious form have been greatly strengthened, why are few people still willing to come out of it?

Ask the root of the matter, why is it that no one has come out

Why doesn't anyone want to learn from it? I think the reasons are as follows.

The reinforcement of other auxiliary equipment is also very strong

Glory of kings: It's strange, after the great strengthening of the Lessons of form, why is no one out

It seems that the enhancement of the form is indeed very powerful, but once compared with other auxiliary outfits, it seems that this is not the case, take the Ben Wolf Emblem, its attribute adjustment is:

Base health adjusted from 8001200.

The crafting path was adjusted to become the Wind Spirit Emblem + Red Agate + Red Agate.

The price was adjusted from 2100 gold to 1900 gold.

In addition to the active skill not being adjusted, some of the adjustments to the Wolf Emblem are also available. It is worth noting that similar attribute adjustments are made by all auxiliary equipment, and everyone has similar effects.

Glory of kings: It's strange, after the great strengthening of the Lessons of form, why is no one out

Even the active astral glow like our star spring has been greatly enhanced, as we said later.

Summary: The first reason why no one has seen the lesson is that the other auxiliary equipment is also very strong.

There are many problems in actual use

Some people may say that even if the basic attributes are similar, the active skills of the shape of the zhaozhi have been strengthened after all, yes, it seems that the passive is strengthened a lot, but there are also many problems.

Glory of kings: It's strange, after the great strengthening of the Lessons of form, why is no one out

It is true that after upgrading to a metamorphosis, as long as the skill does not hit the target, we can get 42 seconds of cd time return, which seems to be a good news, but when actually used, there are three problems:

First, although the trigger distance of the shadow active has increased, it is still dangerous for soft auxiliaries.

Use close to fear that you are in danger, use far away for fear of bad results. Therefore, for this equipment, it is more suitable for hard auxiliary. Even if the effect of the field of vision is not good, then the scene where we use the shape of the lesson should be the time of the team battle.

Glory of kings: It's strange, after the great strengthening of the Lessons of form, why is no one out


See the shadow

Passive damage is not high.

Shadow Damage can trigger a total of 4 damages after hit, each dealing 6% of the current health spell damage. Assuming that the amount of white blood is 15,000, then the single damage should be around 900, why is the above picture only 294, at about 300?

This is because the Shape OfAki is a spell damage, and when encountering the Witch Cloak, its damage will be resisted a lot, much. The only thing that can be done is actually a 50% slowdown when used, but how many heroes in The Glory of Kings do not have control skills now? For such low damage, for such inconspicuous control skills? Isn't it fragrant for me to run out of the Wolf Coat of Arms and out of the Wings of Redemption?

Summary: The strengthening of the form of the lesson is more reflected in the ideal, and in the actual use, its shortcomings are still very many.

Combined with the above reasons, it is only natural that few assistants are willing to come out. Well, the above is all the content of this issue, I am Jing Haijun, the jianghu is not big, we have the opportunity to see you again.

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