
"The Road of The Third Stream" 5 years, Park Su-joon bought a mansion in Cheong-tam-dong, and Kim Ji-won's supporting role counterattacked the resources soared

author:Dorothy Gossip Society

"The Road of the Third Stream" is a Korean drama about the counterattack of small people, which also has the story of ordinary people's success. From people with no money and no background to grow into their ideals, such a struggle will make people's hearts burn, and will also let people who are suppressed by life find a glimmer of light.

"The Road of The Third Stream" 5 years, Park Su-joon bought a mansion in Cheong-tam-dong, and Kim Ji-won's supporting role counterattacked the resources soared

This drama is not a big hit of the year, and even many people can't appreciate the meaning of it when they first watch it, but after watching it repeatedly, they will sigh that inspirational life needs to pay more effort. People who have achieved nothing also need some incentives to keep their dreams, which have been stagnant, on.

"The Road of The Third Stream" 5 years, Park Su-joon bought a mansion in Cheong-tam-dong, and Kim Ji-won's supporting role counterattacked the resources soared
"The Road of The Third Stream" 5 years, Park Su-joon bought a mansion in Cheong-tam-dong, and Kim Ji-won's supporting role counterattacked the resources soared

This work, which was broadcast in 2017, has been broadcast for 5 years, and now the main actors have their own new developments, how are they?

"The Road of The Third Stream" 5 years, Park Su-joon bought a mansion in Cheong-tam-dong, and Kim Ji-won's supporting role counterattacked the resources soared

Park Su-joon

Many people have an impression of his "Itaewon CLASS" and "Why Is Secretary Kim Like That", but there is a hint of ambiguity about Gao Dongwan in "The Road of Third Stream". However, his performance in this film is really surprising, not that abrupt feeling, and the interpretation at different stages is also in place. From the brilliance of his youth to the confusion later, until the final dream chase, he acted very layered.

"The Road of The Third Stream" 5 years, Park Su-joon bought a mansion in Cheong-tam-dong, and Kim Ji-won's supporting role counterattacked the resources soared

Park Su-joon's resources in recent years are also very good, starring in "Captain Marvel 2", and at the same time, he has also officially announced the filming of the new drama "Beijing Creatures", and will star in the era monster thriller with his partners Han Suxi and Wei Huajun, which is very exciting overall. In addition, Park Su-joon's assets have also increased significantly, and in 2018, he bought a mansion in Cheongdam-dong and lived a comfortable life.

"The Road of The Third Stream" 5 years, Park Su-joon bought a mansion in Cheong-tam-dong, and Kim Ji-won's supporting role counterattacked the resources soared

Kim Ji Won

She starred in a lot of supporting roles before "The Road of Third Rate", and was also known as the "Ten Thousand Years Female Supporting Actress", but in this film she began to play the leading role. In the play, Cui Ella, played by Kim Ji-won, dreams of becoming a news anchor, but reality hits her in the face because she is a service staff at the mall's information desk. However, after that, she also successfully achieved her dream through hard work and struggle.

"The Road of The Third Stream" 5 years, Park Su-joon bought a mansion in Cheong-tam-dong, and Kim Ji-won's supporting role counterattacked the resources soared

Jin Jiyuan's new drama "My Liberation Journal" is currently on the air, and it has some similarities with the feeling of "The Road of Third Stream". There is also some sense of powerlessness, the character she plays in this film is an ordinary company employee, the family lives in a remote suburb, and Jin Zhiyuan also performed this frustration, but there should be a "dawn" to illuminate the follow-up, which is also a deduction of the setbacks and achievements in the lives of ordinary people. In recent years, Jin Zhiyuan's resources have improved a lot, in addition to film and television drama works, advertising endorsements have also received a lot.

"The Road of The Third Stream" 5 years, Park Su-joon bought a mansion in Cheong-tam-dong, and Kim Ji-won's supporting role counterattacked the resources soared

Ahn Jae-hiro

In the play, he plays Gao Dongwan's good friend Jin Zhouwan, who is an agent of a family shopping company and is very talented in taste. He has been in a relationship with his girlfriend Bai Xuexi for 6 years, although he wants to marry a rich girl who pursues himself, but in the end he still reconciles with Xuexi, and Kim Joo-wan, played by Ahn Jae-hong, is also very brilliant.

"The Road of The Third Stream" 5 years, Park Su-joon bought a mansion in Cheong-tam-dong, and Kim Ji-won's supporting role counterattacked the resources soared

Compared with other actors, Ahn Jae-hong now focuses his work on movies, and in recent years he has also participated in many movies, such as "Policewoman" and "Secret Zoo". In addition to participating in the works, he also directed the short film "With a Beating Heart", which can be said to focus on movies at present.

"The Road of The Third Stream" 5 years, Park Su-joon bought a mansion in Cheong-tam-dong, and Kim Ji-won's supporting role counterattacked the resources soared

Song Yunyun

Playing Bai Xuexi, he has been in a relationship with Kim Joo-wan for 6 years, is a TV shopping consultant, and is a person who enjoys love very much. The news of her relationship with Jin Zhouwan is a secret within the company, and the relationship between the two has also experienced some twists and turns, but fortunately, the end of the two is good.

"The Road of The Third Stream" 5 years, Park Su-joon bought a mansion in Cheong-tam-dong, and Kim Ji-won's supporting role counterattacked the resources soared

After this part, Song Yunyun also ushered in his own new development, first with his partner Choi Jin Hyuk starring in "Ma Cheng's Joy", and then starring in "Please Don't See that Man". At present, there are media reports that Song Yunyun will star in the comic drama "History That Didn't Come Out", although the overall development is not as good as the previous ones, but the resources have also been improved to a certain extent.

"The Road of The Third Stream" 5 years, Park Su-joon bought a mansion in Cheong-tam-dong, and Kim Ji-won's supporting role counterattacked the resources soared

The ending of "The Road of Third Streams" is still a bit hasty, and the overall look will have some tigers, but it does not affect everyone's mood of watching this inspirational TV series, and it will let confused people find some directions.

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