
Bonelet looks at some girls

Bonelet looks at some girls

There is a classic case around me: a girl on the edge of the social circle chased my friend, did not agree at first, and then became. A year later, the girl probably didn't want to talk about it, and broke up coldly and violently.

I watched this love affair for nearly half of the time, and asked: Why did the girl like him in the first place? Why didn't you like it later? Leaving aside some issues of principle and lifestyle, my friend has changed little (except for less alcohol and less play).

The initial liking is real, but not a certain body, but a fantasy image. Then of course you won't like it.

The logic goes down: is it necessary to do a "detection" for the initial "like"? Truly understand if this person is as you think? In the name of "making friends", it is the right strategy to come out and communicate, to understand their respective stories and ideas. So "like" is just a lottery ticket, it may be in, but the high probability is thank you for patronage, would rather put in the box for expiration and do not scratch, is not a little stupid? But whether it is suitable or not, it will be considered a friend in the future, at least the treatment given to each other's friends, right?

Also, I find some girls really "exaggerated". I don't deny that I have a good feeling for you, I generously ask you to come out to dinner and chat: some are extremely perfunctory to people love to answer, some are extremely vigilant about a little kindness of others (for example, I invite dinner), some are very dismissive but try to cover up, some eat WeChat deleted, some say to make friends is really just to make friends, a little enthusiastic and active, she can freeze into an iceberg in situ, it really makes me cry and laugh.

I wonder how high women expect from a man who has only just met and has some good feelings for you? For me, "properly expressing my affection, expressing appreciation and praise for her merits, and being as gentleman as possible when conditions permit" is the limit of what I can do.

Bonelet looks at some girls

I want to say to some girls —

Even if the number of the lottery ticket we can't get the prize, you are a little euphemistic, you can also politely exit the game, at least not in vain for a man to be brave, you say?

I want to say to some men —

Never been done, never hurt, you are loyal to yourself and loyal to love. Still expecting, just no longer cowardly.