
Zhao Mengfu's book "Send Qin Shaozhang Preface" to appreciate

Song Dynasty poet Zhang Qi,ZiWenqian,Trumpet Keshan,Chuzhou Huaiyin man, Xining Jinshi,former Taichang Shaoqing.' He, along with Huang Tingjian, Qin Guan, and Chao Shuzhi, was one of the "Four Scholars of Su Men" under Su Shi. Zhang Qi once wrote a famous article entitled "Sending Qin Shaozhang Preface". Infected and inspired by this article, Zhao Mengfu wrote this article and gave it to his friend Ji Jian, when there was encouragement.

This inkblot is followed by inscriptions by Yong Yao, Prince Cheng of the Qing Dynasty, and Liu Yong and others. Liu Yong (墉墉) (松雪書極丰瑆), Yong Yao (永瑆) (文敏書) from Li Jinwang (李入王, Gu Longxiang's descendants also).]

Zhao Mengfu calligraphy and inkblot fine works sent to Qin Shaozhang, 25.7 cm in length and 222.5 cm in width, now in the Shanghai Museum.

Zhao Mengfu's book "Send Qin Shaozhang Preface" to appreciate

Send Qin Shaozhang preface Zhang Wenqian. Poetry is not cloudy, crabapples are pale, and white dew

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for frost. If the husband and the material are not changed, the material will not be accomplished, and if the person is not involved in difficulties, the intellect will not be clear. season

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Zhao Mengfu's book "Send Qin Shaozhang Preface" to appreciate

After the spring and summer rain and dew, the flowers are overflowing, the branches are beautiful, and the frost is zero at night, and it is seen when it rises

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Like a defeated army, the flag is abandoned, the wounds are wrapped and celebrated, and the officials are absent

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Human color, it's just that. Therefore, when the heavens and the earth are closed and winter, more than half of those who are destroyed will be destroyed, and they will change

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It is also cool, but it is the weak who are strong, the virtual and the real, and the dry who are all dry

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Hua is in the heart of the heart, and each imitates it into the wood of the deep mountains, scratching the green clouds, and sheltering a thousand people, and he is not sick, and the situation is good

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What about the crabapple? However, the smith stone wielded an axe to tour the mountains and forests, and did everything in one fell swoop to fill it

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The pillars, the spokes of the radial wheels, the strong and the weak, the invincible, this is said to be the gain of loss, the defeat of the gain, the abuse of the pleasure is

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also. Our party has Qin Shaozhang, and when Yu was a Taixue official, he showed it in his article

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Yu, worried, told Yu Yue that his family was poor, and he was ordered to be a man and reluctant to be a scholar of the Imperial Examination. At different times, it means the ancient text of the poem,

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Often Qingli Qiwei, work a hundred times more than the industry. YuanYou six years and the first, transferred to the Main Book of Lin'an. The first of the children can be less happy

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And Qin Zi was not happy when he saw Yu. Yu asked why, Qin Ziyi, the jieshi of the world, could not be happy with sex, and could not be said

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You can't make friends, eat and live, move and move, and can't be reluctant to follow people. Make one

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Officials, all lose themselves and only deserve things, less self-deprecation, and regret that disasters follow. At other times, he was raised by his parents, and now he is a woman and a child

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If you eat for me, you will not be an official, nor will you have it. Since the present and the present, like a mu lacquer and solution

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Yikes. The day before the child, the grass and trees of spring and summer. Today's sick son, the frost of the crab leaf also. Mortals are at peace

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Pray, the great trouble of the world is also the one who is safe. It can be moved to be expensive, and the heavy ear is not nineteen years

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Outside, if you can't dominate, if you don't run, you can't enter Yin. The two sons, when they are poor and troubled, benefit them

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Those who are short and cannot enter it are not as shallow as those who learn from the mouth and ears. From now on

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What the Son has done before, his repentance is many, and his knowledge is more beneficial. Reflexive and peaceful, there is no way to do it in the world

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He who is afraid, who can push food and man, who tastes hunger, who gives the chariot and the horse and resigns,

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Not afraid of hikers also. If you are afraid of hunger and take a bad step, you will have the heart to win, and there will be no more harm! Therefore meteoric frost does not

Zhao Mengfu's book "Send Qin Shaozhang Preface" to appreciate

The killer, the disaster of things, the lifelong pleasure, the blessing of the inhuman. Zi Ang is the book of Ji Jian

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