
What a picture of a spring beauty! Wrap up in a bandeau floral dress to meet the romance of spring

author:The story inside and outside the circle
What a picture of a spring beauty! Wrap up in a bandeau floral dress to meet the romance of spring
What a picture of a spring beauty! Wrap up in a bandeau floral dress to meet the romance of spring
What a picture of a spring beauty! Wrap up in a bandeau floral dress to meet the romance of spring
What a picture of a spring beauty! Wrap up in a bandeau floral dress to meet the romance of spring
What a picture of a spring beauty! Wrap up in a bandeau floral dress to meet the romance of spring
What a picture of a spring beauty! Wrap up in a bandeau floral dress to meet the romance of spring
What a picture of a spring beauty! Wrap up in a bandeau floral dress to meet the romance of spring
What a picture of a spring beauty! Wrap up in a bandeau floral dress to meet the romance of spring
What a picture of a spring beauty! Wrap up in a bandeau floral dress to meet the romance of spring
What a picture of a spring beauty! Wrap up in a bandeau floral dress to meet the romance of spring

On April 8, Bao Shang'en posted a group of photos of her dressed in a bandeau floral short skirt on her personal Weibo account, in which she exposed her delicate collarbone, the waist short skirt design outlined the waist of Yingying, the long hair of the micro-curl was casually draped, and the collagen-full face was full of youthful and energetic smiles. On the sunny lake, the sparkling lake surface and the light points reflected on the face blend together, showing a set of beautiful pictures of spring with a sense of atmosphere.