
Trumpchi GA6 redefines mid-to-high-end executive sedans

Heart of the Trumpchi GA6, waiting for so long finally there is a discount, Xiaobian heard about Zhuhai Yueqi store 04.06-04 06 car purchase discount 4.6%, such a good opportunity friends are not as eager to go to the store to feel it

Trumpchi GA6 redefines mid-to-high-end executive sedans
Trumpchi GA6 redefines mid-to-high-end executive sedans
Trumpchi GA6 redefines mid-to-high-end executive sedans

Promotional hours

From April 06, 2022 to April 06, 2022

Offer Conditions

Local license, residence permit, local social security, in-store insurance, in-store license, in-store loan

Trumpchi GA6 latest offer

Models Manufacturer guidance price/subsidy price Preferential margins Zhuhai quote
270T Auto Elite Edition 108,800 yuan 0.6 million yuan 102,800 yuan
270T Auto Extreme Edition 168,800 yuan 162,800 yuan
270T Auto Deluxe Edition 126,800 yuan 120,800 yuan
270T Auto Premium Edition 136,800 yuan 130,800 yuan
270T Auto Premium Edition 146,800 yuan 140,800 yuan
270T Auto Smart Edition