
What postures did ancient women use to give birth to children? Maybe it's not what you think, film and television dramas are misleading

For ancient times, most of us understand through film and television dramas, but film and television dramas have been improved in many places in order to be more beautiful and attractive, such as ancient children.

Naturally, there is no shortage of childbirth scenes in film and television dramas, although the main actors and characters are different, but the same is that they are all lying on the bed like modern times, but this is not the case in history!

What postures did ancient women use to give birth to children? Maybe it's not what you think, film and television dramas are misleading

Ancient women were mainly "vertical childbirth", which means standing or sitting to give birth. It may seem strange to us now, but that's the way it is, and there's been a lot of relevant records.

The ancients may not have as broad a vision as ours, but they are definitely not stupid, they have chosen the most suitable way of childbirth, the famous medical scientist Yang Kanghou of the Song Dynasty wrote in the "Ten Births" that "the child will want to be born, his mother is tired, sit on the chair for a long time, and resist his way of life." The meaning of this sentence is that the pregnant women at that time adopted a sitting posture, and in the whole book, the evidence of waging, reversing labor, sitting birth, and obstructing labor are all discussed.

"You must use a hand towel, tie it to a high place, and let the mother climb it with her hands", and then "gently bend the foot to sit, the birther is relaxed, and the child is born", which appears in Zhao Liying's works.

What postures did ancient women use to give birth to children? Maybe it's not what you think, film and television dramas are misleading

In Chongqing's famous Dazu stone carving, there is a pair of "Grace of Suffering in Labor", which depicts a woman who is about to give birth, and a midwife stands in front of her with her sleeves rolled up to prepare for delivery, which was made in the Southern Song Dynasty.

What postures did ancient women use to give birth to children? Maybe it's not what you think, film and television dramas are misleading

Of course, giving birth while standing is not a patent of ancient China, and there is a relief of the last queen, Clegbala, who gave birth in the palace of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs, showing Cleopatra kneeling, surrounded by five women, one of whom is delivering the baby. The Kjöbala uses the kneeling style of vertical childbirth.

And in the process of archaeology, a babylonian special chair for childbirth has also been found, which has been more than two thousand years old.

In this way, in the minds of the ancients, vertical childbirth was definitely not a minority. So why don't they choose to live lying down? Wouldn't that be more comfortable?

What postures did ancient women use to give birth to children? Maybe it's not what you think, film and television dramas are misleading

In fact, it is mainly related to the times and the environment, the medical level of ancient people is relatively low, there are not so many disinfection methods, lying down is very easy to cause infection.

And vertical childbirth can make production easier, using the physiological characteristics of the human body to reduce the probability of dystocia, after all, in ancient times, once difficult childbirth was equivalent to one corpse and two lives.

These must be the ways that the ancients came up with after experiencing the verification of life, and there has not been a dynasty in the past that does not attach importance to the population, and those in power agree that the explanation is more effective, which is actually confirmed by some news now.

Many women go shopping for vegetables or shopping with big bellies, and the children are born unconsciously, which also makes many netizens very surprised.

What postures did ancient women use to give birth to children? Maybe it's not what you think, film and television dramas are misleading

Today's medical conditions have become better, the choice of production methods is also much more, some people in order to reduce the pain of the body and even choose underwater childbirth, in fact, these are in order to be able to give birth to a baby smoothly, the ancient vertical production is also for this purpose!

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