
DNF: 3.24 version needs to be aware! Brush 10 abysses every day, and transfer to a new profession

After March 24th, the mushroom-themed version has been online for a while! As the last wave of activities in this year's New Year version, there are many activities on the line, there are 7 of them, and there are many activities that make players wonder, fortunately, after the event is launched, there are also answers, such as the mushroom head shape gift pack can be purchased with token coupons, the Buff obtained by collecting Heeman cards is more awesome than the grab music Buff, and the shooting master mushroom head halo obtained by the collection cabinet collects 240 points The appearance of the special effect of "chicken you are too beautiful", which is very magical.

Note needs to be taken in version 3.24

DNF: 3.24 version needs to be aware! Brush 10 abysses every day, and transfer to a new profession

However, after the event was launched, there were still many players who ran into walls everywhere, either becoming "Emperor Players", or missing materials, or letting themselves be negatively promoted, which was a very headache! The reason why I run into walls everywhere is mainly because I did not understand the activities in advance, so I became a guinea pig and became the laughing stock of others. So what are the things to be aware of in version 3.24? There are mainly 3, here for everyone to analyze one by one.

DNF: 3.24 version needs to be aware! Brush 10 abysses every day, and transfer to a new profession

First of all, the baptism of the soul stone must not be randomly extracted from the soul stone! There are already many players who have mistakenly clicked on the +1 booster coupon. This time the soul baptism and the last time is different, the last time you can withdraw a coupon once a week, this event can only be extracted once before the end of the coupon, the highest increase of 12 soul stones can be extracted + 12 increase coupons, but the wrong point is not too sad, it is equivalent to reducing the burden on themselves, it is worth noting that the player who clicked on the wrong extraction can still accumulate 60 increases in the soul stone to get +10 increase coupons.

DNF: 3.24 version needs to be aware! Brush 10 abysses every day, and transfer to a new profession

Secondly, it is recommended that you collect the lost materials and brush 10 abysses first! There are already many players who have missed the material because they collected the materials in the storm, did not pay attention to enter the following picture, and then could not come back to pick up the materials! The "scalper" who obtains the material for the aid is limited to only 10 times a day, if the material is often missed, the time for collecting the Heeman card will fall a lot, collecting 12 cards can get the super powerful buff, all collected it will take 10 days, less than a few materials, which means that the time to use the super strong buff will be shorter than others.

DNF: 3.24 version needs to be aware! Brush 10 abysses every day, and transfer to a new profession

Finally, everyone in the new occupation must not be a career that they do not want to change! There is already a 2.0 black chicken player, because he wants to show off in the screenshot of whether to transfer the interface, so he also took the protective stone down (with the protective stone can not be turned), the result of his surprise is that the transfer of the new profession did not have a second confirmation, so after clicking, he also accidentally turned into Ji Rou, a time 2.0 Dou Di, became 1.93 Ji Rou, the damage was also reduced a lot, and it was really a mistake into a thousand ancient hate.

DNF: 3.24 version needs to be aware! Brush 10 abysses every day, and transfer to a new profession

【Personal Summary】

In general, there are 3 main things to pay attention to in version 3.24! Soul Stone Extraction only has 1 chance during the event, and the extracted amplification coupon is the current increase in Soul Stone value, so don't mess around. When the storm brushes the materials that should be aided, it is easy to accidentally enter the next map, and some copies cannot go back, so it is also recommended to brush 10 abysses first, even if it is picked up in the BOSS, it is not afraid of material omission. The transfer book is the player's dream prop, because the transfer of the new class has no second confirmation, so everyone chooses the class they want, do not show off and accidentally turn the wrong class that they do not want to play.

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