
Yan Hexiang joined the kindergarten, and got along with the children happily, netizens: you also have one

author:Take a look at the interesting

"The older unmarried cross-talk actor is a kindergarten teacher, and I don't know how much he lacks notices." Feng Zhaoyang complained about Yan Hexiang on the cross-talk stage.

Yan Hexiang joined the kindergarten, and got along with the children happily, netizens: you also have one

In addition to the actors of The Tokuunsha Society, in addition to saying crosstalk in the theater, the rest is a cross-border performance. However, the actors of the deyun society's cross-border performances, no two people crossed the border together, basically crossed the border is a solo flight. For example, Guo Qilin's solo flight left the "widow" Yan Hexiang.

After Yan Hexiang left Guo Qilin, he was not idle, but actively working. As Feng Zhaoyang said, Yan Hexiang participated in a children's program, playing games with children around three years old and learning knowledge.

Yan Hexiang joined the kindergarten, and got along with the children happily, netizens: you also have one

I have to say that Yan Hexiang really has a childlike, childlike heart, he gets along very well with the children, and he also finds happiness in it. In his "Love Kindergarten" program, everyone calls him Strong Teacher, which sounds cute and gentle.

Can an elderly unmarried cross-talk actor of Deyunsha really live in harmony with children? The answer is yes.

Yan Hexiang did not have the grumpiness of a middle-aged man, but was a little more gentle. Three-year-old Brother Hao and Happy Sauce are very fond of The Strong Teacher. Maybe Yan Hexiang's fat and fat appearance and gentle tone make everyone feel good about him.

Yan Hexiang joined the kindergarten, and got along with the children happily, netizens: you also have one

Yan Hexiang taught gently

Working in a kindergarten, it is inevitable to teach children knowledge. Yan Hexiang set an example by teaching children to apply knowledge correctly.

Two- and three-year-old children are in a period of ignorance and have no understanding of what everyone says. Yan Hexiang uses a very figurative anthropomorphic to teach children to recognize the sirens of 110, 120 and 119.

Yan Hexiang joined the kindergarten, and got along with the children happily, netizens: you also have one

Yan Hexiang told the child when explaining the siren of 120: The patient is lying in the car, his body is very painful, and his mouth will make a "oops, oops" sound, which is the siren sound of 120. Then Yan Hexiang taught by example, pretending to have a stomachache and falling down to see if the children would help him call for help.

Yan Hexiang joined the kindergarten, and got along with the children happily, netizens: you also have one

Yan Hexiang held the water cup in his hand and suddenly fell to the ground, and the water cup in his hand also spilled on the ground, a scene that 3-year-old children do not know what happened.

Some students came to ask about the situation of the strong teacher, and this is Yan Hexiang has not moved, if Yan Hexiang insists on moving, the students feel that the strong teacher is playing with them, and they cannot detect whether they will call for help.

Yan Hexiang joined the kindergarten, and got along with the children happily, netizens: you also have one

Finally, at the insistence of Yan Hexiang, the students finally called and accurately said the patient's situation and accurate address, and the teaching task achieved good results.

Yan Hexiang's heart remains childlike, and getting along with children makes him more relaxed.

Yan Hexiang empathizes with the children

In safety class, test whether children will open doors to strangers. Yan Hexiang, Huang Shengyi and Zhang Jieling became observers, and Yan Hexiang would empathize with three-year-old children and put himself in their shoes to think about problems.

Yan Hexiang joined the kindergarten, and got along with the children happily, netizens: you also have one

When "Brother Hao" opened the door with the stranger and let the stranger enter the door, Yan Hexiang said that this was over, and the style of the Great Demon King in the class was like this, informal. Yan Hexiang's performance of the class "Hao Brother" was also expected, and finally the "Hao Brother" actually played with strangers, and this time the stranger opened the door test and failed.

When Yan Hexiang watched the children's performance in the observation room, he could feel their thoughts and feelings. Yan Hexiang behaved very well, empathizing with the children can play with them, if you manage these children from the perspective of adults, it is estimated that the children will wash their faces with tears all day. Yan Hexiang's education method makes the children like it very much, and they become good friends.

Yan Hexiang joined the kindergarten, and got along with the children happily, netizens: you also have one

I didn't expect that the elderly unmarried male cross-talk actor had a little boy living in his heart, and his heart was gentle. It is difficult for us to imagine how Yan Hexiang can live in harmony with petite children with developed limbs.

This is our doubt point and Feng Zhaoyang's doubt point, but it turns out that Yan Hexiang can get along harmoniously with children, and the relationship between the two is very harmonious.

Yan Hexiang joined the kindergarten, and got along with the children happily, netizens: you also have one

Iron riding Man, cross-talk praise originally has a tender like water side, we are used to riding motorcycle travel Hanzi, accustomed to the actors who hold the cross-talk stage, Yan Hexiang's relationship with children let us see another side of him.

Netizens see that Yan Hexiang is so good to children, they are urging Yan Hexiang: You also have one. This is a disguised marriage urging.

Yan Hexiang's career has been considered a success, and he looks forward to his family being equally successful!

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