
Glory of Kings: Most players forget to develop when they play, which is why they don't play nucleus well

Hello everyone, I'm Bells~

Many players often ask Bells why they always play the advantage against the line, they lose when they fight, they fight the opponent they just penetrated, the blink of an eye, the development is better than themselves, and then they win the battle against themselves?

It's a shame to say that Bells also often plays trumpets, so it's no longer strange about this kind of thing, which is a problem of development. This problem exists in almost all low- and middle-level players, but some players can realize it, and some players don't realize it.

Glory of Kings: Most players forget to develop when they play, which is why they don't play nucleus well

For example, to give you an example, many times we play the advantage, the line penetrates the opponent, after successfully pushing off a tower, no matter how you play next, your own development will not pull away from the opponent a lot, why is this? That's the problem you won't develop. In other words, the current glory of the king, if you will not develop, simply can not play the core, that is, the core output bit.

The core output bit includes multiple heroes in multiple positions, such as the french core has a battery mage and a magic stab, the shooter is almost all a core, and almost all the fields are also cores, ma chao of the confrontation road, etc., these are the output core, if you play these heroes, there is also this problem, then you can't play a high segment, even if your hero is very skilled.

Glory of Kings: Most players forget to develop when they play, which is why they don't play nucleus well

First of all, we must understand that the reason why the gods can often be more than a dozen is really just a sharp operation? It is not like this, you can go to carefully observe, the reason why the gods can play more than a dozen, in addition to the sharp operation, their development is particularly much ahead of the opponent, sometimes less than ten minutes, their own development is more than the opposite two of the highest, such a development with the operation, in order to be invincible.

Here is a common example with you, the shooter fights against the opponent, and then successfully pushes off a tower to gain an advantage, what will you choose to do at this time? Most players in the middle and low segments just go to the middle and squeeze in the middle with the mage, but they can't effectively push the tower, and after two or three minutes, the advantage is completely lost, which is a typical negative example.

Glory of Kings: Most players forget to develop when they play, which is why they don't play nucleus well

So what's the right thing to do?

Simply put, don't do something that doesn't work, don't waste time on meaningless things, such as going to the middle of the road to push the tower, which is a meaningless thing, because it is almost impossible to push off, unless the opposite mage can't play.

A tower in the middle of the road is the most difficult to push, the mage two small skills to clear the line of soldiers, you say that the line of soldiers can not go in, take what push tower, but the shooter and the mage and the auxiliary three positions huddled together to share a wave of troop lines, it does not take long, the development is caught up is a very normal thing.

Glory of Kings: Most players forget to develop when they play, which is why they don't play nucleus well

Or take the shooter as an example, after playing the advantage to push a tower, in fact, there are very few such middle push gameplay now, or it is to change the line, such as changing the line with the confrontation road, to fight against the road to push the tower, to fight the road to the development road, and the opponent has no tower to fight the road hero has a better chance to defeat the opponent. In this way, the shooter still has a separate line of troops to continue to develop, and the advantage is once again expanded after pushing off the tower of the confrontation road.

Or or with the auxiliary pressure two towers, while invading the wild area, this kind of play is playing well, the advantage is also continued to expand, but it is more dangerous than changing the line. Either there is no assistance, or he is still a tower guarding the development road, because he has the advantage of wiring rights, clearing the line of soldiers and then turning to the middle road, so repeatedly eat two lines of soldiers. You see no matter what the gameplay, in fact, there is no waste of time to develop, then the original advantage will always be, or even expanded, so do not do something meaningless.

Glory of Kings: Most players forget to develop when they play, which is why they don't play nucleus well

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