
From Wang Ziyi to Song Weilong, which of these brothers and sisters do they want?

author:Auspicious and healthy forever

The prince who will not fall in love is a very unique existence, breaking the fixed pattern of the original brother.

You say that he is a milk brother, obviously the family is tall and strong and has boyfriend power.

You say that he is a rich second-generation brother of the high-cold type, obviously the family is gentle and shy, and he has pinched his sister's soul with a soft kegang.

You say that he is a cute and stupid brother who was actively picked up by his sister, obviously people are love masters, dedicated and high-end.

From Wang Ziyi to Song Weilong, which of these brothers and sisters do they want?
From Wang Ziyi to Song Weilong, which of these brothers and sisters do they want?
From Wang Ziyi to Song Weilong, which of these brothers and sisters do they want?
From Wang Ziyi to Song Weilong, which of these brothers and sisters do they want?
From Wang Ziyi to Song Weilong, which of these brothers and sisters do they want?

If the younger brother is handsome, then Song Weilong's younger brother is born beautiful and invincible exquisite facial features.

In the name of his family, it is his pinnacle, and I don't know why I always feel that there is himself in this character. He was also a cute brother in the next stop of happiness. It's just a pity that this drama was not filmed well, although there are too many KISS, none of them can make the viewer's heart move. Therefore, it is still the first to watch the super sweet kissing scene and hug in the name of the family.

From Wang Ziyi to Song Weilong, which of these brothers and sisters do they want?

Huang Zitao is also a cute brother among the negotiators and the brightest stars in the night sky. His performance is very natural and comesdic. No matter how uncomfortable the lines are, how much dragging and arrogance, into his mouth, it is two words, cute. I like his plays more than I like his music, and I'm looking forward to better works.

Sisters, these brothers, which one do you like?

From Wang Ziyi to Song Weilong, which of these brothers and sisters do they want?
From Wang Ziyi to Song Weilong, which of these brothers and sisters do they want?

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