
Why did the little dragon girl die in the end? Jin Yong did not dare to say it explicitly, but he used the words of the exterminator to tell the truth

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Why did the little dragon girl die in the end? Jin Yong did not dare to say it explicitly, but he used the words of the exterminator to tell the truth

Among Jin Yong's many novels, the Condor Hero should be the most heart-wrenching work. The reason is simple, because this novel depicts the most handsome male protagonist and the most beautiful female protagonist, but the love between the two of them is so bad.

Why did the little dragon girl die in the end? Jin Yong did not dare to say it explicitly, but he used the words of the exterminator to tell the truth

First it was destroyed by Zhen Zhibing, and then it was blocked by the male and female protagonists in the legend of the archery hero, and later the male protagonist Yang Guo broke his hand, and the heroine Xiaolongnü was poisoned by the love flower. It was hard to survive all the difficulties, and finally it was sixteen years later.

In particular, the little dragon girl, who was poisoned by the love flower at that time, her scene was more miserable and miserable. Fortunately, it seemed to be a happy ending, and the couple met again sixteen years later. But in fact, in the novel, the ending of the little dragon girl is not particularly good, and even in the original novel, the little dragon girl has long died. So what's going on here?

Indeed, according to the description of the original novel, although the bumps between Xiaolongnü and Yang Guo are heart-wrenching, no matter how difficult it is, they still come together, even if a desperate sixteen-year deadline is added in the middle, but the good villain is also a big reunion.

Why did the little dragon girl die in the end? Jin Yong did not dare to say it explicitly, but he used the words of the exterminator to tell the truth

But perhaps no one would have thought that in fact, the sixteen-year goodbye of the novel was simply the product of later revisions, according to the original statement, the little dragon girl had long since died.

It turned out that in the earliest days, Mr. Jin Yong's works were published in Ming Pao, and the end of the little dragon girl at that time was severely poisoned, and it had reached the point where there was no medicine to save. In fact, in general, at this time, there is basically no salvation, unless you encounter a supreme person or practice some world-class martial arts.

In fact, according to the consistent tradition of Mr. Jin Yong, as long as the protagonist of his pen encounters danger, he will inevitably fall into the cliff, and then encounter the divine secret book left by his predecessors, which will become a generation of legends. But the little dragon girl's encounter is very strange, and the version we see now is that she fell under the cliff, and the result was that her body was inexplicably better, but she did not obtain any divine secrets, which in itself clashed with the tradition of Jin Yong's grandfather.

Why did the little dragon girl die in the end? Jin Yong did not dare to say it explicitly, but he used the words of the exterminator to tell the truth

Sure enough, at that time, Jin Yong's old master's arrangement was that Xiaolongnü directly jumped off a cliff to commit suicide because she was hit by an incurable poison, so she was so completely killed. Yang Guo was in great pain on the mountain, but fortunately sixteen years later he met another girl, this girl was Guo Xiang, and then the two came together to start a new life.

Obviously, this kind of writing method makes many viewers unacceptable, and even some readers directly say that if Jin Yong does not change the ending, they will smash the writing place of Jin Yong.

I have to say that even if the network was not developed at that time, it has also let us see the horror of network public opinion. In order to make everyone satisfied, So Jin Yong had to modify his story direction, so he came to a sixteen-year covenant, and then the little dragon girl was actually reborn under the pool, which had the story of the reunion of the divine eagle heroes sixteen years later.

It's just that pity the vivid and vivid Guo Xiang woman, who can only silently become a heroine and fail another master named Zhang Sanfeng.

Why did the little dragon girl die in the end? Jin Yong did not dare to say it explicitly, but he used the words of the exterminator to tell the truth

Therefore, according to the original version, combined with the conflict between the current version and the tradition of Jin Yong, we can draw a very clear conclusion that the little dragon girl has actually died a long time ago, but was forced to live under the strong recommendation of the reader.

But we also know that the literati always have a story in their hearts, even if they are changed by irresistible factors, but they will always try every means to continue to tell their story.

It was obvious that Old Master Jin Yong was such a person, so after he finished the book, he expressed the death of the little dragon girl in a very cryptic way in the newly opened Dragon Slayer.

Not to mention, people who watch online novels and TV series really won't notice this, but there is a clear record inside. According to the description in the book, the extermination master once told some of the past events of his grandfather Guo Xiang, which mentioned that the grandfather Guo Xiang was very nostalgic for Yang Guo, and often wandered in the tomb of the living dead, but he never found Yang.

Why did the little dragon girl die in the end? Jin Yong did not dare to say it explicitly, but he used the words of the exterminator to tell the truth

According to the level of Yang Guo and Xiaolongnü at that time, basically no one could beat them, even if Zhang Sanfeng at that time was only Yang Guo's younger brother. Coupled with the relationship between Yang Guo and Guo Xiang, it is impossible to know that the other party is looking for him without showing his face. So it was obvious that Yang Guo and Xiaolongnü had died.

On this basis, Guo Xiang experienced another thing, Guo Xiang waited for Yang Guo for three days in the ancient tomb, but did not wait for anyone, but waited for a Xuan iron heavy sword that Yang Guo handed him, which was the material of the Later Heavenly Sword.

To know that Yang Guo disappeared and left Guo Xiang's own weapons in advance, it is obvious that Yang Guo knew that he was going to die, and he also knew that Guo Xiang would come to him, so he left a relic.

So the question is, what kind of situation will occur that will make Yang Guo feel that he is going to die. Personally, I thought that no one could threaten him at that time, so it was only possible that Xiaolongnü could not do it, so Yang Guo felt that he could not survive.

Why did the little dragon girl die in the end? Jin Yong did not dare to say it explicitly, but he used the words of the exterminator to tell the truth

So why didn't the little dragon girl do it? Could it be that the little dragon girl has reached the end of her life and is about to die? Obviously, it's not that simple. However, there was once a detail in the Condor Heroes that may give us the answer. At that time, Yang Guo and Xiaolongnü met at the bottom of the valley, and Yang Guo asked Xiaolongnü if her illness was better, and the xiaolongnü replied: I think it is good.

As a bystander, let's take a closer look at what this sentence means. Obviously, the little dragon girl's words were insincere, and I am afraid that although her body barely survived to the present under the strong request of the reader, I am afraid that it will not be able to support it for too long.

So combined with these contents, combined with the original intention of Jin Yong's old master, it is obvious that the old man is very persistent and wants to tell his story, so the little dragon girl came alive on the surface, but in fact, she still did not remove the toxin, and then died not long after, and Yang Guo also left the sword to Guo Xiang martyrdom.

Why did the little dragon girl die in the end? Jin Yong did not dare to say it explicitly, but he used the words of the exterminator to tell the truth

Perhaps this is how the little dragon girl died, and there was a contest between the reader and the author. It should be said that the death of the Dragon Girl is not only sad, but also a legend of such a death, which is indeed emotional.

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