
Micro video 丨 word hidden love to welcome the Lantern

Source: Xinhua News Agency

February 15 is the 15th Lantern Festival of the first lunar month.

Micro video 丨 word hidden love to welcome the Lantern
Micro video 丨 word hidden love to welcome the Lantern

As one of the traditional festivals of the Chinese nation, the Lantern Festival has many traditional customs, and the whole family sits together, eats the Lantern Festival, guesses the riddles of the lanterns, and enjoys the joy of reunion.

Micro video 丨 word hidden love to welcome the Lantern
Micro video 丨 word hidden love to welcome the Lantern

The little friends in our story also gave everyone five riddles, let's guess it together!

Micro video 丨 word hidden love to welcome the Lantern
Micro video 丨 word hidden love to welcome the Lantern
Micro video 丨 word hidden love to welcome the Lantern
Micro video 丨 word hidden love to welcome the Lantern
Micro video 丨 word hidden love to welcome the Lantern

Producer: Liu Gang

Producer: Sun Zhiping

Producer: Fan Hua

Editor-in-chief: Yang Yong, Jiang Haiying

Coordinator: Yang Yunyan

Choreographer: Han Yige

Reporters: Yang Jing, Lin Kai, Yang Chi, Wu Sisi

Reporters: Wang Han, Liu Lu, Tian Yun

Produced by the Audio and Video Department of Xinhua News Agency

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