
Kong Linghui's father Kong Xiangzhi: The first half of my son's life was my pride, but the second half of his life became my concern

author:Little nagging at first sight

"When I officially retire, I will slow down,

Stay with you, we will never be separated. ”

Kong Linghui, who was at the peak of his career at that time,

Affectionately to the actress Ma Su said this promise,

The simple Masu believed every word the man said and waited for him for 4 years.

Kong Linghui's father Kong Xiangzhi: The first half of my son's life was my pride, but the second half of his life became my concern

In 2006, when Kong Linghui retired from the field and transformed into a coach,

Ma Su thought that he had finally waited for the day when the other party would marry him,

Kong Linghui said to her again:

"Wait, 4 years, you wait another 4 years,

When I lead the women's table tennis station to the highest podium, I will marry you immediately! ”

Ma Su believed Kong Linghui's words again,

As a result, she waited for Kong Linghui and another actress, Yang Shuting, to cross their fingers.

Join hands in the news of visiting the park!

Kong Linghui's father Kong Xiangzhi: The first half of my son's life was my pride, but the second half of his life became my concern

Ma Su, who had waited for Kong Linghui for 11 years,

And he was divided and merged many times, seeing that Kong Linghui had no intention of marrying her,

She decisively broke up with Kong Linghui.

After the two broke up, Ma Su successively and Chen Zhanpeng in the circle over the years,

Wei Daxun, Wu Qilong, Du Chun and other male stars in the circle played hot,

The emotional aspect has always been extremely moist.

On the other hand, Kong Linghui, after breaking up with Ma Su,

His entanglement with Yang Shuting soon ended,

Shortly thereafter, it was exposed by the media to date the young model Gu Shanshan,

A 40-minute long scandal with each other playing "C Shock" in the car!

Kong Linghui's father Kong Xiangzhi: The first half of my son's life was my pride, but the second half of his life became my concern

As a former table tennis player and Chinese women's table tennis coach,

Won the world championship of international events such as the World Championships and the Olympic Games for many times.

Kong Linghui has been the pride of his father Kong Xiangzhi for the first half of his life,

The tearful years of struggle between their father and son, Kong Xiangzhi is still deeply impressed.

However, the second half of Kong Linghui's life became his father's heart disease because of his personal problems.

Now 47 years old, Kong Linghui, who is still plugging his father Kong Xiangzhi,

Why did you get to where you are?

Kong Linghui's father Kong Xiangzhi: The first half of my son's life was my pride, but the second half of his life became my concern

Kong Linghui is a native of Harbin, Heilongjiang.

Born in 1975 into a sports family,

His father, Kong Xiangzhi, was a member of the Heilongjiang Provincial Table Tennis Team.

After retiring from the army, he became a table tennis coach.

Her mother's name is Gu Shuxia, and she is a teacher.

After Kong Linghui was born,

As a table tennis player, my father began to plan,

I plan to let him also go the path of sports.

Kong Linghui's father Kong Xiangzhi: The first half of my son's life was my pride, but the second half of his life became my concern

When Kong Linghui was 3 years old,

Kong Xiangzhi began to intentionally guide him to learn table tennis,

Often take Kong Linghui with him,

Let Kong Linghui watch him play and help him pick up the ball.

Under the accumulated infection of Kong Xiangzhi,

Kong Linghui also slowly fell in love with the sport of table tennis.

Kong Linghui's father Kong Xiangzhi: The first half of my son's life was my pride, but the second half of his life became my concern

When he was 5 years old, he took the initiative to find his father and said:

"Dad, I want to play table tennis too."

Kong Xiangzhi was not in a hurry either, he asked:

"Son, why do you want to learn to play?"

The young Kong Linghui did not twist,

He said directly: "I think I can beat them!" ”

Dare to fight, do not accept defeat,

It is the spirit that an athlete should have,

Kong Xiangzhi was very satisfied with his son's response.

Kong Linghui's father Kong Xiangzhi: The first half of my son's life was my pride, but the second half of his life became my concern

He officially began to teach Kong Linghui the skills of playing table tennis,

He became the first teacher on Kong Linghui's table tennis path.

Kong Linghui's mother saw that her son was so young to suffer like this,

She cried and said to Kong Xiangzhi, "My son is still so young.

You are so strict with him, don't you feel bad? ”

Kong Linghui's father Kong Xiangzhi: The first half of my son's life was my pride, but the second half of his life became my concern

Whenever the wife asks something similar,

Kong Xiangzhi put on a cold face and said:

"When I was a child, I didn't treat him a little harder.

Lay a solid foundation for him, how can there be a future in the future? ”

In order to let Kong Linghui know that it is not easy to go further on this road,

Kong Xiangzhi's opponent arranged for him at that time,

They are some older children who have been practicing for many years and are much older than Kong Linghui.

Under the strict training of Kong Xiangzhi,

Although Kong Linghui's training life was very difficult at the beginning,

But as I gradually entered a better situation, under the spur of my father,

He developed a spirit of not accepting defeat.

Kong Linghui's father Kong Xiangzhi: The first half of my son's life was my pride, but the second half of his life became my concern

Because Kong Linghui spent too much time practicing table tennis at that time,

Although the table tennis skills are getting better and better,

But the family is afraid that he will neglect to learn about culture and education.

Delay the future of the university entrance examination.

In order to decide is to let him continue to practice,

Or go back to school to learn cultural knowledge,

His family engaged in a heated argument.

Kong Linghui's father Kong Xiangzhi: The first half of my son's life was my pride, but the second half of his life became my concern

Seeing that he had not been able to fight for a result for a long time, his father finally decided,

Let himself, who was only 10 years old at the time, choose the way forward.

To this, Kong Linghui did not hesitate to give his own answer: "I want to play,

I want to be in the national team, I want to be a world champion! ”

In other words, others will definitely think that this is the child's youthful madness and ignorance,

But Kong Xiangzhi especially admired this spirit of daring to fight in his son.

He agreed to his son's choice.

Kong Linghui's father Kong Xiangzhi: The first half of my son's life was my pride, but the second half of his life became my concern

In fact, what Kong Linghui said at that time was not exaggerated at all,

Since deciding to put down cultural learning and concentrate on practicing table tennis,

He became more hard and hardworking, and soon became the best among his peers.

Even if he played against some older children who were several years older than him, he would not be left behind at all.

Kong Xiangzhi took him to participate in many municipal and provincial table tennis competitions.

In these competitions, Kong Linghui, who has a solid foundation, soon came to the fore,

It has received a lot of attention, and many people are optimistic about his development prospects.

And the father and son who have been appearing on the field together,

With Kong Linghui's achievements getting better and better,

The two of them also won the reputation of "the number one father and son soldier in the table tennis world"!

Kong Linghui's father Kong Xiangzhi: The first half of my son's life was my pride, but the second half of his life became my concern

In 1987, the mainland formed a national youth team.

It is planned to select a batch of good seedlings aged 12 to 15 from all over the country,

Train them to become table tennis masters and later reach the world championship.

Kong Xiangzhi realized that this was a good opportunity for his son.

He sent Kong Linghui to the national team,

Here, Kong Linghui met the first Grand Slam winner who would later become the first Chinese men's table tennis player.

Liu Guoliang, who is now ridiculed by everyone as a "fat man who doesn't know how to play".

Kong Linghui's father Kong Xiangzhi: The first half of my son's life was my pride, but the second half of his life became my concern

After entering the national team, he received more systematic and professional training.

Kong Linghui's technical level was soon significantly improved,

After practicing for 2 years in the national team,

When he participated in the National Junior Table Tennis Championships and the Asian Junior Table Tennis Championships,

They all won the championship in one fell swoop.

Kong Linghui's father Kong Xiangzhi: The first half of my son's life was my pride, but the second half of his life became my concern

In 1995, at the 43rd World Table Tennis Championships,

19-year-old Kong Linghui is even more absolutely advantageous,

Surpassed teammates Wang Tao and Ding Song,

Won the first men's singles championship of the Chinese team!

The following year, he and teammate Liu Guoliang participated in many competitions together.

Successively won the Chinese Table Tennis Association Cup,

Men's doubles champion at the Atlanta Olympics and the inaugural ITTF Pro Tour.

Kong Linghui's father Kong Xiangzhi: The first half of my son's life was my pride, but the second half of his life became my concern

Kong Linghui, who is developing better and better,

Has won many world championships,

Not only has it become the pride of his father Kong Xiangzhi,

It has also become a table tennis player who makes the Chinese people proud,

At the same time, he also gained his feelings.

Kong Linghui's father Kong Xiangzhi: The first half of my son's life was my pride, but the second half of his life became my concern

In 2002, Kong Linghui, who has won several world championships,

At a party organized by a friend, I met Ma Su, a fellow from Harbin,

At that time, Kong Linghui was already a famous sports star,

And Ma Su, who has just debuted, is still an unknown small actor.

Although the gap in fame and career development between the two is obvious,

But the two became friends of the heart,

After that they often meet up and go on dates,

Masu, who worships the world champion, soon comes together with him.

For them to fall in love with each other, Kong Linghui's parents did not object,

Especially Kong Xiangzhi, he thinks That Ma Su is a very good girl,

I always hoped that my son would be able to marry this daughter-in-law into the door as soon as possible.

However, from falling in love to Kong Linghui retiring,

And then later became the national team women's table tennis coach,

Kong Linghui, who has been in love with Ma Su for 11 years,

However, he has been prevaricating the other party for various reasons, unwilling to give Masu an official name.

Kong Linghui's father Kong Xiangzhi: The first half of my son's life was my pride, but the second half of his life became my concern

During the period when the two of them were in love, the media repeatedly broke up the two of them.

The two of them have not responded to this.

Until the news that Kong Linghui was later exposed to meet actress Yang Shuting on the street,

This love that has been "broken up" has really come to an end.

In July 2013, Ma Su was at the launch of his new work,

Announced the news that he and Kong Linghui have broken up,

She said: "I've been living alone for a while. ”

Kong Linghui's father Kong Xiangzhi: The first half of my son's life was my pride, but the second half of his life became my concern

After breaking up with Ma Su, Kong Linghui has been single.

But there are not many scandals about his feelings.

For example, it was exposed and the young model Gu Shanshan played "C Zhen",

For this scandal, he also joked at the time:

"The girl who is the model, Gu Shanshan,

I really don't know, my sister is hard for you, got a shot. ”

Kong Linghui's father Kong Xiangzhi: The first half of my son's life was my pride, but the second half of his life became my concern

In addition to the emotional scandal that is controversial,

His coaching career has not been smooth,

In 2017, he was also revealed to owe a huge amount of money in a Singapore casino.

Because he has been in arrears, he was sued by the other party.

The State General Administration of Sport immediately responded to this,

Suspended Kong Linghui's work as Chinese women's table tennis coach,

And let him return to China immediately to be investigated and dealt with.

Kong Linghui's father Kong Xiangzhi: The first half of my son's life was my pride, but the second half of his life became my concern

Originally a very good career development, he,

Should have been able to be the same as his former teammate Liu Guoliang,

Became the pillar of the national team, but after this incident,

He bid farewell to the national team once and for all.

Later he went to Chongqing to teach,

Although he has always been eager to return to the national team to coach,

Unfortunately, due to his personal problems, he has not been able to achieve his wishes so far.

Kong Linghui's father Kong Xiangzhi: The first half of my son's life was my pride, but the second half of his life became my concern

For kong Linghui's setbacks in his career,

Although his father Kong Xiangzhi felt very sad,

Comparatively speaking,

What he cares about most now is not Kong Linghui's career development.

It's his emotional problems.

Since breaking up with Kong Linghui and Ma Su,

Over the years,

Kong Linghui has never been able to find a girlfriend who satisfies Kong Xiangzhi.

The father watched as his relatives and friends of the same age hugged his grandchildren.

But the son did not get married,

Now 47 years old is still single and unmarried,

Kong Xiangzhi seemed to be even more anxious than Kong Linghui.

Kong Xiangzhi did not expect at all,

His son had always made him proud for the first half of his life, but the second half of his life had become his heart disease.

Kong Linghui's father Kong Xiangzhi: The first half of my son's life was my pride, but the second half of his life became my concern

Before Kong Linghui's career developed well,

He can also use the fact that he is too busy at work to talk about love,

Rejecting his parents' pleas to let him marry quickly,

But since being abandoned by the national team,

His career has not improved much,

Even for a long time in a state of unemployment,

But he never solved his personal problems, which really shouldn't have been.

I don't know if it's because of emotional problems with my parents.

Since going to Chongqing to teach,

He does not go home for the Spring Festival holiday every New Year's Day,

Seeing his son like this, his father Kong Xiangzhi wanted to urge marriage,

But there is nothing they can do.

Kong Linghui's father Kong Xiangzhi: The first half of my son's life was my pride, but the second half of his life became my concern

It is worth saying that as Kong Linghui's ex-girlfriend,

The development of Masu in recent years has not been particularly good,

Especially because of the intervention of good girlfriend Li Xiaolu's "overnight stay at the door",

After the collapse of word-of-mouth, she almost faded out of the public eye.

And in terms of feelings, although Ma Su's emotional scandals are not many,

But she has not been able to meet the right person,

Now I am also in an unmarried state.

But in comparison, Ma Su, who was once very popular,

I have accumulated a certain amount of wealth long ago, even if my career is stagnant now,

But she can live her life with taste.

Kong Linghui is different, from his tepid career now,

And judging from the unspiring emotional situation, he did not have a particularly good life.

In fact, for Kong Linghui, who is now 47 years old,

Whether it's for himself, or so that his parents don't care anymore,

He should start a family as soon as possible.

After all, he is no longer the little young he once was.

Moreover, according to his current development, if he does not hurry to start a family,

It's harder to meet the right person later, what do you think?

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