
Fast, safe and efficient The General Affairs Department of Dongying City Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine provides logistical support for the holiday medical work

author:Poster Dongying

Public Network Poster News Trainee Reporter Cui Mengyuan Correspondent Shang Shuling Dongying reports

In order to ensure the smooth operation of medical work during the Spring Festival, the front-line personnel of the logistics of Dongying City Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine stuck to their posts during the festival, took the initiative to serve, effectively performed their work duties, and ensured the normal and orderly development of various work with practical actions.

Fast, safe and efficient The General Affairs Department of Dongying City Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine provides logistical support for the holiday medical work

Dongying City Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, with the basic requirement of "never affecting medical work because of inadequate logistics services", carried out logistics support administrative rounds in a timely manner, conducted a thorough inspection of infrastructure maintenance, water, electricity and heating operation, catering supply, field services, health cleaning, elevator operation, etc., and carried out comprehensive maintenance and maintenance of related facilities; the basic supporting facilities of ward buildings (designated hospitals) were improved and reserved, and liquid oxygen supply and outdoor sewage pretreatment facilities were smoothly launched. The negative pressure operating room is delivered on time; the holiday duty arrangement is dedicated, responsible and dedicated.

Fast, safe and efficient The General Affairs Department of Dongying City Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine provides logistical support for the holiday medical work

In order to strengthen the rapid response capability of maintenance and repair services, the General Affairs Department strengthened the scheduling and operation, efficiently handled all kinds of repair and emergency repair problems in Dongying City Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and increased environmental sanitation and cleaning efforts to create a clean and comfortable medical environment. The fast and efficient logistics work has made positive contributions to ensuring the normal and safe operation of all work in the hospital during the Spring Festival.

Fast, safe and efficient The General Affairs Department of Dongying City Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine provides logistical support for the holiday medical work

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