
#好朋友来借钱, how to deal with it is better #Good friends to borrow money depends on your financial strength and your friendliness. If you are really iron to a certain extent, then of course you have to exhaust

author:A thousand mountains and twilight snow 147034454

#好朋友来借钱, how to deal with it is better #

The money that a good friend comes to borrow depends on your financial strength and how friendly you are.

If you are really iron to a certain extent, then of course you have to do your best to help him, and even help him raise money.

If it's just an average friend, it depends on your financial strength and the credibility of the friend.

In addition, you must be prepared that this money may never be returned. It's like you give a gift to someone else, just do your best, or do your own good, as to whether you can receive a gift in the future, no one has a front and back eye.

Or you will be an iron rooster, a dime, you go yours, I will go mine, each irrelevant, this is good, it is a little poisonous.

What do you think?

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