
Obedient children did not show up - the inspiration of the Spring Festival Gala sketch "Father and Son" in the Year of the Tiger

【Pinghu Yizhu No. 1691 Tutoring Topic】

【Core Tip】 If every parent wants to make his child a big instrument, he should expel the word "obedience" from the dictionary of education, so that "obedience" is far away from education! As the Father and Son skit says, "If he listens to you, he can only be you; if you give him a chance to break through once, he may surpass you!" ”

"The role of the son is: exercise your strength, challenge your temper, give you unlimited courage; raise your voice, pinch your valve, grasp your life gate; temper your face, accelerate your aging, reduce your lifespan; antihypertensive drugs make you tube full, in a word, qi blinds you, pulls down -"

At the Spring Festival Gala of the Year of the Tiger, Sun Tao's sketch "Father and Son" once again made the national audience laugh.

Some people say that the theme of this sketch is to let young people "treat their parents as leaders" - usually accompany their parents more, and give their parents more nagging; others say that the theme of this sketch is "giving birth" - once there is a child, all the father's dissatisfaction disappears. But as a teacher, Pinghu Yizhu believes that the theme of this sketch is education — the father always wants his children to listen to his own words. Not only Sun Tao, but also the grandfather in the neighbor in the sketch educated his granddaughter, who was proud to listen to his own words. "Let the child obey" is the educational concept of many parents.

Obedient children did not show up - the inspiration of the Spring Festival Gala sketch "Father and Son" in the Year of the Tiger

Our children are trained to "obey" from an early age: "Listen to their parents at home", "Listen to the teachers at school", "Good children must obey", "Obedient children are good children"... If the child is obedient, he will be praised, and vice versa, the child will be judged.

"The deepest principle of human nature is to expect others to appreciate them." Children are young in heart, and they hope to be affirmed and appreciated by adults. Since "obedience" can be praised, "obedience" is a good child, of course, they will work hard in the direction of "obedience": what adults say, they will listen to what they say, adults say how to do, they will do, they "only adults command is to look", from not daring to cross the thunder pool one step, to not want to cross the thunder pool half a step, no self-thinking, no sense of innovation, let a child who is a genius, become a mediocre who only promises.

Obedient children did not show up - the inspiration of the Spring Festival Gala sketch "Father and Son" in the Year of the Tiger

According to a survey conducted by the International Assessment of Educational Progress, among the 21 countries surveyed, Chinese children ranked first in numeracy, imagination ranked first, and creativity ranked fifth from the bottom. The reason for this situation is that "obedience education" is "indispensable."

Professor Yang Zhenning, a well-known Chinese-American scientist, believes that Chinese children have been strictly disciplined since childhood, and they are more willing to listen to the words of their parents and teachers, "knowing is knowing, not knowing is not knowing", the attitude is very humble, the courage is small and small, there is no adventurous spirit for things that are half-understood, and they dare not think and dare not do "unknown" things. In fact, "the content of pioneering work or research work is always half familiar and half unfamiliar." "It's about thinking, exploring, and taking risks. A person who has no sense of autonomy, who lacks the spirit of creativity, who only knows how to drive on ready-made roads and act according to the instructions of others, has no future.

Not broken, not standing. Wu Wanli in the movie "Chosin Lake" did not listen to the words of his parents and brother, stayed at home, secretly participated, and became a hero of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea; Germany's von Braun, who did not obey since childhood, played dangerous rocket games, dreamed of going to heaven, and finally became the modern "father of rockets"; the great Mao Zedong, who went to school when he was a child, was not an obedient child, and once obediently endorsed books in the classroom because he did not listen to his teacher's words, and ran to the mountains to pick pears...

The successful experience of Chinese and foreign celebrities in life shows that only by breaking the old rules can a new world be created. In this sense, if every parent wants to make his child a great instrument, he should expel the word "obedience" from the dictionary of education, and let "obedience" stay away from education! As the Father and Son skit says, "If he listens to you, he can only be you; if you give him a chance to break through once, he may surpass you!" ”

Obedient children did not show up - the inspiration of the Spring Festival Gala sketch "Father and Son" in the Year of the Tiger

(Author: Li Yuzhu, this article is the original work of Pinghu Yizhu, welcome to guide, reprint or cite please indicate the author and provenance, violators will be investigated.) )

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