
【Health science】Children always have nosebleeds, what's going on?

【Health science】Children always have nosebleeds, what's going on?

Recently, Dr. Yang Shumei of the Department of Pediatrics of the Second People's Hospital of Huaihua City always encountered Bao Dad and Bao Mom rushing to take the baby to see the doctor in the outpatient clinic, because the baby had nosebleeds, and parents were afraid of malignant diseases, so they were more anxious. So, what causes your baby to have nosebleeds? When your baby has a nosebleed, how should the initial hemostasis be carried out? Let's take a look at it together!

What are the common causes of nosebleeds in babies?

1. Dry climate: when the summer is hot and the winter is dry and cold, the moisturizing is not in place, and the baby is prone to nosebleeds.

2. Nose picking, collision, etc. can easily cause nosebleeds in babies: the capillaries in the nasal mucosa are abundant, and in the dry climate, the toughness of the blood vessels is not enough, and nose picking, collisions, etc. will lead to capillary rupture and bleeding.

3. Allergic rhinitis: a non-infectious inflammatory disease of the nasal mucosa. Pathophysiology has capillary dilation and congestion, capillary permeability increases, and is prone to nosebleeds. Clinical manifestations include sneezing and itchy nose, which increases the nasal pressure of the child and habitually picks the nose, which is easy to induce nosebleeds.

4. Acute infection of the upper and lower respiratory tracts: when the child has upper and lower respiratory tract infections, fever and other symptoms, the blood vessels of the nasal mucosa will be swollen and congested, and even capillaries will rupture, which will manifest as nosebleeds.

In addition, nosebleeds are also common in coagulation dysfunction, immune thrombocytopenia, acute leukemia, etc. In addition to nosebleeds, children with these diseases often have bleeding from other parts, such as bleeding from the mucous membranes of the skin (purpura, ecchymosis, etc.), bleeding from the digestive tract (hematemesis, melena, etc.), and bleeding from the urinary system (hematuria, etc.). Before these diseases cannot be completely ruled out, it is recommended to go to the pediatric department of the hospital for early detection, early diagnosis, and early treatment.

If the baby has nosebleeds, how to stop the bleeding treatment? Do you use toilet paper to stop the bleeding? No, this is the least hygienic treatment and does not achieve the desired hemostasis.

What are the correct ways to stop bleeding?

1. Keep calm and don't let the child cry (it is easier to aggravate the bleeding).

2. Maintain the correct posture: sit upright, lean forward slightly, and hang your head low.

3. Compression to stop bleeding: tamponade with sterile cotton balls to stop bleeding; press the bleeding side nose wing with the index finger or thumb or press the sides to pinch the middle respectively, and continue to compress for 10-15 minutes (during oral breathing), the hemostasis effect can be achieved.

4. Promote vasoconstriction and speed up hemostasis: apply cold compresses with a towel on the back of the neck or forehead.

For children with nosebleeds, it is recommended to always have sterile cotton balls at home, and also to prepare chlortetracycline or erythromycin eye ointment to moisturize the nasal mucosa. For children with repeated nosebleeds and poor hemostasis, it is recommended to go to the hospital's otolaryngology department in time.

Correspondent: Yang Shumei

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