
From the eastward migration of King Ping and the second king to stand side by side with the overthrow of Zong Zhou, can we see that King Zhou and King Zhou are really chaotic thieves?


The weakness of the Zhou Dynasty cannot be summed up in one word. The Zhou Dynasty was a dynasty that created and had a fine ritual system, and the core of the Zhou Dynasty was a strict patriarchal hierarchy. The Zhou system is groundbreaking and dual, on the one hand, the political system under the sub-feudal system, that is, the countries of the clan alliance have the obligation to serve the common suzerainty Zhou, on the other hand, the princely states are relatively independent political bodies, with relatively free feudal autonomy, and under the weakening of the royal power and insufficient control, there will be centrifugal behavior and tendencies. This means that the princely states are constrained by the Zhou royal family, and the vitality of the Zhou royal family is deeply influenced by the various princely states. The decline and fall of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty was an extremely long process, hundreds of years old, but even in decline, its system maintained the existence and influence of the dynasty for hundreds of years.

From the eastward migration of King Ping and the second king to stand side by side with the overthrow of Zong Zhou, can we see that King Zhou and King Zhou are really chaotic thieves?

Zong Zhou's overthrow of King Ping and his move to Luoyi to the east did not mean the end of the Zhou Dynasty, nor did it mean that only the Western Zhou, Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States were left with the kingdoms to dominate, it was still the co-lord of the princes of the world, and it had an extraordinary influence on the Shenzhou Continent. The overthrow of Zong Zhou triggered a series of events that would have been less clear

"The water of the Yellow River."

"The churning is even more turbid. Personally, I believe that the legitimacy of Zhou Tianzi was most affected, and the princes were no longer so satisfied with the rule of the Zhou royal family. This matter has to start from the eastward migration of the Ping King and the two kings caused by the overthrow of Zong Zhou.

The zongzhou of the country's declining power

The foundation of the Zhou Dynasty is the result of more than a dozen generations of Zhou people who have been virtuous, hard working, and unremitting efforts. Jia Yiyue:

"He who is the old husband of the world is rare and easy to lose, and it is difficult and easy to perish; therefore, who keeps the world, if he is not in the Tao, he who has gained and grown, the old husband of the Tao."

The book "Chinese" roughly records the historical process of the establishment of the Zhou Dynasty:

Since Hou Ji, there has been chaos, and Wen, Wu, Cheng, kang and only Ke Anmin. Since the beginning of houji, the jingmin, the fifteen kings and Wen Shipingzhi, the eighteen kings and Kang Ke'anzhi, the difficulty is also the same. Li Shi Ge Dian, Fourteen Kings. Kidd fifteen and the beginning of peace, the foundation of the fifteenth is not good!

King Wen of Zhou was the foundation for the creation of the Zhou Dynasty by Yin Shang; King Wu of Zhou and Duke of Zhou carried forward and completed the cause of Ke Zhou; King Cheng of Zhou and King Kang of Zhou were the masters of xinghua success.

"ChengWang Jing Sifang, King Kang, and Jian's mother and brother, to Fan Ping Zhou"

, sheng shi wenchang wusheng can be continued, preserved and consolidated.

From the eastward migration of King Ping and the second king to stand side by side with the overthrow of Zong Zhou, can we see that King Zhou and King Zhou are really chaotic thieves?

Zhou Wenming is so beautiful that he can't escape after all

"The extremes of things will decline, and the prosperity of the poles will decline"

The laws of nature. The Zhou royal family did not have a good time, so-called

"If its people survive, their political deeds will be carried out, and if their people die, their government will be rested"

King Zhao of Zhou began to have a slight shortage of wang Dao, and the ironclad evidence was that King Zhou Zhao's southern expedition was defeated and drowned in Hanshui, and the Hanshui river basin was not controlled by the Zhou Dynasty. Then King Mu of Zhou, advocating force, repeatedly raised troops to recruit Rong Di, and what he did was criticized

"Not in an anglacent qiangyu, but in a good great joy"

。 Overall, in the world of Zhaomu, the Zhou royal family still had enough strength to suppress the unintended country, and its reputation was mixed. To King Yi of Zhou, the royal family was weak, others saw the poetry satire, and Zhou Shi's large-scale conquest was not subject, but the results were minimal.

During the Zhou Yi Dynasty, the Zhou royal family was completely chaotic,

"The king of Yi is weak, and the absurd obedience is not chaotic, but he ordered Yu Gong to lead the sixth division to cut down the Rong of Taiyuan"

Even the princes of the Central Plains were difficult to control, and the monarch of the Chu state in the south established himself as king. To King Zhou Li, the situation became more and more severe, on the one hand, the invasion of Yi people had become a serious problem, on the other hand, the tyranny of King Zhou Li himself led to riots among the people, and Zhou Tianzi was exiled to the wilderness. The consequences of all these disasters are extremely serious. Because in the eyes of people at that time, king Li of Zhou fled abroad, which meant that his ruling power was lost, and the form of the Zhou Dynasty was also destroyed. However, people think of the Zhou royal family

"Benevolence is not extinguished, righteousness is not extinguished"

As a result, The crown prince of Li, King Xuan of Zhou, was reinstated, and the situation improved.

From the eastward migration of King Ping and the second king to stand side by side with the overthrow of Zong Zhou, can we see that King Zhou and King Zhou are really chaotic thieves?

Step into the week of destruction

In the last year of King Xuan's reign, there was a serious crisis of rule in the Zhou royal family, and Because King Xuan of Zhou did not end well from the beginning to the end of the Zhou Dynasty— the Zhou Dynasty flourished for a period of time, and then fell into the loss of morality of the Son of Heaven. Finally, it was the turn of King You of Zhou to take the throne, and king You was incompetent, virtuous, and irresponsible, and the national situation and people's hearts fell into a situation of collapse, the ruling center of the Zhou Dynasty fell into a situation of collapse from top to bottom, and the surrounding princely states also fell into chaos. When the zhou dynasty's rule was in full crisis, natural disasters quietly descended, and floods and droughts and earthquakes spread throughout the country. Not only did Li Min, who was the cornerstone of the Zhou royal family, fall into despair, but the Zhou royal family as the ruler also felt frustrated, thinking of giving up and resigning itself to inaction. It all happened very quickly, with outbreaks in a very short period of time.

Even in the desperate situation of anger and resentment, the Eastern Zhou Dynasty spent several years in peace and stability. However, the occurrence of one thing directly led to the overthrow of the Zhou royal family. King You of Zhou favored the daughter of Xiao Guo, Empress Dowager Shen (the daughter of Marquis Shen of the Great State of Shen) and Crown Prince Yi us (born to Empress Shen, i.e., King Ping of Zhou), while Li Yu was made queen and Bofu was made crown prince. The practice of abolishing concubines and abandoning dignity and nobility caused dissatisfaction among Shen Guo and many princes, and the deposed prince Yi Usu felt the danger of death and quickly left Hojing to join his grandfather.

King You of Zhou was ten years old, and King You of Zhou and his princes allied themselves in the Tai Room, and Rong Di rebelled.

They were discussing how to deal with Shen, Zeng, and Xi Rong.

From the eastward migration of King Ping and the second king to stand side by side with the overthrow of Zong Zhou, can we see that King Zhou and King Zhou are really chaotic thieves?

The encounter between the two armies at the foot of Lishan Mountain is now unknown, but the Zhou Tianzi and Zhou Princes, who were sacrificed at the Zongmiao Temple and recognized by their ancestors, that is, King You of Zhou and Prince Bofu, died in the rebellion, and Shen Hou and Yi Usu, who was not yet the King of Zhouping, entered the hojing, which was destroyed by inuyasha. Zhou Benji:

So he killed the Ghost King Li at the foot of the mountain, and took all the bribes from Zhou.

After the death of King Zhou You, Theo, Inuyasha plundered the area around Hokyo for a long time. This happens

"The princes are the Marquis of Shen and the Prince of You, Yi Usu"

One thing.

King Ping moved east to stand side by side with the second king

After the death of King Youwang of Zhou and others, the difficulty of Inuyasha continued, which showed that Yi Usu and Shen Hou, who were in charge of the government, could not fully control the situation, and the root cause of this two-defeat and injury was still in King Zhou You, who, because of the interests of marrying Shen Hou as his wife, later wanted to get rid of Shen Hou's control, so he committed the absurd act of deposing Hou Hou and deposing the prince, and it was no wonder that Shen Hou threw up the table. The destruction of the Hokkei and the eastward migration of the Peaceful King were almost a matter of course. The reason for the eastward migration of King Ping of Zhou is clearly stated in the "Left Biography":

I moved east of Zhou, Jin Zheng Yanyi.

The Zhou royal family relied on Jin Zheng to defend it. At this time, the Zhou royal family was not as good as before, lacking strength, unable to control the princes like Zong Zhou, and could only protect itself. If King Ping of Zhou did not move east, his connection with the princes of the Central Plains in the East would be severed by Gonghan Yu and King Zhou, and his influence on the Central Plains and other places would be greatly reduced. Although occupying xidu was dangerous to the mountains and rivers, the Zhou royal family was now weakened into such a situation, and there was no power to play a role in occupying this place, so it was better to abandon it.

During the Reign of You, the Zhou royal family's directly administered territory, the population of Zhou Wangqi was greatly reduced, the countryside was desolate, and the inuyasha invasion was distributed all around, completely out of shape, and regardless of the threat of inuyasha, the potential of war, politics, and farming in Zhou Wangqi alone was no longer enough to support a great power. Therefore, it is imperative for King Ping to move east. At the same time, Yu Chen, the prince of Hanli, was in opposition to the deposed prince Yi Usu, who had been appointed by Shen Hou and others, forming a situation in the bottle of the second king. Judging from the existing historical data, there were not many supporters of King Zhou, only a part of the princely states with the surname Ji led by the State of Yu, and the supporters of King Ping of Zhou

Shen Guo, Qin Guo, Wei Guo, Jin Guo, Zheng Guo, Zeng Guo, Xu Guo, etc

The strength of the two sides was crushed, but more nobles and princes in the world were watching, but the situation of King Zhou was quite isolated.

From the eastward migration of King Ping and the second king to stand side by side with the overthrow of Zong Zhou, can we see that King Zhou and King Zhou are really chaotic thieves?

King Yiusu of Zhouping was the eldest son of Zhou Tianzi, and it was true that the princes of the world supported him after the death of King Zhou You, but he colluded with foreign tribes, destroyed The Hojing, killed his father King Zhou You, and destroyed Zong Zhou. Can the people and princes of the world be convinced from the heart? The ascension of King Zhou Ping to the throne did not have legitimacy and legal integrity, and since King You of Zhou abolished Shen, King Zhou Ping was not considered a concubine, and the concubine was a concubine who died in the rebellion. The throne of King Zhou Ping, the Son of Heaven, is a completely earth-shaking affair, and the vast majority of those who support others are because they are profitable.

Is King Zhou really a traitor?

The emergence of the situation of the two kings standing side by side is that many princes are behind the scenes, trying to fish in the water and take advantage. The Left Biography records:

"With the king's treacherous order, the princes take his place, and the king's heir, with the use of the relocation of the king, is the brother's ability to exert force on the royal family."

It roughly means that after the death of King You and Bofu, King Ping was the most legitimate heir to the throne, supported by the Zhou people and princes, and the prince Yu Chen, that is, the King of Zhou, lacked a legal basis for succeeding zhou Tianzi. This is simply blind talk, nonsense, absurdity and shamelessness. As the King of Zhou You, Yi You personally ordered the depose and informed the prince of the ancestral temple, what legitimacy did It have? Taking a foreign tribe to kill the father and brother, this is in the Zhou Dynasty, which is talking about etiquette, it is good not to be drowned by people with spit, and what is the best heir to the throne? Therefore, the grandfather is Ji Hu, the king of Zhou Li, the father is Ji Jing, the king of Zhou Xuan, and the brother is Yu Chen, the prince of Zhou You, Ji Gong, should not be the most legitimate heir of tianzi?

From the eastward migration of King Ping and the second king to stand side by side with the overthrow of Zong Zhou, can we see that King Zhou and King Zhou are really chaotic thieves?

The so-called abolition of Prince Yiusu as the son of heaven is the will of the Zhou people, it is simply nonsense, and the Zhou people who understand reason and have a conscience will agree with Yi Usu? This is clearly a conspiracy by those princely states to gain more benefits and power. Therefore, if king Zhou can be regarded as a thief, he should be the most orthodox heir of Zhou Tianzi. The juxtaposition of the two kings is a game of interests of the princes of the world. Finale:

Marquis Ji of Jin took revenge on Yu Shang and personally killed King Zhou

。 The overjoyed King Ping of Zhou composed the "Order of Marquis Wen" and sent many ceremonial rewards to the Jin State.

Representing the true thief of chaos, the victory of the side of king Zhou Ping, and the righteous and weak orthodox son of heaven, the side of king Zhou with the defeat. After the death of King Zhou, the princes began not to go to Zhou. Indeed, the orthodox Zhou Tianzi, who was in the same lineage, legitimate and moral, and was kind to the princes of the world, was killed, and the father who killed his brother was destroyed

"Son of Heaven"

Which princes would like to pay tribute?

From the eastward migration of King Ping and the second king to stand side by side with the overthrow of Zong Zhou, can we see that King Zhou and King Zhou are really chaotic thieves?

The political event of King Ping of Zhou seizing power in Western Zhou by force was too sensitive, and the princes and historians avoided it, so there was

"Very nice place to stay"



The king of Zhou was really quite wronged, and after the fall of Zong Zhou, he cried out for justice, in exchange for strong authority and forced conquest, and ended up


Evaluation title. The power comes out of the barrel of the gun, and this statement works at any time. The reason why the sense of existence of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty was so low was in the bodies of the King of Zhou Ping and the King of Zhou. The victory of King Ping of Zhou was prompted by many princes, and they had planned not to go to Zhou for a long time. The so-called co-lord of the world in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, Zhou Tianzi, was at best a mascot. If the Zhou Dynasty king triumphantly inherits it, I am afraid that there are still some princes who recite the love and tribute of orthodox righteousness. Unfortunately, what is passed down above


The chaotic thief King Zhou Ping did not occupy anything, only a throne that was seized by force. The story of the princes of beacon drama is only to cover up the truth of the death of the Youwang and whitewash the King of Zhouping.

From the eastward migration of King Ping and the second king to stand side by side with the overthrow of Zong Zhou, can we see that King Zhou and King Zhou are really chaotic thieves?

References: "History", "Zuo Zhuan", "The Establishment of Feudalism in the Zhou Dynasty", "Eastern Zhou Ce"

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