
He was the son of the military god Su Yu, and he pioneered unmanned reconnaissance technology in the counterattack against Vietnam.

As the saying goes, "

Tiger father has no dog

”。 In history, many tiger sons have not lived up to the expectations and cultivation of their fathers, and they have also achieved considerable achievements and become a veritable "second generation of tigers".

Today's protagonist is a famous general in our country - Su Rongsheng. For this name, everyone may be a little unfamiliar, but speaking of

His father

, you must have heard, that is

Founding fathers

Su Yu

He was the son of the military god Su Yu, and he pioneered unmanned reconnaissance technology in the counterattack against Vietnam.

Su Rongsheng, like his father Su Yu, has a legendary experience, and he is the former deputy commander of the Beijing Military Region. In his 45-year military career, he went from the southern Xinjiang of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Vietnam to the northern Xinjiang of the "anti-repair" outpost, and then to the front line of the self-defense and counterattack against Vietnam, experiencing the baptism and test of the flames of war in peacetime.

Let's take a look at this legend.

Born of Rong

In October 1942, Su Rongsheng was born in Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province.

He was the son of the military god Su Yu, and he pioneered unmanned reconnaissance technology in the counterattack against Vietnam.

The Mobilization Meeting of the New Fourth Army Units for the Struggle Against "Clearing the Countryside"


Su Yuzheng, his father, led the First Division of the New Fourth Army in frequent and arduous struggles against "sweeping" and "clearing the countryside."

So he lived in his grandfather's house after he was born. Grandpa greatly admired the military talent and career of his son-in-law Su Yu, so he gave this

Born in the flames

The child's name was "Rong Sheng", and Su Yu and his wife knew the reason and liked the name very much.

When Su Rongsheng was two years old, his grandmother took the risk of personally sending him to Su Yu in order to avoid being detected by the enemy. Since then, the little millet has been born

He began his military career and followed him until the victory of the War of Resistance

He was the son of the military god Su Yu, and he pioneered unmanned reconnaissance technology in the counterattack against Vietnam.

People often say "next generation of relatives", the love of elders is always silent, thick, detailed. Because they had been taken care of by their grandparents before the age of two, the two of them took good care of Su Rongsheng and were naturally raised to be more squeamish.

But after arriving at the troops,

As an officer, Su Yu would not allow his son to withstand a little storm

So he paid great attention to cultivating his military temperament, and at the same time, he also made a lot of rules for him, such as not being picky eaters, not allowing night marchers to cry, and not shouting when hungry and cold... In this way, Su Rongsheng quickly got rid of squeamishness and cultivated"

Hard-working, brave and tenacious


He was the son of the military god Su Yu, and he pioneered unmanned reconnaissance technology in the counterattack against Vietnam.

Su Rongsheng's early years were spent in the war. At first, Su Rongsheng was placed in a flat basket, the warrior's

The flat picker picked up the radio and picked him up at the same time

。 At the age of three, he was placed in a basket on the back of a horse or mule.

Later, the army set up an East China nursery school, and wherever the troops hit, the nursery school followed.

In the years of the Liberation War, Su Rongsheng and his friends grew up in this military middle school, and it was not until the liberation of Shanghai that the nursery school stabilized.

He was the son of the military god Su Yu, and he pioneered unmanned reconnaissance technology in the counterattack against Vietnam.

In the autumn of 1951, Su Yu was transferred to the general staff, and Su Rongsheng followed his parents to Beijing and entered the famous ""

Bayi Elementary School


Since elementary school, Su Rongsheng has been living in the school.

Although he left his parents' life, his father was still very strict with him

。 The hardships and simplicity of his life as a child with the army became typical among his classmates, and even his teachers couldn't help but pull him to a place where no one was and asked, "Are you really your mother's own child?" ”

It seems that the chief of the general staff's strictness towards his son can only be explained by the word "harem".

He was the son of the military god Su Yu, and he pioneered unmanned reconnaissance technology in the counterattack against Vietnam.

Su Yu Chuqing and his wife

Later, his mother Chu Qing went to the school to learn about Su Rongsheng's performance, and the homeroom teacher mentioned this conversation with Su Rongsheng to Chu Qing in person, which made his mother laugh for half a day.

After Su Rongsheng entered junior high school,

Simplicity has been carved into his bones

Attended a military school

In the summer of 1961, Su Rongsheng graduated from Beijing 101 Middle School. With the ideal of being a soldier and fighting a war, he entered the Harbin Military Engineering College and became the ninth cadet of the Missile Engineering Department.

During the enlistment military training, Su Rongsheng's initial impression of his classmates was:

This beijing boy who is not tall, not very good, and has very few words is more involved in the matter of being a soldier than anyone

Three months of enlistment training requires freshmen to train in platoons and shooting on campus, and then to the academy farm to practice individual and sub-class tactical maneuvers.

At that time, the living conditions on the farm were very poor, and during the day, they squatted in the yard and often did not have enough to eat. So everyone took advantage of the rest time to pick some potatoes and soybeans that leaked in the harvested crops, and dug a small pit on the spot to burn and eat.

Sleep at night

It was all a class huddled together, sleeping on the floor of the house, and at the same time

Take the gun in your arms

He was the son of the military god Su Yu, and he pioneered unmanned reconnaissance technology in the counterattack against Vietnam.

In 1978, the Chinese Military Engineering College of the People's Liberation Army, which moved south to Changsha, was transformed into the National University of Defense Technology.

In military training, Su Rongsheng suffered the most and sweated the most.

He seems to have been born to be a soldier

Once, training required a 200-meter obstacle, he accidentally fell off a canoe bridge, resulting in a fracture of the fibula in his right leg. Generally speaking, the severe pain caused by fractures is unbearable, and at the same time, there will be obvious swelling at the fracture site, making it impossible for people to exert strength, but

He didn't say a word, gritted his teeth and insisted until the end of the training before going to the hospital

He was the son of the military god Su Yu, and he pioneered unmanned reconnaissance technology in the counterattack against Vietnam.

After the beginning of the school, Su Rongsheng, who was bent on serving the motherland, often lost his mind in class. Thinking that the sino-Indian border self-defense counterattack war was fought with great sound, the Chiang Kai-shek clique entrenched in Taiwan also clamored for a counter-attack on the mainland, and he actually sat in the northern country far away from the battlefield, in a spacious and bright classroom, in class! he

I really can't accept this reality

One day, when he couldn't hold back, he solemnly sent a report to the leader of the department and asked him to become a soldier in the field troops, in other words,

He wanted to go to the front

He was the son of the military god Su Yu, and he pioneered unmanned reconnaissance technology in the counterattack against Vietnam.

Naturally, this report was rejected by the school. For his uneasiness, the school dispatched the leaders of the departments and colleges, down to the cadres of the party group, to talk to him and seriously criticized him.

Finally, even Lieutenant General Xie Youfa, the political commissar of the academy, knew about it, and he said to Su Rongsheng, "Yours."

The motivation is good

, but you should know,

The fighting task now entrusted to you by the Party is to study

Studying cutting-edge national defense science and technology is precisely so that in the future, in the greater modern wars, we can defeat the enemy and win! ”

He was the son of the military god Su Yu, and he pioneered unmanned reconnaissance technology in the counterattack against Vietnam.

Thank you

Su Rongsheng's grand plan of "throwing pens from Rong" has fallen into walls everywhere.

Finally, the news reached his father Su Yu, who was "educated" again:

The desire to go to the front line to serve the country is good

But modern warfare requires the mastery of modern science and technology,

You should make up your mind to learn a few true skills, this is the historical mission of our young soldiers in New China!

He was the son of the military god Su Yu, and he pioneered unmanned reconnaissance technology in the counterattack against Vietnam.

His father's words finally made Su Rongsheng feel at ease. He suddenly understood a truth:

Heroes are well-known, but more are nameless, and being an unsung hero is also a contribution to the motherland and the people

Therefore, he transformed his enthusiasm into the motivation to learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well, and learned every subject solidly. At the same time, he understands that good health can do great things, so he attaches great importance to physical training, actively participates in the college's swimming team and football team, and also obtains the national swimming second-level athlete badge.

He was the son of the military god Su Yu, and he pioneered unmanned reconnaissance technology in the counterattack against Vietnam.

Su Rongsheng

In this way, Su Rongsheng became an excellent student with all-round development of morality, intellect and body.

From Recruit Egg to "Veteran"

In January 1966, Su Rongsheng achieved excellent results

Graduate early

And took the initiative to ask to become a soldier in the combat unit, because he remembered a sentence that his father used to say to him——"

In the army, it is best to start as a soldier and gain experience step by step. Halfway out of the house, the foundation is not solid.

After the distribution plan was announced, Su Rongsheng could be said to have fulfilled his wishes.

Thinking that he was a real soldier, it was important to rush to the military plane, so when his classmates proposed to keep him for a few days, he quickly refused, and when he passed by, he only hurried home to take a look.

He was the son of the military god Su Yu, and he pioneered unmanned reconnaissance technology in the counterattack against Vietnam.

After saying goodbye to his parents, he reported to Guangdong within five days. The leader of the unit that received him was also amazed, this college student, simply "

God does the Taibao


It was January 10th, and Su Rongsheng could not forget it for the rest of his life. On this day, he became an ordinary soldier in the fourth platoon of the third battalion, one company, two companies, and four squads of the Independent Fourth Division of the Air Force's anti-aircraft artillery. According to the regulations at that time, he was to be a soldier for one year.

Soon after,

He then followed his troops to the Yunnan front of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Vietnam

He was the son of the military god Su Yu, and he pioneered unmanned reconnaissance technology in the counterattack against Vietnam.

One day in early March, the company commander approached Su Rongsheng and said, "There are two more college students in your school who have been assigned to our company, one is called Li Shi and the other is called Liao Hui. ”

"Military-industrial?" Su Rongsheng thought about it carefully, "I don't know." ”

The company commander asked Su Rongsheng to pick up people at the battalion headquarters. When he arrived at the camp headquarters, he realized that the two college students were Mao Yuanxin and Liao Kaisun.

"It was you two!" Su Rongsheng was surprised and delighted, "How come they all changed their names?" ”

He was the son of the military god Su Yu, and he pioneered unmanned reconnaissance technology in the counterattack against Vietnam.

On the left is Mao Yuanxin

Mao Yuanxin changed his name to Li Shi, and Liao Kaisun changed his name to Liao Hui. They are all divided into three shifts.

Su Rongsheng often joked with two old classmates: "

Hey, you two are recruits now, I'm here before you, I'm a veteran!

From "veterans" to platoon leaders

The environment in the mountains of Yunnan is very harsh, and when the station is moved to the minefield, when it comes to the rainy season, the thunder will rumble overhead and next to the side from time to time, which is not unreasonable at all.

The iron frame will be charged, and the electricity is enough to power people down. Sometimes the tent is also pierced by lightning. Once, the tent at the battalion headquarters was pierced by lightning and a large hole was burned, and the bed board was burned, but fortunately no one was injured.

He was the son of the military god Su Yu, and he pioneered unmanned reconnaissance technology in the counterattack against Vietnam.

However, the hardship of life is nothing at all for the recruit Su Rongsheng. What makes him anxious is another thing -

You can't do your normal work tasks on your own

Although he is a university undergraduate who studies missiles, he is mainly studying some theoretical foundations in the Kazakh military industry, and he is not as good as some veterans who only have a Chinese degree of junior high school and high school.

He was the son of the military god Su Yu, and he pioneered unmanned reconnaissance technology in the counterattack against Vietnam.

Every day, weapons and equipment are subjected to functional inspections. At this time, the recruit Su Rongsheng could only stand on the side and watch others operate; every week and month he had to carry out regular maintenance of weapons, and the new recruit Su Rongsheng could only be a recorder on the side, and when the technician measured a parameter, he would remember a number; when troubleshooting, he was also a hand, doing some work such as delivering wrenches and changing cones.

Once, the weapon malfunctioned, and several people came to troubleshoot the problem. At first, Su Rongsheng was also in the car, but he could only watch, and then there were more people, and the technician let him go down. It was raining heavily outside.

Su Rongsheng was drenched outside the car door while listening to how people were troubleshooting inside

He was the son of the military god Su Yu, and he pioneered unmanned reconnaissance technology in the counterattack against Vietnam.

In order to expand the scope of the attack on the enemy, the missile unit must move frequently, and must move ten times a year eight times a year. Sometimes I drive in a car, sometimes I drive my car to the train and take the train. When carrying out the task of moving, the recruit Su Rongsheng could only carry the bed board and help the veteran tie a luggage.

In order to narrow the gap between him and the veterans as soon as possible, Su Rongsheng put down the shelf of college students,

Humbly ask veterans and technicians for advice, study hard, and practice repeatedly

。 As long as there is practical work, what is set up tents, positions, and concealed camouflage, he rushes to do it, strives to do more, and quickly grasps practical techniques; as long as the weapon fails, whether it is the system he is in charge of or not, he must understand the situation.

He was the son of the military god Su Yu, and he pioneered unmanned reconnaissance technology in the counterattack against Vietnam.

Kung Fu pays off, and Su Rongsheng, who actively practices, has gradually become an expert who knows everything and can get started in more aspects, he

Become a real "veteran"

In August of that year, Mao Yuanxin (Li Shi), who had been in the army for half a year, was ordered to leave dashan and thus enter the political arena of China, while the "veteran" Su Rongsheng still silently held his position and fought on the frontier front in Guangdong, Guangxi, and Yunnan.

There are battle sirens every day, and when there is a lot of hostility, there can be four or five times a day. In peacetime, no one can stay away from the position, and as soon as the alarm sounds, they will desperately run to the battle position.

He was the son of the military god Su Yu, and he pioneered unmanned reconnaissance technology in the counterattack against Vietnam.

In the four years in the mountains of southern Xinjiang, he ran thousands of battle alarms, lived in tents for more than a thousand days, and experienced more than a dozen relocations. Finally, in the second year of this unit,

Su Rongsheng and his comrades-in-arms shot down an enemy", a "FireBee-2" unmanned reconnaissance plane, and made a battle achievement

He was the son of the military god Su Yu, and he pioneered unmanned reconnaissance technology in the counterattack against Vietnam.


Excellent military qualities and skilled professional ability


Soldiers became captains, and then technicians and platoon leaders

Su Rongsheng started from the grass-roots units in the mountains and began to fight the homeland air defense of the US-made U-2 high-altitude reconnaissance plane and unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, and embarked on a long and arduous military career.

From platoon commander to company commander

In 1969, Su Rongsheng's surface-to-air missile unit moved to the interior, not only a change of mission.

Training and living conditions have also improved considerably

He was the son of the military god Su Yu, and he pioneered unmanned reconnaissance technology in the counterattack against Vietnam.


Su Yu did not want his children to grow up in a comfortable environment

Where there is danger, where it is hard, he will find ways to ask his children to go to exercise and work. He often encouraged his children in this way:

Young people should not covet small families, but only think of sitting in the organs.

Fathers always "use" power and insist on training their children in harsh environments.

In particular, in the spring of that year, when an armed conflict broke out between China and the Soviet Union on Zhenbao Island on the Ussuri River, the situation was extremely tense, so Su Yu transferred Su Rongsheng to a unit that had entered a state of combat readiness for the anti-aggression war level.

He was the son of the military god Su Yu, and he pioneered unmanned reconnaissance technology in the counterattack against Vietnam.

Su Rongsheng's troops were stationed in the Bashang area on the border of Inner Mongolia and Hebei, where the climate was harsh, the supply of vegetables was relatively poor, and life was very difficult.

When he first arrived at the infantry company, Su Rongsheng was still a platoon leader, but the infantry was very different from the missile soldiers, he

Start with a layman again

Of course, this is not difficult for him, he still uses the old way,

Learn with an open mind in practice

。 Slowly, Su Rongsheng became an infantry expert again, and gradually rose to the rank of deputy company commander and company commander.

He was the son of the military god Su Yu, and he pioneered unmanned reconnaissance technology in the counterattack against Vietnam.

But on the northern front, Su Rongsheng's company did not have much to fight, and he and his team fought in the ravine for three years.

In the construction of the risk, all to exclude the squib,

Su Rongsheng was on his own, and when there was no danger at all, he let the warriors in

In the three years of construction, there has not been a single disability or fatal accident in the whole company, but he has almost died three times. From this, Su Rongsheng

Won the trust of the warriors


Brought out an excellent company

He was the son of the military god Su Yu, and he pioneered unmanned reconnaissance technology in the counterattack against Vietnam.

Promoted to Deputy Commander

On February 5, 1984, he suffered from a variety of serious illnesses throughout his life

General Su Yu passed away

Su Rongsheng and his sister stood by their father's body in grief.

According to the last wishes of General Su Yu, Su Rongsheng did not hold any ceremonies for him. But on the day the body was cremated, waves of people came to say goodbye to BabaoShan.

He was the son of the military god Su Yu, and he pioneered unmanned reconnaissance technology in the counterattack against Vietnam.

At that time, at the end of the "self-defense counterattack war against Vietnam", the Vietnamese army, which was not willing to lose, repeatedly harassed China's border areas, and our army simultaneously launched an offensive to retake Lao Shan and Eryin Mountain on more than 20 positions.

At this time, Su Rongsheng remembered his father's instructions to him before he died:

I may not be able to see future wars, but once they are fought, it will depend on your generation.

He was the son of the military god Su Yu, and he pioneered unmanned reconnaissance technology in the counterattack against Vietnam.

In the spring of the following year, Su Rongsheng, who was then the chief of staff of the Sixty-seventh Army, and all the generals of the army rushed to the front line of Laoshan.

At the time, "

Sacrifice me one, happy billion people" of the "old mountain spirit"

It has spread all over the country. As a professional soldier, Su Rongsheng finally embarked on the battlefield of real guns and bullets.

He was the son of the military god Su Yu, and he pioneered unmanned reconnaissance technology in the counterattack against Vietnam.

The extremely complex terrain of the Laoshan front line has brought difficulties for our army to accurately control the enemy's situation, but Su Rong was born

Ken use your brain

He immediately thought of the model aircraft used by the anti-aircraft artillery to shoot targets, so he led several technicians who had engaged in model aircraft to send the aircraft and cameras that could be remotely controlled into the air, and installed a pair of fire eyes and golden eyes on the head of the enemy.

In China, which did not have an unmanned reconnaissance aircraft at that time,

Su Rongsheng was the first person to apply unmanned reconnaissance technology to actual combat

In 2000, Su Rongsheng's post was deputy commander of the Beijing Military Region, with the rank of lieutenant general. In the post of deputy commander of the Grand Military Region, Su Rongsheng was mainly in charge of training.

Every year, he spent nearly half a year in the desert base, paying close attention to real-combat exercises, and organized dozens of confrontation drills totaling more than 200,000 people.

He was the son of the military god Su Yu, and he pioneered unmanned reconnaissance technology in the counterattack against Vietnam.

At the end of each confrontation drill, he had to grasp the problem

Criticize things by name

。 If anyone is not convinced, he will have the video of the battlefield surveillance play back frame by frame, and comment on the problems exposed in the exercise one by one.

In 2003, 27 foreign military observers from 15 countries came to observe the confrontation exercise between the two units of our army.

After the exercise, Su Rongsheng attached great importance to the evaluation of these foreign military observers.

He did not give much attention to those who talked about the merits of our army; but if he pointed out the problems of our army, he specially printed them out and repeatedly analyzed and studied them

He was the son of the military god Su Yu, and he pioneered unmanned reconnaissance technology in the counterattack against Vietnam.

Under the influence of Su Rongsheng's example and strict management, the field training of the Beijing Military Region has become the benchmark of the whole army

。 A large army of tens of thousands of people can be deployed and camped smoothly within an hour without relying on villages and towns, and can eat without relying on foreign aid; it can also be pulled away by a gust of wind within forty minutes to an hour, and the entire unit is always in the best mobile state.

It is a blessing for the people and the motherland that our army has such a good general as Su Rongsheng.

He was the son of the military god Su Yu, and he pioneered unmanned reconnaissance technology in the counterattack against Vietnam.

Even after retirement, Su Rongsheng still undertook an information transformation project, going down to the army, busy with experiments...

He rarely had a leisure time, and he had served the country all his life

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