
Kindergarten appears as norovirus, as some deep reflections of parents

The child's kindergarten was closed for three days, because norovirus needed to be eliminated in all aspects of the environment, so that the virus had nowhere to hide.

1, the ins and outs of the matter

Last week, the child went to kindergarten for one and a half days, and really achieved the model of fishing for four days a day and drying nets. I took a leave of absence on Monday and Tuesday because we took the baby to the science and technology museum for a turn, the cold wind blew, and after returning home, I coughed and ran nose and other symptoms. Wednesday was better, went to the kindergarten for a day, Wednesday night saw the parent group message that their child vomited diarrhea abdominal pain and high fever, group chat until most of the night.

Kindergarten appears as norovirus, as some deep reflections of parents

On Thursday, I still sent my children to kindergarten as usual, and around 10 a.m., the group reported that there were more than eight children with symptoms. Send a message to their homeroom teacher asking about the status of peas at school and why the children are experiencing symptoms.

The teacher told me that it may be that the children have eaten too much or have a cold. It is understandable that one child eats too much, and it is impossible for so many children to eat too much and think about it. I was still a little uneasy and picked up the baby at about ten o'clock.

After returning home, the child basically had no appetite at lunch, and there were no symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea, and perhaps norovirus had subsided on its own in his body! Or the child's own resistance is slightly stronger and not affected.

The children who had symptoms in the group ranged from one person, to five people, to eight people, all the way to the last 17 people, and other unaffected children also had symptoms such as loss of appetite and stomach discomfort.

This virus I also heard for the first time, is a virus that causes acute gastroenteritis, is highly contagious, generally hidden in seafood or dairy products, drinking water and other foods, the way of transmission is feces, vomit, aerosol transmission. The peak period of the virus is generally from October to April of the following year, and it is prone to outbreaks in crowded places.

Kindergarten appears as norovirus, as some deep reflections of parents

In general, infected children need to check their blood and take antibiotics infusion to restore their health. The kindergarten learned about the situation on Thursday, launched a Tencent remote meeting for the first time, to understand the children's situation and parents' requests, and conducted a sampling test of children's food, as well as a sample test of children's feces, and reported to the relevant disease control departments, and the test result was positive.

The reason why the results are handled so quickly is inseparable from the positive efforts and communication of parents. As a kindergarten parent, I now realize the necessity of a parent group. Although everyone has different concepts, the goal is the same, and I hope that the children will grow up healthy and safe in the park.

Everyone looks at this matter differently, the kindergarten takes the initiative to take responsibility, parents actively cooperate with sampling and testing, and every link needs to be proactive to solve. I was also in this incident, and it was a wise decision to look at the problem rationally and pick up the child at the first time.

Kindergarten appears as norovirus, as some deep reflections of parents

2, other problems have been derived

Because of this incident, parents have a heated discussion. From how to solve the virus rose to other aspects of the kindergarten, such as the class teacher's style of doing things, personality and so on.

In this regard, I have also seriously made a deep thinking, and now summarize the five points, which are also some ideas as parents of young children, which can give some inspiration to parents who are about to enter kindergarten!

First, lower expectations

A parent said that the children either paint or coax dolls every day, and there are many activities in other gardens every day. I was thinking that the puhui kindergarten would charge 1600 a month to ensure that the children had normal outdoor activities in the kindergarten.

As for the weekly activities in other parks, it is because each activity requires an additional activity fee, and the universal price cannot reach such a standard.

We may wish to reduce our expectations of kindergarten, let children learn how to get along with children in the kindergarten, how to learn to complete their own things independently, or teach children the ability to actively communicate and think actively, which is the original intention of our kindergarten.

As for the insight of going out, it is better to take advantage of the weekend to take the baby to various museums to take a look around to improve cognitive ability and increase insight.

Second, proceed from the overall situation

Many parents feedback that the child's class teacher is slow, not too lively and not too cheerful, there is no help for the growth of children, and the teacher of other classes is lively and patient, we might as well apply for a teacher change!

If you have to change the teacher every time you solve the problem, the teacher in the kindergarten is estimated to be a little insufficient. My children like this class teacher, patient and responsible, handle the problem absolutely fairly, and never hide their inner thoughts. After all, the little girl is only 22 years old, and it is not easy to do this.

Everything must be based on the overall situation, and we cannot deny the ability of others through the personality of the teacher. As long as the teacher can patiently guide the children, this is enough. As for her personality, it is not the scope of our consideration.

One parent made this suggestion, and other parents immediately echoed it. Just like the article in the child's storybook "Gollum is coming", as long as someone shouts that Gollum is coming, someone will desperately run for their lives. When we encounter this situation, we may as well stop and ask ourselves what Gollum is, is it really that scary?

Even if they are replaced by cheerful and lively teachers, the children still encounter various problems, which shows that this method does not cure the symptoms.

Third, rationally look at the child's speech

Some parents have reported that when their children return home, they often say threatening things like not to eat if they don't obey. Words like this, I also knocked on the side to get some relevant information from the child's mouth, the child's answer is always positive feedback, the teacher is very good, did not say such a thing.

Maybe it is that my baby has a mild personality, strong self-care ability, and is a better child for the teacher, so there are no problems that parents say.

Sometimes, there may be a threatening way for the teacher to guide; it is also possible that the child is in the imitation stage, and she will say whatever others say, and sometimes we feel incredible when we say something. As a parent, you must look at your child's speech rationally. If the child resists going to kindergarten, then communicate with the teacher in time and guide gently. If a child says that school is not good but is still very happy to go to kindergarten, it is probably nothing.

As a parent, you must communicate with the teacher in time when you encounter problems, and you cannot backlog emotions and dissatisfaction. Like peas get dirty with the tops they wear several days a week, every time they ask, they say that they wash their hands and get wet, and we don't know how to wash their hands to get all the clothes wet.

I took the initiative to contact the teacher, only to learn that every day when the child washes his hands after school, he turns on the faucet to the maximum, lies on the washstand, and gets one by one. Knowing the reason, you can think of countermeasures.

Fourth, cultivate children's good habits

There are also some parents who feedback that children will always get poop into their pants, but in fact, this matter is a headache for every parent. Children in small classes have not yet learned to wipe their farts, because children have many teachers and will inevitably take care of them. When some children pull the rice, they may have some scruples and choose not to tell the teacher, often wipe their farts independently, of course, they can't wipe clean.

We have a little friend downstairs because of this matter, the kindergarten is afraid, three years old and six months said that they are not willing to go to the kindergarten, parents have to go to the child's wishes, wait for the child to be four years old and then go.

Fortunately, my baby goes home every day to pull the stink, and now she has developed the habit of not being a big one at school. Of course, the child will definitely have a time when he can't hold back, and try to teach the child how to wipe his ass at home.

Learning always requires a process, and slowly allowing children to accept that this can be done independently. Or tie two balloons to a stool and let the child learn slowly in the form of games.

My child is also practicing slowly, and has not yet learned it, which may be related to age cognition. But he has developed the habit of washing his hands, picking his nose and washing his hands, playing with toys, washing hands, etc.

Wash your hands before eating and after going to the toilet, which is a good habit to develop in advance at home. Some children go to play without washing their hands after pulling the stink on their own, and it is easy to get bacteria.

Fifth, have a strong heart

I thought that when my child went to kindergarten, I would be completely liberated. I didn't think about it, there are still a lot of things in kindergarten. At this stage, there are no manual activities, and the later activities may require parents to participate in it!

The child has been in kindergarten for a month, from introverted not to love to talk to become lively and talkative, will also take the initiative to help me wash dishes and do housework, and will also take the initiative to share toys to children when going out. I don't know if it's because I grew up in kindergarten or because I'm older and more sensible, but in short, he's still in a good state.

As parents, we need to have a strong heart. Children are lively and active has also become extremely difficult to bring, from another point of view, perhaps the child has awakened self-awareness, has his own independent ideas, so it does not work for adults, we have to be happy about it, the child has grown up.

PS: Christmas is coming, I don't know if there are activities in the school, and I haven't thought about what gifts to prepare for my children. Christmas socks are bought, waiting for candy!

Now the baby is not easy to fool, I said that the gift was sent by Santa Claus, the child said to me that the mother bought it, is the mother Santa Claus?

Kindergarten appears as norovirus, as some deep reflections of parents

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