
Wu Zetian can become an empress, which minister contributes the most?

Wu Zetian's life was extremely bumpy, experiencing countless storms and setbacks, and finally won the world, becoming the only empress in Chinese history.

In Wu Zetian's life of struggle and struggle, there were many ministers who helped her. For example, in the early period, there were Li Ji, Li Yifu, and Xu Jingzong; in the middle period, there were Liu Yizhi, Yuan Wanqing, and Miao Shenke; in the later period, there were Qiu Shenxun, Cen Changqian, Zhang Qianxun, and so on.

Wu Zetian can become an empress, which minister contributes the most?

(Lee Yi Fu stills)

However, in the early days, several people more circled around Emperor Gaozong Li Zhi, overthrew the eldest son Wujie, and established Wu Zetian as empress, and Wu Zetian was only an indirect beneficiary. In the middle and late periods, these ministers were all political and military pawns recruited by Wu Zetian, and were loyal implementers of Wu Zetian's decisions, and could not be said to have much help for her imperial cause.

Wu Zetian was able to become an empress, and the biggest contributor was Pei Yan, the prime minister at the time. Because Pei Yan gave Wu Zetian what he needed most at a critical moment.

First of all, Wu Zetian, a woman who became the emperor's disrespectful law, became the object of criticism by later generations of feudal scholars, who deliberately portrayed and demonized Wu Zetian, saying how cruel and bloodthirsty she was, how ruthless and ruthless she was, simply an old witch who did nothing wrong, and even Li Zhi, emperor Gaozong, became a typical example of cowardice and fear of his wife.

Wu Zetian can become an empress, which minister contributes the most?

(Li Zhi stills)

In fact, in the final gaozong dynasty, the leading role was still played by Gaozong Li Zhi, who often had seizures because he was suffering from severe wind disease. And Wu Zetian is superb, fierce in style, very disciplined in doing things, is a genius in governance, the key is as a beloved wife, she is Li Zhi as a trusted person. Handing over the government to Wu Zetian was much more reassuring than handing over to the prime minister.

Moreover, Li Zhi was also very measured, and only had the right to participate in the government of Wu Zetian, but did not have the right to decide, and some decisions such as "Suggestions for Twelve Matters", Wu Zetian, like many ministers, needed to present to Li Zhi. Only once, in the first year of Yi Feng (676), Li Zhi was really suffering from wind disease, and asked Wu Zetian to change from participating in politics to regency, and as a result, he also let the prime ministers come back. Until the first year of Hongdao (683), Emperor Gaozong died, leaving a testament, still only saying: "There are unresolved people in the major affairs of the military state, and they will also take the queen of heaven to stop." ”

That is to say, the things that Emperor Zhongzong Li Xian and the chancellor could decide did not need Wu Zetian to ask. At this time, Wu Zetian, who was nearly sixty years old, fell into extreme anxiety. Clinging to power all her life, but facing to say goodbye to power, is a very painful thing for her.

Wu Zetian can become an empress, which minister contributes the most?

(Wu Zetian stills)

At this time, the only minister of trust, The Prime Minister Pei Yan, sent Wu Zetian's much-needed power to the door at this critical moment. Emperor Gaozong's will allowed the crown prince to take the throne, but Pei Yan made up nothing, and on the third day of Emperor Gaozong's death, he said that the emperor had not yet been officially canonized, and it was simply superfluous to announce that the "Order of the Queen of Heaven" would be implemented under his door.

Wu Zetian seized this opportunity and walked from behind the scenes to the front of the stage, and Zhengda Guangming's pro-dynasty weighing system and giving orders. With such a good opportunity, for a master like Wu Zetian, power is ironclad and no one can take away. All this is the credit of Pei Yan.

Secondly, after Emperor Zhongzong Li Xian took the throne, he had a very strong momentum, and when he was the boss, he forgot the existence of his mother Wu Zetian, promoted the old man to be the prime minister, and wanted to fight for power. The courage was commendable, but it was too strategic and angered the mother.

Wu Zetian can become an empress, which minister contributes the most?

(Pei Yan stills)

For this disobedient son, Wu Zetian could not tolerate it, and could only let him stay wherever he was cool. However, the risk of abolishing the emperor was very high, and it could not be achieved without the guarantee of the army, and the weakest link of Wu Zetian was precisely the control of the army. However, Pei Yan had a close relationship with Cheng Wuting, the controller of the army at that time. Most importantly, Li Xian's promotion of the old man to fight for power also took away Pei Yan's power, and he was also a victim. In addition, Li Xian said an angry word, he wanted to give up jiangshan to the old man!

Therefore, Pei Yan seized on Li Xian's words and made a plan with Wu Zetian to abolish Li Xian. He said that he had moved two generals, Cheng Wuting and Zhang Qianxun, together with one of the chancellor Liu Yi, to directly take down Emperor Zhongzong during the imperial meeting.

Wu Zetian can become an empress, which minister contributes the most?

Subsequently, Wu Zetian's youngest son Li Dan was made emperor, and he was known as Emperor Ruizong. Li Dan was obsessed with piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and had no heart for politics. Since then, Wu Zetian has been in power, and the road to becoming emperor has become a smooth road. From the pro-dynasty system to the abolition of Emperor Zhongzong, Pei Yan's help to Wu Zetian was tremendous, and it was the biggest turning point on the road of Wu Zetian becoming emperor, and it was said that Wu Zetian should be grateful to Pei Yan. However, Pei Yan's fate was very tragic, and he was beheaded that year.

In fact, it is still due to the struggle for power, Wu Zetian and Pei Yan both have a great desire for power, after killing the common enemy, the contradiction between the two gradually escalated, but Pei Yan is not Wu Zetian's opponent. She took advantage of Li Jingye's rebellion to implicate Pei Yan in it, gave him a big hat for rebellion, and died with hatred.

Shallow and ignorant, just right in the Fang family.

Wu Zetian can become an empress, which minister contributes the most?

References: Zizhi Tongjian, New Book of Tang, Old Book of Tang.

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