
Zhang Helun of the Deyun Society posted late at night, online suspected that the master and disciple Gao Jiucheng, what happened?

author:The Deyun World of Lord Bunny
Zhang Helun of the Deyun Society posted late at night, online suspected that the master and disciple Gao Jiucheng, what happened?

Late at night on December 5, Zhang Helun of Deyun Society said on the social platform that someone had just stolen my account. At the same time, Zhang Helun called out to his disciple Gao Jiucheng online. Seeing Zhang Helun like this, netizens familiar with the story of the sixth team of the Deyun Society said that Gao Jiu became the elimination of "Internet memory" and really took great pains, and it is estimated that the method of 90% of the search is to cut off the root and directly delete the dynamic of Lungo. Of course, there are also netizens who come to say, is this the same person who took the tire of the car? Seeing the hot discussion of netizens, I also saw everyone's love for the Deyun six team and the actors of the six teams. Of course, there are also netizens who come to a sentence, Zhang Helun online suspects that the master and disciple Gao Jiucheng, the trust between the division and the brothers? Where did it go? After Gao Jiucheng woke up drunk, what happened?

Zhang Helun of the Deyun Society posted late at night, online suspected that the master and disciple Gao Jiucheng, what happened?

The day before yesterday, the Deyun Sixth Team organized a dinner party. For this dinner, some netizens said that zhang Helun wanted to treat the brothers, after all, after the performance resumed, everyone was actively open for business, or it was necessary to sit together and encourage each other. Second, Yan Hexiang and Yang Jiulang, two actors, were invited to "parachute" into the sixth team to perform, and since there were division brothers to help the performance, it was only after the performance that they arranged a meal and treated them well, which was the style and character that the people in the northeast should have. Of course, it was at this party that Gao Jiucheng was drunk again, this time he did not train the captain Zhang Helun and the captain's wife Gao Jiucheng, but shouted every member who reminded him, which triggered a heated discussion among netizens for a time.

Zhang Helun of the Deyun Society posted late at night, online suspected that the master and disciple Gao Jiucheng, what happened?

On that night, Gao Jiucheng became "Gao Tianba" again. Because Yan Hexiang came in the comments, ninety percent of them drank less. Seeing that his brother Yan Hexiang said this, Gao Jiucheng was not happy and replied directly to Yan Hexiang, calling him brother. Seeing that Gao Jiucheng was like this, it was estimated that Zhang Helun was relieved in his heart, there were "outsiders" in it, and it was estimated that the nine achievements would not be as big or small as the last time. Later in the day, Gao Jiucheng saw the photo of Lang Heyan posted in the kitchen, and did not say what Lang Heyan said, forwarded and commented, I am your brother. It is estimated that Lang Heyan was nervous in his heart at that time, and this goods drank too much, will he still train me and Zhang Helun like last time?

Zhang Helun of the Deyun Society posted late at night, online suspected that the master and disciple Gao Jiucheng, what happened?

Of course, there are also new netizens who are curious, how did Gao Jiucheng train captain Zhang Helun and captain's wife Lang Heyan last time? Seeing that netizens are so curious, I also see the joy that the actors of Deyun Society bring to the audience offstage. As for how to train, the Deyun Society actor did not release this aspect, after all, words and actions must be detrimental to the image. However, afterwards on the stage of the small theater, when Lang Heyan and Gao Jiucheng were on the same stage, they once hung up this matter, which made Gao Jiucheng embarrassed on the stage for a while, after all, for people who are not able to drink, after getting drunk, they are not controlled.

Zhang Helun of the Deyun Society posted late at night, online suspected that the master and disciple Gao Jiucheng, what happened?

After waking up the next day, seeing the hot discussion on the Internet, it is estimated that Gao Jiucheng is also very confused, after all, fans who like Deyun Society are paying attention to the fact that Gao Jiucheng became a "brother" after getting drunk. In this regard, Li Jiuzhong also recorded a video of Gao Jiucheng in the background, only to see that Gao Jiucheng was using his mobile phone to search for how to delete "Internet memory". Seeing that Gao Jiucheng is like this, some netizens came to say that Master Guo Degang paid attention to Gao Jiucheng some time ago, will he be angry when he sees Gao Jiucheng so drunk? Will he be told to sit at home? For this, some netizens said they would, and some said that it was not necessary.

Zhang Helun of the Deyun Society posted late at night, online suspected that the master and disciple Gao Jiucheng, what happened?

Master Guo Degang once asked the disciples that this platform is to promote themselves, to cherish, not to send some content randomly, so as to have a bad impact on themselves. Of course, there are also netizens who hold objections, although Master Guo Degang said so, but young people get together to make trouble, everyone is also very understanding, after all, everyone has passed through this stage, if young people are as calm and mature as older people, then there is really no fun to speak of.

Zhang Helun of the Deyun Society posted late at night, online suspected that the master and disciple Gao Jiucheng, what happened?

Seeing the discussion between netizens, I also saw everyone's understanding of Deyun Society and support for their favorite actors. Of course, some netizens said that in fact, Zhang Helun said that it is also to enhance the popularity of Gao Jiucheng, after all, compared to his partner Zhang Jiunan, 90% does still need to work hard. In this regard, some netizens said that as long as it is not a negative hot search, nothing is hotly discussed by netizens, and the existence of several topics will slowly become red. Of course, being a cross-talk actor still requires superb business skills.

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