
Jiang Ming 21320 Fucai 3D: Direct selection 886 history out of 5 issues, the next period of 0 road number opening probability of 100%

author:Sina Lottery

Review of the previous issue: The 2021319 issue of Lucky Lotto 3D issued a prize number of 886 and a trial number of 168.

Jiang Ming 21320 Fucai 3D: Direct selection 886 history out of 5 issues, the next period of 0 road number opening probability of 100%

The direct number 886 has been issued 5 times in history, and its next prize numbers are 761, 329, 338 and 993.

Among them, the number 012 road ratio is 8:2:2, and the 0 road award number is active, and the probability of occurrence is 100%;

In the next period of award number 886, the number 2 is dropped, and the probability of falling number is 50%;

The number parity ratio is 9:3, the size ratio is 6:6, and the mass ratio is 7:5.

Group 3 (including leopard) numbers are issued 2 times, semi-smooth group 6 numbers are issued 2 times, and miscellaneous 6 numbers appear 2 times.

Two yards in 1 and 2 are the hottest, appearing 3 times; two yards difference 6 is active, opening 4 times.

Group THREE had a 75% probability of having phases 1-2 in periods 2021320-2021324 and 75% in stages 1-2 in stages 2021325-2021329.

【886】After the opening, the next issue of the award number law is decrypted:

The two-code combination of [886]: 644; the difference between the two codes of [886]: 022.

Decryption: First of all, after the direct selection 886 is opened, the leopard number is opened 0 times in the 10th period, and after the direct selection 886 is opened from 2003 to 2021, the cumulative appearance of group three in the 10 period is 8 times, the probability of group three appearing in the next 1-5 period is 75%, and the probability of group three appearing in the next 5-10 periods is 75%.

Second, the probability of opening the next 0 road number is 100%;

Third, the probability of opening a duplicate number in the next 886 is 50%;

Fourth, the probability of the third group of the next 10 periods is as high as 40%, and the above points are the best investment points in the near future.

Jiang Ming 21320 Fucai 3D: Direct selection 886 history out of 5 issues, the next period of 0 road number opening probability of 100%

The 2021320 issue of Jiang Ming Fucai 3D recommended:

Direct selection compound reference: 02356*04589*02568

Single note reference: 019, 039, 049, 059, 079, 129, 139, 149, 159, 189, 369, 379, 389, 489, 689

Selected one bet number: 398

Jiang Ming 21320 Fucai 3D: Direct selection 886 history out of 5 issues, the next period of 0 road number opening probability of 100%

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