
Digital Twin Sky City! Xiang Jinwu, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering: develop low-altitude economy and build a low-altitude airspace digital twin system

author:Journal of Surveying and Mapping
Digital Twin Sky City! Xiang Jinwu, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering: develop low-altitude economy and build a low-altitude airspace digital twin system

The content of this article is reprinted from the WeChat public account: Huitiandi, Digital Twin Branch of the Internet Society of China, from the digital twin city, the copyright belongs to the original author and the published media, and the content is only for exchange and reference, and does not represent the position of this journal.

"Thanks to the combined effect of policy promotion, technological innovation and market demand, the low-altitude economy is like a snowball, rolling bigger and faster." Xiang Jinwu, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and a professor at Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, said in an exclusive interview with a reporter from the China Securities Journal.

Digital Twin Sky City! Xiang Jinwu, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering: develop low-altitude economy and build a low-altitude airspace digital twin system

The image is from the official website of the government

With the 2023 Central Economic Work Conference clearly taking the "development of low-altitude economy" as the key content of the mainland's layout of strategic emerging industries, the market popularity of low-altitude economy remains high. Xiang Jinwu believes that the mainland's low-altitude economy is currently in a period of change opportunities and strategic development, and the sooner the low-altitude economy is forward-looking, the more it can break the waves in the blue ocean of the low-altitude economy and occupy an advantage.

01. Key technologies help the "overhead crane" take off

"The concept of general aviation was put forward ten years ago, and now it is proposed again, mainly with technological innovation, the former general aviation aircraft and helicopters have been simplified and their performance has been improved. From the original helicopter with very demanding propellers and hundreds of kilograms of engines, to now eVTOLs can fly well with multiple small propellers and lightweight batteries, and technological advancements have brought opportunities for the low-altitude economy. Xiang Jinwu told a reporter from the China Securities Daily.

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), eVTOLs and other aircraft are the most important carriers of the entire low-altitude economy in the future. Letting the "sky crane" fly well is an important first step in the development of low-altitude economy. Endurance and flight control capabilities are currently the most concerned issues for low-altitude aircraft.

Digital Twin Sky City! Xiang Jinwu, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering: develop low-altitude economy and build a low-altitude airspace digital twin system

Picture from: Bao'an to build a benchmark urban area for low-altitude economic innovation and development! There are not only 30 minutes of Shenzhen-Zhuhai manned route, but also ....._Industry (

Xiang Jinwu mentioned that for the aircraft eVTOL itself, the technology should be subtracted in terms of energy consumption and added in terms of energy and power: on the one hand, it can reduce drag and consumption of the aircraft through efficient aerodynamic layout and lightweight and high-strength structural design; On the one hand, the endurance is improved through the research and development of high-energy-density power batteries.

In terms of flight control system, low-altitude aircraft should mainly focus on improving the capabilities of "eyes, cerebellum, and brain". Xiang Jinwu said that in terms of environmental perception, positioning and obstacle avoidance, it is necessary to improve the safety of aircraft and play the role of "eyes"; In terms of aircraft flight stability and safety, it is necessary to optimize vertical take-off and landing technology, autonomous take-off and landing control system, and enhance the ability of "cerebellum"; In the process of flight, solve technical problems such as aircraft independent decision-making and path planning, and develop "brain" intelligence.

Xiang Jinwu said that in the future, the new low-altitude aircraft equipment will be high-end, intelligent and green, and the key core technologies of aviation equipment such as UAVs will accelerate breakthroughs, and the technical level will turn to the international leader. According to different application needs, continuously improve product competitiveness and market adaptability.

02. "Repair the road to heaven and build a network of heaven"

Low-altitude airspace management is an important part of low-altitude infrastructure construction, and only by repairing the sky road and building a sky net can we ensure the safe flight of low-altitude aircraft.

Xiang Jinwu believes that the management of low-altitude airspace should focus on solving the problems of sky road planning and overhead crane operation supervision. He said that in order to give full play to the advantages of smart low-altitude new infrastructure and improve the new low-altitude smart infrastructure, we should focus on the construction of infrastructure network, air route network, communication and navigation network, airspace management network, low-altitude service network "five networks", but also to build a new generation of low-altitude economic digital supervision and service platform, the construction of "sensing-transmission-computing-control-management-service" integrated intelligent airspace management system.

Xiang Jinwu introduced that on the one hand, it can establish the classification and demarcation standards and flexible use mechanism of the "Tianlu" to improve the refined and dynamic management ability of low-altitude airspace, and on the other hand, build a low-altitude airspace digital twin system, based on three-dimensional aerial maps and urban information models (CIM), establish a sky map, and reasonably plan low-altitude flight routes. In addition, cutting-edge technologies such as 5G, 6G networks, low-orbit satellite networks, big data, and artificial intelligence can be used to break through the control mechanism and technology of UAV and manned aircraft collaboration. "On the one hand, it is possible to anticipate possible conflicts, intervene in a timely manner in violation of operational rules, and fully control the aircraft; On the other hand, it can also provide customized services to aircraft to improve the efficiency of urban low-altitude services. Xiang Jinwu said.

Digital Twin Sky City! Xiang Jinwu, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering: develop low-altitude economy and build a low-altitude airspace digital twin system

Picture from: Bao'an to build a benchmark urban area for low-altitude economic innovation and development! There are not only 30 minutes of Shenzhen-Zhuhai manned route, but also ....._Industry (

At the same time, Xiang Jinwu also emphasized the importance of low-altitude airspace management "car on the same track". "Now the development of the low-altitude economy is accelerating in various places, but there is not coordination between different departments and different provinces. Low-altitude flight involves many departments such as airspace management and quality supervision, and also requires the connection between different provinces on the 'Sky Road' and 'Sky Net'. Therefore, if you want to avoid detours, you need to have a strong departmental guidance and give a unified low-altitude airspace management standard. Xiang Jinwu said.

03. Develop according to local conditions

As a comprehensive economic form, the low-altitude economy covers many fields such as air logistics, tourism, and commuting, with high scientific and technological content, concentrated innovation elements, and distinctive characteristics of new quality productivity. According to estimates, the scale of the mainland's low-altitude economy will exceed 500 billion yuan in 2023, and it is expected that by the end of 2026, the market size will exceed 1 trillion yuan; In 2030, it is expected to reach 2 trillion yuan.

"The mainland's low-altitude economy is in a period of opportunity for change and strategic development. The sooner the forward-looking layout of low-altitude economic development is carried out, the more we can break the waves in the blue ocean of low-altitude economy and occupy the lead. Xiang Jinwu said.

He suggested that local governments should adapt measures to local conditions, develop their strengths and avoid weaknesses according to their own actual conditions, and formulate differentiated low-altitude economic and industrial development strategies. All localities should make use of their own superior resources to develop their own low-altitude characteristic industries. For example, areas with rich tourism resources can develop low-altitude tourism, and areas with rich land resources can develop drone smart agriculture; Densely populated large cities can develop low-altitude transportation and establish a three-dimensional transportation network; The Yangtze River Delta, Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao and other regions with manufacturing clusters can focus on the development of high-quality general aviation manufacturing industries. "The application scenarios of the low-altitude economy are very rich, and I believe that the layout of the low-altitude industry will be more diverse in the future." Xiang Jinwu said.

Digital Twin Sky City! Xiang Jinwu, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering: develop low-altitude economy and build a low-altitude airspace digital twin system

Picture from: Bao'an to build a benchmark urban area for low-altitude economic innovation and development! There are not only 30 minutes of Shenzhen-Zhuhai manned route, but also ....._Industry (

First trial: Hou Lin review: Song Qifan

Final Judge: Jin Jun


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