
"The Most Beautiful Family" Story Exhibition | Zhang Xiaofeng's family: unlocking the "happiness code" with true feelings

author:Nishiko Woman
"The Most Beautiful Family" Story Exhibition | Zhang Xiaofeng's family: unlocking the "happiness code" with true feelings

In recent years, women's federations at all levels in Hangzhou have actively carried out the search for the "most beautiful family". On the occasion of the 5.15 International Day of Families, we take the Zhejiang Provincial Family Tutoring and Family Style Publicity Month as an opportunity to let us know about the "most beautiful family" in Zhejiang Province, who actively practice the core values of socialism, vigorously carry forward the spirit of labor, struggle, dedication, creativity, diligence and thrift, and fully demonstrate the new trend of socialist family civilization of loving the country and family, loving each other, striving for goodness, and building and sharing.

From now on, the "Hangzhou Women's Federation" will open a special column for the "Most Beautiful Family" story exhibition and broadcast, focusing on publishing their stories. Let's get closer to them together!

"The most beautiful family" in Zhejiang Province: Zhang Xiaofeng's family

In Xiwushan Village, the old county street of Tonglu, there is such a "model family", in the decades, they have supported each other, helped each other, and practiced the most beautiful commitment to home and love with their words and deeds.

"The Most Beautiful Family" Story Exhibition | Zhang Xiaofeng's family: unlocking the "happiness code" with true feelings

Husband Wang Liangzhong is the secretary of the party branch of Xiwushan Village, and he is dedicated to his work, and the responsibility of taking care of the family falls on his wife Zhang Xiaofeng. For more than 20 years, she has taken care of the sick elders in her family, and has also worked hard to raise and educate her two children to grow up. Today, the two children with excellent character and learning have both become master's students, and the once backward small mountain village has also transformed into a rich and civilized "Tonglu village sample".

"The Most Beautiful Family" Story Exhibition | Zhang Xiaofeng's family: unlocking the "happiness code" with true feelings

Zhang Xiaofeng, who is naturally strong, has never asked for more than just taking care of her family, she believes that women can also create their own careers. Beginning in 2003, Zhang Xiaofeng founded Tonglu Fenghua Hardware Accessories Co., Ltd. from scratch, from little by little to learn technology, learn business management, run the market, with good faith management and excellent products to gain a firm foothold, small processing points have also developed into an annual sales output value of more than 10 million yuan of large-scale enterprises.

The happiness of the family and the success of their careers have made the family more enthusiastic about giving back to the community. In the enterprise, the husband and wife try their best to help employees solve difficulties, and in the village, they pair up all year round to sponsor college students in difficulty and comfort the elderly. Since 2008, Zhang Xiaofeng has distributed 100 yuan/person red envelopes to the elderly in the village during the Double Ninth Festival for 16 consecutive years. During the epidemic, Zhang Xiaofeng not only donated money and materials, but also personally made epidemic prevention medicine kits and delivered them to every villager. Under the words and deeds of their parents, the two daughters are also actively involved in public welfare, and they go to remote areas of Guizhou to teach, and inherit their parents' public welfare heart with enthusiasm.

"The Most Beautiful Family" Story Exhibition | Zhang Xiaofeng's family: unlocking the "happiness code" with true feelings

They take care of their small family with love, and also pass on love to thousands of families, and the seeds of love take root and sprout in such an uninterrupted transmission, which is the "happiness code" they unlock with true feelings.

Source/Family and Children's Department of the Municipal Women's Federation

Editor/Fan Yifei

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