
After the Sino-Russian joint statement changed its statement on Taiwan, Pakistan was the first to respond and counterattacked the United States for China

author:The cat that can't be asked

Everyone should have heard recently that the leaders of China and Russia signed a joint statement, and this statement is not quite the same as before, especially the wording on the Taiwan issue, which makes people feel a new direction.

After the Sino-Russian joint statement changed its statement on Taiwan, Pakistan was the first to respond and counterattacked the United States for China

Let's first talk about the well-known UNGA Resolution 2758. To put it bluntly, this resolution confirms the legitimacy of the People's Republic of China in the United Nations and recognizes the legitimacy of our Chinese Government.

Our Pakistani railway, that is, Pakistan, also stood up unequivocally this time. Their Foreign Ministry spokesperson said that they have always firmly pursued the one-China policy, believing that Resolution 2758 is authoritative, and other countries should not want to interfere in China's internal affairs. That's a really powerful slap in the face to countries that have been distorting this resolution for a long time, like that who, well, you know.

After the Sino-Russian joint statement changed its statement on Taiwan, Pakistan was the first to respond and counterattacked the United States for China

To tell the truth, although the United States says that it adheres to the one-China policy, it is secretly making some small moves, such as the "Taiwan Relations Act" and the "Six Assurances to Taiwan." Obviously, it cannot get along with the one-China principle. The Sino-Russian joint statement can be regarded as popularizing the importance of the "one-China" principle to the international community, and also letting those who want to make trouble on the Taiwan issue know that this is not a joke.

As soon as this Sino-Russian joint statement came out, our Chinese side became more confident. With this statement and the support of international friends, we will be more confident to deal with those countries that are making small moves on the Taiwan issue and minimize the internationalization trend of the Taiwan issue. To put it bluntly, it is to let them know that Taiwan is a part of China and don't want to do things here.

In the future, I expect that more and more countries will stand up and support us, saying that Taiwan is part of China. In this way, we will be able to resolve the Taiwan issue more smoothly and there will be much less external pressure. This meeting between the leaders of China and Russia may be a new opportunity for us to resolve the Taiwan issue, and those words in the joint statement may become the consensus of the international community in the future.

After the Sino-Russian joint statement changed its statement on Taiwan, Pakistan was the first to respond and counterattacked the United States for China

In the final analysis, the change in Taiwan-related expressions in the Sino-Russian joint statement, as well as the positive response of Pakistan and other countries, all show a change in the direction of the international community. Everyone has begun to look at the Taiwan issue in a consistent manner, and this is good news and a positive signal. It is hoped that this trend will continue and that the Taiwan issue will be properly resolved at an early date.

This Sino-Russian joint statement is really powerful! It not only makes the international community more aware of the fact that Taiwan is a part of China, but also lets those who want to make trouble on the Taiwan issue know China's determination and bottom line.

At the same time, it also shows China's influence and status in the world! It's so exciting! I hope that more countries will stand up and support us in the future! Let the Taiwan issue be resolved at an early date!

Oh, having said so much, I actually want everyone to understand one thing:

Taiwan is a part of China, and this is an ironclad fact. The Sino-Russian joint statement is another bell-sounding bell for the whole world to hear. We, China, are not to be provoked now, and no one should try to make a fuss about the Taiwan issue. In the future, look at it, the Taiwan issue will definitely be properly resolved!

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