
Pu Cunxin: My father and younger brother left me, and now I am 70 years old and take care of my old mother wholeheartedly, and I dare not grow old

author:Little Red Riding Hood tells the story
Pu Cunxin: My father and younger brother left me, and now I am 70 years old and take care of my old mother wholeheartedly, and I dare not grow old

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70-year-old Pu Cunxin's current life is no longer the shining stage years of the past. Every day, he devotes his energy to his mother without hesitation.

In the morning, he would personally dress up his mother and prepare a nutritious and hearty breakfast, reflecting his filial piety.

During the day, he always accompanies his mother, or accompanies her for a leisurely walk, or talks and laughs with her, enjoying the beauty of family affection.

When midnight fell, he would carefully check his mother's daily life again to make sure that she could sleep peacefully, showing his thoughtfulness.

Pu Cunxin: My father and younger brother left me, and now I am 70 years old and take care of my old mother wholeheartedly, and I dare not grow old

Pu Cunxin's strict self-discipline stems from his mother's Alzheimer's disease. Due to severe cognitive decline, the mother's behavior is often unexpected, and the slightest negligence can lead to danger.

Once, her mother accidentally touched the gas valve in the middle of the night, but fortunately, Pu Cunxin's wife Wanping noticed it in time to avoid a catastrophic consequence.

In order to keep an eye on her mother's dynamics, Pu Cunxin even built a small bed next to her bed and used ropes to connect herself to her mother.

Even if there is a slight movement from his mother in the middle of the night, he can immediately notice it and show his sense of responsibility.

Pu Cunxin: My father and younger brother left me, and now I am 70 years old and take care of my old mother wholeheartedly, and I dare not grow old

Therefore, Pu Cunxin couldn't sleep at ease every night, and dark circles and bloodshot eyes had already covered his eyes. On several occasions, he almost fainted due to overwork, which was heart-wrenching.

Seeing this situation, Wanping offered to share the responsibility of taking care of her mother and took turns on duty with her husband. However, even she struggled to give it her all, after all, she was old and her physical strength was limited.

Although the other family members are eager to help, they are unable to participate in the long term because of their own difficulties.

In the face of his family's love, Pu Cunxin's heart is full of gratitude. He knew that the greatest responsibility of his generation was to take care of his elderly mother, so he declined the help of his family and friends and resolutely took on this heavy burden on his own.

Pu Cunxin: My father and younger brother left me, and now I am 70 years old and take care of my old mother wholeheartedly, and I dare not grow old

Although Pu Cunxin is now busy around his mother's life all day long, he has not given up his love for his former stage career. Whenever he was alone at home, he would always miss the inspiring stage atmosphere, as if it was just yesterday.

In the past, he shined on the stage with his superb acting skills, and the audience was intoxicated by his performance and could not forget it for a long time.

Pu Cunxin's extreme concern for his mother's safety and health stems from the fact that he has suffered the heavy blow of the death of his relatives twice.

The first time happened at the peak of his career, when his young brother Pu Cunyan suddenly fell seriously ill and unfortunately passed away; Then, in the most glorious moment of his life, he watched his savior, his father, grow old in his hospital bed.

Pu Cunxin: My father and younger brother left me, and now I am 70 years old and take care of my old mother wholeheartedly, and I dare not grow old

Looking back on those years, the death of his younger brother undoubtedly gave Pu Cunxin a fatal blow. At that time, he was devoting himself to the filming of the new drama, and suddenly received a call from his wife Wanping crying silently, informing him that his brother's condition had deteriorated and his life was dying.

After hearing the news, he immediately rushed to the hospital, and saw that the younger brother who once loved life had a weak breath, as if he would die at any time, he felt the world spinning, and tears fell like rain.

The departure of his younger brother was like a thunderbolt in the clear sky, which deeply pierced Pu Cunxin's heart. During the funeral for his younger brother, he stared at his mother's grief-stricken face, and secretly resolved in his heart to become the pillar of the family and do everything in his power to protect the rest of the family.

In order to realize this promise, Pu Cunxin resolutely gave up his job and took on the heavy responsibility of taking care of his parents. He cherishes every moment he spends with his parents and fears the pain of losing a loved one again.

Pu Cunxin: My father and younger brother left me, and now I am 70 years old and take care of my old mother wholeheartedly, and I dare not grow old

However, fate seems to have been too cruel to Pu Cunxin and his family, and just as he was taking care of his parents wholeheartedly, his father's physical condition deteriorated dramatically, and he was eventually diagnosed with diabetes.

Faced with this bad news, Pu Cunxin took care of his father's daily life more carefully, and regularly took him to the hospital for examination and treatment. Sometimes, even just to pour his father a glass of warm water, he would toss and turn in the middle of the night and give it his all.

Under the careful care of his son, his father spent more than ten years strongly, until he died suddenly at the age of 90.

This time, Pu Cunxin personally experienced the death of his loved ones. Soon after the funeral, her mother's memory and judgment began to deteriorate severely, and Pu Cunxin had to stay by her side around the clock to ensure her safety.

Pu Cunxin: My father and younger brother left me, and now I am 70 years old and take care of my old mother wholeheartedly, and I dare not grow old

Who would have imagined that this old actor, who used to be eloquent and brave, now has to guard his mother's safety year after year? Pu Cunxin's concern for his mother was deeply buried in his heart as early as when his younger brother died.

At that time, he witnessed his mother's grief and despair and vowed to protect her for the rest of his life.

Pu Cunxin's enthusiasm for performing arts, Pu Cunxin's deep cultivation is not instantaneous, but gradually sprouts and grows from his father's earnest teachings in his childhood.

Although he was plagued by polio in his childhood, and suffered from the cold eyes and discrimination of others, as soon as he stepped on the stage, he was like a phoenix reborn from the ashes.

Pu Cunxin: My father and younger brother left me, and now I am 70 years old and take care of my old mother wholeheartedly, and I dare not grow old

The bumpy experience of his youth made Pu Cunxin full of endless yearning for the world of the stage. In the sixties of the last century, he actively responded to the call of the country and resolutely devoted himself to the countryside of Heilongjiang and became an educated youth.

It was at this important turning point in his life that Pu Cunxin found the joy of acting, and he formed his first performance team, which quickly became the focus of culture and entertainment for local farmers and the People's Liberation Army, winning countless warm applause and cheers.

Time flies, the movement of going to the mountains and going to the countryside comes to an end, and Pu Cunxin returns to his hometown Beijing and officially starts his career.

With his excellent acting skills, he has participated in classic plays such as "Zhou Lang Worships the Shuai" and "Qin Huang Father and Son", and his reputation is booming in the industry and rising rapidly.

Pu Cunxin: My father and younger brother left me, and now I am 70 years old and take care of my old mother wholeheartedly, and I dare not grow old

People praised the wonderful performance of this "new star on stage".

In the following period, Pu Cunxin's popularity reached its peak, and he starred in many popular works one after another, such as "The Bell of Qingliang Temple", the TV series "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and so on.

The audience was all overwhelmed by his superb acting skills, and the media reports were also highly praised.

The most unforgettable thing is undoubtedly the scene where Pu Cunxin and his father co-starred in "Li Bai". The father and son looked at each other and smiled, and there was harmony on and off the stage, as if the eternal story of "Du Fu gave flowers" was reproduced on the spot.

Pu Cunxin: My father and younger brother left me, and now I am 70 years old and take care of my old mother wholeheartedly, and I dare not grow old

For Pu Cunxin, this glory of fighting side by side with his father is undoubtedly the crowning glory of his career.

In "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", Pu Cunxin perfectly interpreted the role of the heroic little bully Sun Ce with his superb acting skills, and his professionalism of "turning the tide and soaring" won unanimous praise from the audience.

In fact, Pu Cunxin's dedication to work is unmatched. Once at the filming site, his arm was unfortunately hit by an out-of-control prop and he was seriously bruised, but in order to ensure that the scene could be filmed at one time, he endured severe pain and insisted on finishing the filming.

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